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[Coming Soon] Chaotic Heresy - alternate H.H. 40000


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It is the new year, so I will get around to writing up another alternate Horus-heresy fluff piece. But first I thought I'd give the B&C community an insight into what is coming.

  • The Emperor lives
  • 12 out of 18 legions remain loyal EDIT: 11 out of 18; one of them goes renegade but doesn't side with Chaos either
  • Not every Primarch ends up on their canon homeworld
  • Erebus is still a dick to his own species
  • Imperial Truth prevails
  • The Imperium slowly, and cautiously, starts back on the path to the lost Golden Age
  • Trouble is brewing in the depths of Commoragh
  • The Eldar are on the very edge of extinction
  • The Tyranids become more powerful and numerous than in canon
  • The Necrons suffer from in-fighting between two of their great leaders
  • The Tau are far more advanced and expanded than in canon
  • EDIT: Chaos is still present, unfortunately, but an event happens that weakens their overall power in real-space

Lots more is coming soon. biggrin.png

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Some more tidbits to tantalize: 


  • For those that don't end up on canon homeworlds:
  1. Fulgrim: Medusa
  2. Ferrus Manus: Chemos
  3. Lorgar: Prospero
  4. Magnus: Macragge
  5. Guilliman: Colchis
  • Kor Phaeron is not evil in this story, and infact will sacrifice his life and soul to save someone important
  • Despite the homeworld change, Magnus will still have psychic potential, but it will be less than it is in canon
  • Perturabo's upbringing on Olympia is now similar to the plots of Final Fantasy X and X-2 (religion suppresses technology until the latter rebels and wins)
  • Fenris, the homeworld of Leman Russ, is no longer pure-viking, but is now a mix of space-punk mixed with elements of Asgard from the Thor movies
  • Erebus' plans for Horus don't go according to plan this time around
  • Angron's story has changed; additionally he now keeps the legion name of War Hounds
  • Tau Empire is more advanced; they're all Battlesuits (even the Firewarrior-rank guys), and they actually help save Macragge from a Tyranid Hive Fleet
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Got some more previewed tidbits for you all:


  • Kor Phaeron finds and raises the young Guilliman on Colchis. The Primarch grows up to become a charismatic and brilliant strategic mind, who ends up quelling the religious wars that had embroiled his world in strife. In time, Guilliman also makes friends with Erebus, but Kor Phaeron does not fully trust his step-son's new buddy.
  • When Guilliman's greatest achievement, the perfect city of Monarcia on the world of Khur, is laid to waste by his brother Magnus and the Ultramarines, Guilliman retreats to Colchis and speaks to no one but Erebus; not even Kor Phaeron is permitted, which causes his suspicions to grow even further. Erebus convinced Guilliman to turn against the Emperor and follow the Ruinous Powers of Chaos.
  • Embarking on a pilgrimage to the world known as Cadia, where the Warp is strongest at the time, Guilliman takes the most loyal of his legion, including Erebus, but once again excludes Kor Phaeron. Inside the maw of the Warp itself, Guilliman becomes convinced of what he must do; destroy the Emperor and claim the galaxy as his own. Erebus however, knew that Kor Phaeron would interfere with this plan, so he had plotted to have the First Captain killed.
  • Returning to Colchis, Guilliman finds that his world is in anarchy. Riots, destruction of sacred buildings - all manner of discord was afoot on the world he brought up from the brink of self-destruction. Believing Kor Phaeron to be the cause of the anarchy, Guilliman confronts his step-father and demands answers. Kor Phaeron pleads that the strife is not of his doing, but of corrupt legionnaires under the command of Erebus. Enraged at what he perceives as lies, Guilliman kills his step-father in a fit of rage. Distraught at what he has just done, Guilliman is easily manipulated by Erebus to undo the strife on Colchis, by annihilating those who do not bow to his renewed rule.
  • After a few days of massacre, only those who swore complete and blind obedience to Guilliman's new regime were allowed to live. Any elements of the Ultramarines, or any Colchisian citizens, who defiantly remained loyal to the Imperium, were swiftly and brutally executed. Guilliman had once again "saved" Colchis from destruction, by uniting them under the worship of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos.
  • Next, Erebus would convince Guilliman to get rid of those who stood in his way. First of which would be his brother, the Warmaster Horus.

Stay tuned for more tidbits, soon. :D

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