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TWC Wolfkin vs Cainus Wolfborn vs TWM vs FAQ

The Rose Princes

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FACT:  Fenresian Wolves withn 12" of TWC can reroll failed moral tests due to the the Wolfkin special rule.

FACT:  Cainus Wolfborn can also allowed reroll failed moral tests due to the Wolfkin special rule, as per the FAQ ....even though he doesn't have the Wolfkin special rule, but because "[H]e's even more inspiring a presence than your average Thunderwolf rider!"


HYPOTHOSIS #1:  Lords on TWM are a more inspiring presence than your average Thunderwolf rider (better stats, better leadership).


HYPOTHOSIS #2:  Lords on TWM are a more inspiring presence than Cainus Wolfborn (better stats, better leaership).



QUERY:  Do Characters on Thunderwolf Mounts allow "Wolfkin" rerolls for Fenresian Wolves? 


Unfortunately the FAQ does not answer the question and justifies Cainus with "The Rule of Cool"; I would find it cool to allow characters on TWM to give the rerolls.



What say you all?

You are right: it would be cool if your housemde characters on twm coul have this rerolls. But as much as i know this is a special gift to canis, cause he is so wolfy. ( they could discripe this :cussty stuff like: Canis is so wolfy that he ever wolfs more than any other wolfy spacewolve. I you dare to wolve this wolfyness, canis would wolfy wolve you to unwolveillity)

They do reroll AFAIK. The unit in question is Fenrisian Wolves, that happened to have an IC attached to it. So when Fenrisian Wolves have to make a Ld test and use the highest in their unit, which is Ld10 from the IC. That IC is mounted on a TWM and is within 6'' of a TWM, thus the unit of Fenrisian Wolves may reroll the Ld test with their highest Ld which is again Ld10 of the IC.

you lost me at Canis and the rule of cool....

The rule of cool is when something is justified with no rule backing or previous president for the ruling, just a reasoning of "That sounds awesome; do it!"


So Canis clearly does not have the Wolfkin special ability, but the FAQ states that he can be treated as if he has the Wolfkin special ability because it sounds like a cool idea. 


But now that opens that rule up other similarly built characters like (Independent) Characters on TWM my or may not have access to the Wolfkin ruling because it also sounds like a cool idea.  



After that, Immersturm has the next valid point which opens up so many cans of worms  from there.  But, one question at a time.... we'll get to that later on,

Since taking a TWM converts a unit's type to cavalry, I wonder if the person who answered the FAQ is going off the assumption that all units with TWM as wargear count as TWC for the purpose of the Wolfkin rule. Canis IS listed as unit type Cavalry, afterall.
RAW I would actually say 'no', because the only model being called TWC is the TWC, while the Thunderlord is a 'Wolf Lord with TWM' or 'Canis Wolfborn' or whatever IC you have. RAI I would argue that it is the same seeing as both are cavalry and both are on TW.
Don't have any of my references with me, but if no rules explicitly say that generic characters that buy TWM as wargear get the rule, then they don't. We don't get to assume or extrapolate in 40k.

Agreed, but many RAI are extrapolation. They are simply clarified in an FAQ/errata, whereas this seems to remain a grey area where we do not know if RAW is the way to go here or not. Until this is clarified (probably in the following codex), I have to begrudgingly agree with Valerian and say that only proper TWC have the Wolfkin rule. It would be a pretty major oversight on GWs part not to mention it in the update, so from that I take it that the RAW are clear (and stupid) enough.


The thing is, if Fen Wolves had a rule that would allow them to reroll Ld when around a Thunderwolf, then we could argue. As it stands, only then TWC have the rule, so unless there is an update telling us that Characters with the TWM gain the Wolfkin special rule, it is depressingly obvious.


Funny, when thinking about rules you realize you did something wrong a couple times in the past^^

So for the time being, only TWC and Cainus.... and hope they say more in the next FAQ.




By any chance, is there a place on the GW website to submit more questions for the FAQ?


I doubt there will be a next FAQ for this codex when the new one is supposed to arrives Q2-3 next year.

And AFAIK you can write them a mail, but waiting for an accurate reply is like waiting for Godot from what I have been told^^

So for the time being, only TWC and Cainus.... and hope they say more in the next FAQ.

The codex is over 5 years old now; if they thought Wolkin for TWM was a issue it would have been addressed years ago. The only "recent" FAQ issues have been the result of 6e changes (now 18 months old), and Wolfkin wasn't impacted by that at all. Frankly, it's a dead issue; might as well move along.



is there anything pertaining to this in the wargear section of the codex under the thunderwolf part, if that makes sense at all. I would check but I do not have the codex in front of me


Already checked, nothing.

No. Thunderwolf mount gives your spacewolf some nice extras. First your character becomes cavilery (wow! Noone thaught...) second: +1 Strengh +1Resist +1Attack (now thats nice) third: any attack what is not reasoned to a special weapon (powersword, powerfist etc.) breaks armor. But the character can now only join units of thunderwolve cavilery or fenrisianwolves.


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