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Legio Cybernetica Mechanicus 1500

Asmodai Asmodean

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My gaming group allows me to take Legion Vehicles (it only makes sense the Mechanicus have access to them) so I'm running a Sicarian Battle Tank. (Lovely rending autocannon...) 

Final list for tomorrow is: 

Augury Scanner (Interceptor) Mechanicum Protectiva (4++) Cyber Familiar, (Makes 4++ into 3++, reroll characteristic tests) Machinator Array, (+1 T, Flamer, Inferno Pistol and 2 Power Axe attacks) Master Crafted Photon Thruster, Abeyant ( +1 W, Relentless, IWND) 

Protectiva, Familiar, Machinator Array, Photon Thruster 

Two Magos are far more difficult to kill then one, but I needed points so I'll strip the Abeyant from the non-warlord. This leaves a choice between shooting the harder Warlord with IWND or a squishier guy. 

Castellax, Enhanced Targeting, Darkfire Cannon 120 
Castellax, Enhanced Targeting, Darkfire Cannon 120 
Castellax, Darkfire Cannon 105 
5 Thallax 215 

Legion Sicarian Tank 135 
Myrmidon Destructors 205 
2 Volkite, 1 Irradiation Engine 
Myrmidon Destructors 205 
2 Volkite, 1 Irradiation Engine 

Can't wait for the Myrmidon Destructors to be released by FW! Never been so excited for a model before. 

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have you considered making your second magos:


Arch-Magos 155

Reductor?, Dominus, Abeyant, Photon Thruster


then stick him in a unit of Myrmidon Destructors with Photon Thrusters? 

The unit all has rerolls to hit and wound with their lovely Photon Thrusters (and either shoot 2 times or have tankhunters depending)

 EDIT: forgot he's not an IC


I suggest dropping the thallax for more castellax. Your thallax are out of place without fellow low armour save units while they don't add anything a castellax would bring for the same cost.

Three units of a single plain castellax with a mauler and frags would be useful in your list too. Run up to the middle and pin units down.


The myrmidon destructors could do with using the same weaponry.  Either volkite or irrad-engines but not both. My vote goes for volkites/photon but if you dropped the sicaran and found some points you could add a 3rd myrmidon unit with irrad-engines as great bait (''These? Irrad-engines are like baleflamers - the ones on heldrakes. But with rerolls to wound'') but photon thrusters + the magos at the top would be even better

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but you would be losing the 3++ that the current set up has which outweighs an abeyant surely?


i think thallax are better set up in mobs of 6 with plasma fusil weapons x 2, i'd trim down the castellax upgrades to fit this in.


Lets see how this list performs though - theoritical vs practical doesnt always swing that way (unless you sacrifice a kitten to the dice gods?)

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have you considered making your second magos:


Arch-Magos 155

Reductor?, Dominus, Abeyant, Photon Thruster


then stick him in a unit of Myrmidon Destructors with Photon Thrusters? 

The unit all has rerolls to hit and wound with their lovely Photon Thrusters (and either shoot 2 times or have tankhunters depending)



I suggest dropping the thallax for more castellax. Your thallax are out of place without fellow low armour save units while they don't add anything a castellax would bring for the same cost.

Three units of a single plain castellax with a mauler and frags would be useful in your list too. Run up to the middle and pin units down.


The myrmidon destructors could do with using the same weaponry.  Either volkite or irrad-engines but not both. My vote goes for volkites/photon but if you dropped the sicaran and found some points you could add a 3rd myrmidon unit with irrad-engines as great bait (''These? Irrad-engines are like baleflamers - the ones on heldrakes. But with rerolls to wound'') but photon thrusters + the magos at the top would be even better


Sadly Reductor and Cybernetica are separate lists, so no adding a Reductor HQ although that would be awesome!


I supposed I could have an Allied Reductor detachment with the Thallax as the troops for them. And lovely phosphex bombs... 


I feel Photon Thrusters are inferior to Darkfire Cannon (48" vs 60", Str 6 vs Str 7) and are kind of overpriced on Destructors (35 points vs 20), so the Castellax keep them. PE is also kind of wasted on pseudo AT weapons since you can't  re-roll pen arresults of 1. 2 Volkite 1 Irrad is good for standoff and advancing across the board, and providing an incentive not to come too close.


I would take more Castellax but only own 3! prob going to get a 4th because they are awesome models, but so far this is based on what I have. 


The problem with having 3x of one weapon is that the Irad engine will be irrelevant turns 1-2; better to have my Destructors shooting than not, and Volkites are awesome on them with a 35/36 guaranteed 8 wounds at range a turn.  Conversion Beamers are rubbish and again fail to take advantage of PE. 

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