Kilofix Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 Still new to IG. What do you think is both the minimal and ideal number of; Infantry type units (Infantry Platoon, Veterans, Penal, etc.); Chimeras to support said infantry, and; Command type squads (CCS, PCS); for a 2000 pts army that would otherwise be all mechanized (Russes, Ordnance, Hellhounds, Sentinels, etc.)? Assume random Eternal War missions, usual table sizes and assume no restrictions around models owned. Thanks for the opinions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MordentHex Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 well that kind of depends if your going for a blob army or if you want it in transports... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 I sort of naturally gravitate to a certain portion of of the points limit. That portion decreases as the points value goes up to 1500 to about a third. That's just the rough number of points I usually spend until I'm satisfied with my boots count, 400-500 can get you a solid core quite easily. That is usually for my "a bit hybrid" army with a couple of Chimeras trundling around but heavy on armour elsewhere. For Infantry and Artillery armies that is likely to increase but it is very nebulous as it depends on the army make up. The minimum is of course 2 squads of Veterans in a Chimera, but if I was going grenadier company then I'd take a minimum of 4 as my "ideal" to try and help maintain scoring units. Veterans can be quite expensive though so I'd still want to take a small Platoon with them, though they would also have to be mechanised to keep up. Maybe I'm just no good at not taking lots of infantry? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kilofix Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 well that kind of depends if your going for a blob army or if you want it in transports... I'm trying to go with as little infantry as possible (so that I can fill the rest of the army with armor). That said. I'm wondering if: 1 Platoon: PCS, IP, IP, and; 1 Veteran squad is enough to hold objectives in a 2000pt Eternal War game. And, if I'd need 4 Chimeras for them to get to said objectives, or if footslogging is generally ok. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Idlem Posted January 3, 2014 Share Posted January 3, 2014 I'm generally of the opinion of the more Chimeras you have the better. First, they keep your men alive longer. Second, a multilaser with a heavy bolter is a fine combination useful for killing a lot of different types of infantry out there, and can harass armor too in a pinch. Finally, they are possbile wall of AV 12 to move along and block line of sight with their wreakages. So yes, I would go with 4 chimeras, as footslogging is just a good way for your poor guard to get ranged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hendrik Posted January 3, 2014 Share Posted January 3, 2014 since i'm mostly an armoured battalion player i can tell you one thing. your tanks can only do so much when those pesky meltasquads get close! infantry is the key to winning and therefor should at the very least be 1/3 up to 1/2 of your points! i've mounted most of my infantry units in chimeras and these have a multitude of functions: -mobile bunkers -give my infantry a chance to grab lonely objectives -searchlights! so my heavy armour doesn't need to do the nightfighting! (this here is pure gold!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 3, 2014 Share Posted January 3, 2014 I take more than that in my 1500 games and find it to be sufficient usually, so I'd add another couple of infantry squads for 2000 before I'd feel it was "safe" to start spending on tanks. As a fellow treadhead I understand your desire to get the heavy metal on the table but a list will live and die by the Guardsmen. Try it with a small number of troopers but be prepared to add more should it not work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
clanfield Posted January 6, 2014 Share Posted January 6, 2014 I field 2 platoons at 1k pts at 1500 1 platoon gets chimera(my assult platoon) the other gets wepons teams(my bastion platoon) the jump to 2k adds armour /arty I guess at 2k plus im building a second company of 2 platoons Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kilofix Posted January 7, 2014 Author Share Posted January 7, 2014 Oh whoops. Sounds like I'm short of troops. Right now I only have a CCS, a Platoon (1 PCS, 2 Infantry, 1 HW, 1 SW), and a Vet Squad but 3 LRs, 3 HHs, 3 Ordnance, 3 Chimeras and a super heavy LOD. Guess I should get another Platoon at least to even it out. Thanks for the input. