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Friend of mine is doing a White Scars successor chapter. He's new to 40k and had originally settled on a custom chapter after finding white too hard to paint, but is now leaning towards the Dark Hunters.


Now, I can't say I've ever heard of them before, but he asked me earlier to clarify the following sentence (this is from a 40k Wiki):


"The Dark Hunters' first campaign as a Chapter saw harrowing fighting against the Daemon Engines of the Warpsmith Hilghar, and the mutated Warlord-class Titan Repellus Maximal during the Battle of Bloodsteel. This campaign has left a deep-rooted mistrust of the machine within the collective psyche of the Dark Hunters"


Specifically "This campaign has left a deep-rooted mistrust of the machine" - he was wondering about their useage of things such as tanks, transport, dreadnoughts and bikes.


As I said, I'd never heard of them before so I couldn't really help him, other than explaining to him how technology is viewed in 40k (by the Imperium at least) and how the Imperium and Adeptus Mechanicus operate within these technological constraints.


I'm hoping someone on here knows more about these guys and could help answer his question or provide a deeper overview of them. I don't have the new marine codex, but from what I gather, it lists little more than the wiki page does.

Edited by Vor
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There seems to be a story featuring them in the Legends of the space marines anthology: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Last_Detail_%28Short_Story%29#The_Last_Detail

Otherwise not much. I'd be inclined to run them as a foot-slogging force, based on the fluff, but can't really give any more.

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They're distrust of machines are from fighting against possessed titans.it's not the actual machines it the warpsmiths and tech priests of Mars.Also they are one of seven chapters charged with the elimination of the Renegades known as the Punishers.

Edited by deathspectersgt7
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Based upon the Dark Hunters force I have set up as a "Learning Army" for newbies to my group, I recommend a force of mainly foot sloggers, backed by Lascannon Devastator Squads. If you are interested, I can share the 1000pt and 2000pt lists here for you to get the idea. 

Good luck, and May The Emperor Guide Your Hand. :)

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they are still a Codex Chapter so will have bikes etc anyway, When I read the fluff I read the distrust of machines as them targeting enemy machines as a priority. I would imagine a lot of melta weaponry and lascannons to enable them to take down the hated enemy engines asap.

They're not technopobes - otherwise they'd be running around naked with just a combat knife ;)

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