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Garath Posted January 7, 2014 Share Posted January 7, 2014 well that kind of depends if your going for a blob army or if you want it in transports... I'm trying to go with as little infantry as possible (so that I can fill the rest of the army with armor). That said. I'm wondering if: 1 Platoon: PCS, IP, IP, and; 1 Veteran squad is enough to hold objectives in a 2000pt Eternal War game. And, if I'd need 4 Chimeras for them to get to said objectives, or if footslogging is generally ok. Just had an "AHA" moment thins morning while reading Armored Battle group rules. You can have 10 guardsmen for 105 pts...and then you buy them upgrades. And they have to be transported in a chimera. Here's the catch - Chimera is for free! Meaning I can go crazy on upgrades Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 7, 2014 Share Posted January 7, 2014 Great for Armoured Battle Groups, not so much for Codex though For a collection then yes, more Guardsman is a good idea as I think it's about balance. I reckon being able to field a couple of platoons should stand almost any Guard player well. Once you've got the command essentials then Guardsmen and their special weapons are easy to add if you want, same with heavy weapons. It's all about options. Apart from being a collector of armies rather than lists I like being able to do almost anything I want with a list. It also makes life more difficult for my opponents as they never know what to expect! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hendrik Posted January 7, 2014 Share Posted January 7, 2014 Just had an "AHA" moment thins morning while reading Armored Battle group rules. You can have 10 guardsmen for 105 pts...and then you buy them upgrades. And they have to be transported in a chimera. Here's the catch - Chimera is for free! Meaning I can go crazy on upgrades but they won't have a platoon command squad giving them orders.which is only a 35pts... really, there's no difference with standard guardsmen beside the fact that these can't blob,not to mention you can only take 6 and they'll be competing with your leman russes for troop slots... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Garath Posted January 7, 2014 Share Posted January 7, 2014 @hendrick They don't have a command squad- but you can't have everything. Here's the thing: AB Armoured Fist squad 10 guys, Autocannon, plasma gun, Voxcaster 135 pts Chimera Autocannon ,heavy bolter,Heavy stubber,HKM,Cammo,Dozer blade,extra armor- FREE!!! So you take 4 of these for 540 pts. No place else can you have 8 Autocannons,4 plasma guns,4 heavy bolters ,4 heavy stubbers and 40 guys+ 4 tanks. The rest of the troop slots can be tanks in squadrons of 3....Emperor knows you have the points for them. The sheer volume of everything lets you just overwhelm with numbers. Last but not least, you can ally with IG, and take 2 blobs of infantry in the troop choices. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hendrik Posted January 7, 2014 Share Posted January 7, 2014 from my own experience it's usually better to make normal imperial guard your primary and the armoured battalion your allies as soon as you're using up to two leman russes. here's a quick reasoning why: -company command squads are cheap, can be reserved and are easier to hide. i'd rather make my warlord a 50pts unit i can reserve without much consequence than to make one of my elite killer tanks(already high on my opponents target list) and even more juicy target due to slay the warlord. moreover, you'll take them anyway, even when using normal guardsmen as your allies. -instead os using 4 troop slots on armoured fists squads you can do the same with two normal platoons, only using 2 troop slots. tax: 2 x 35 pts platoon squad, but with the added bonus of giving orders.(even on 10 man units FRFSRF is still worth it!) -you have acces to all the tanks the armoured battlegroup can offer. the only downside is you will only be able to field 1 command tank, and 1 elite slot,and 1 fast attack slot. however, these are in addition to your own 3 heavy support slots. -MANTICORES! that's right, the armoured battalion can't take them, yet with their S10 7" AP2 blast they are GOLD!!! -more acces to special units such as sabre platforms, deepstriking sentinels,etc. the only reason ever to make the armoured battalion your primary is if you really want to use two armoured battalion command units, up to 2 elite tanks and find 15 leman russes leman russes (9 standard imperial guard, 6 armoured battalion) still not enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vor Posted January 7, 2014 Share Posted January 7, 2014 It's rare I use my IG these days. Tau have pushed even my beloved Wolves to the side. But I've been known to have 300+ guardsmen models at 2500 points. Then again, I've been known to have 100+ Grey Hunters at 2.5k.. so maybe I like troops too much? Double FoC of course. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 8, 2014 Share Posted January 8, 2014 Don't be silly Vor! There is no such thing as too many Guardsmen unless you're looking at it from your opponent's point of view Troops win games, so having plenty is useful. If you build a list around them heavily then that can throw your opponent as nobody really expects it. It's all about building your list to a plan as the game is more than simple X unit vs Y unit despite what the Internet might sometimes want you to believe. Now, off to the labour camps with you for consorting with xenos. Wouldn't have happened in my day! Back then we had morals and squats and none of this fish-monkey-in-space nonsense! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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