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FMC and tank shock


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 The rule, more or less...


When moving  a  Tank, the player can declare  that it  is  going to
attempt to Tank  Shock instead  of moving  normally.
"To perform  a  Tank  Shock,  first  turn  the  vehicle  on  the
spot  to  face  the  direction  you  intend  to  move  it  and
declare  how  many  inches  the  vehicle  is  going  to  move,
up  to  its  maximurn  speed. The vehicle must move at  least
Cornbat  Speed Note that,  because  pivoting  on the spot  does  not
count  as  moving, this is  not  enough for  a  Tank  Shock.
Once the Tank has  been 'aimed' and the intended  distance
declared,  rnove  the  Tank  straight  forwards  until  it  comes
into  contact  with  an enemy  unit  or  it  reaches  the  distance
  This reveals the basic concept- declare how many inches the tank moves, and then move.
  "Into contact" would imply into BTB contact, but one thing is certain- the tank stops as soon as it makes "contact".
...whatever they mean by contact...
  Take notice of the small underlined part where tank shock is the only way enemy models can be move through.
"No other  changes  of direction  are  allowed in  a  Tank
Shock.  If  no enemy unit  is  reached,lust  move the Tank straight
ahead  for  the distance  declared  and nothing  special  takes  place.
A Tank Shock is an exception to the rule that  enerny  modeis
cannot be moved through.  Remember, though,  that friendly
rnodels  still cannot be moved thtough,  so  the Tank's movement
will  be stopped if  any friendly  models are  in  the  way. Also, a
Tank  Shock  cannot  be attempted  against  enemies  that  are
locked  in  combat,  as  the risk  of harming  allies  is  too high."
This paragraph states that friendly models cannot be moved through, and enemy ones can. It also states that unless no enemy is reached-  nothing special takes place. This implies that the first paragraph (and the third one as we will see) explains that the tank does stop when conatcting emey models.
"If  an  enemy  unit  other  than  another  vehicle  is  reached,
that  enemy  unit  must  take  a Morale  check  and immediately
Fall Back if  it  fails.  If  the test  is  passed,  the unit  simply  lets  the
Tank  move through,  as  if  it  was not there.  Regardless  of the
result of the test,  the Tank keeps  moving  straight on,  possibly
tank  shocking  more enemy units until  it  reaches  its  final
position. If  the Tank would  move into  contact with  a  friendly
model,  enerny  vehicle, impassable  terrain  or a  board edge,  it
immecliately stops  moving"
 This explains how when the tank reaches an enemy model, a Ld tase has to be made.  The tank still stops as soon as it contacts the enemy. If the models fail their morale ,they flee, if they pass the tank moves through.
"If  some  enemy models in  the enemy unit  would  end up
underneath the vehicle  when it reaches  its  final position (it
makes no difference whether the unit  is  falling  back or not))
these  models must be moved out of the way  by the shortest
distance,  leaving at least  I  "  between thern  and the vehicle ,whilst
maintaining  unit  coherency and staying  on the board.  Any
rnodels  that cannot manage  this  are  crushed and removed from
play as  casualties."
   Instead of reading this rule by looking at each section seperately - they are connected. 
 If the tank would end up on top of models, they have to move away, mantain an inch distance - and naturally keep away from other models. 
   Again, tank shock is the only way to move through other models.   
 The tank has declared that it will move onto the MC, moves and stops in front of the MC. The MC would now make a Ld test and possibly do a death or glory( when the tank reaches it) . Then it has to move away from the tank, keep an inch distance, CANNOT move through it (since MC is not tank shocking , the tank is).
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So let's assume the MC rolls his leadership and passes. 

"If the test is passed, the unit simply lets the Tank move through"

At this point, the MC only moves if he fails the test.  He passes so he does not move and lets the tank pass. 


"Regardless  of the result of the test,  the Tank keeps  moving  straight on"

So here the tank keeps moving over the top of the MC.


"If some enemy models in the enemy unit would end up underneath the vehicle when it reaches its final position (it makes no difference whether the unit is falling back or not) these  models must be moved out of the way by the shortest distance, leaving at least 1" between them and the vehicle ,whilst maintaining unit coherency and staying on the board.  Any rnodels that cannot manage this are crushed and removed from play as casualties."


Moved out of the way.  They don't make a move, they are just moved out of the way and 1" away from the tank.  One inch behind the tank is out of the way.  If the tank completely moves over and past the MC it does not even have to move.  If the tank moves to where the rear of the tank is the closest edge, the MC has to move behind the tank if possible.


Once the MC (or anything else for that matter) passes their moral test they are not forced to move so they stay in their position. If he fails the test and can not fall back, sure; he's gone since he can not fall back through other models.


If at the end of the move they would be under the tank they are moved out of the way just like you would move a tree out of the way.  

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It appears to me that a unit of one model (such as a lone monstrous creature) can never be killed by a tank shock. Why? Because there will always somewhere to move the model to that satisfies the requirement of "...by the shortest distance, leaving at least 1" between them and the vehicle, whilst maintaining unit coherency and staying on the board." The model has to move to the closest position that is on the board and 1" away from the tank. That's easy, no?


It's only when dealing with units of multiple models that there can be a conflict between shortest distance, leaving at least 1" and maintaining unit coherency, which then results in some models being removed because their shortest distance places them out of coherency with other models whose shortest distance took them in another direction.

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What about not being able to move through a model?  


  Also, a model can never enter within an inch of an enemy model unless it's charging.   



  All of these put together, it seems like the rule is meant so that when the vehicle stops on top of the MC-  the MC is moved back, until it's outside of one inch.


  It could be moved to the side too, if the tank would stop in such a way that the shortest distance would be to the side...but that depents on the tank- doesn't it?


  There is a thing to consider here - "shortest distance away" from the vehicle means just that.  It doesn't say anything about the end position being blocked off by other models.

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What about not being able to move through a model? 


  Also, a model can never enter within an inch of an enemy model unless it's charging.

You yourself pointed out that both of these are ignored.



the MC is moved back, until it's outside of one inch.

You are inserting rules that do not exist. It doesn't say "moved back", "moved away", or anything of the sort. It's "moved out of the way by the shortest distance", which is anywhere that's out of the way, as shown in my picture.



It could be moved to the side too, if the tank would stop in such a way that the shortest distance would be to the side...but that depents on the tank- doesn't it?

Exactly as I already showed in my picture.

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 There's a difference.


  The tanke CAN move throught other models while TS.  It can also move within one inch of a MC.   A MC CANNOT move or be moved through a tank - it has to "be moved away" by the shortest distance possible.


 In other  words - if the tank clips the MC from one side-the MC has to be moved "back" - as in away from the tank, as that is the shortest distance possible . 

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 There's a difference.


  The tanke CAN move throught other models while TS.  It can also move within one inch of a MC.   A MC CANNOT move or be moved through a tank - it has to "be moved away" by the shortest distance possible.


 In other  words - if the tank clips the MC from one side-the MC has to be moved "back" - as in away from the tank, as that is the shortest distance possible . 


We've been through this not too long ago.  I thought I linked to the post.  The only way to guarantee a Tank Shock will kill anything, is to Tank Shock into the middle of a mob.  The mob of models around the tank are what prevents  a model from moving through them.  The rules against moving through models are temporarily suspended ONLY for the Tank and any models underneath it.




Check the illustrations at the bottom of that post.  It shows how models can move through a tank, the entire distance of the tank if necessary, to be "moved out of the way the shortest distance possible."

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Safety is not mentioned or guaranteed ...teehee.gif

Ok, I give up. I'll never try that trick and am safe from the endless discussions that would surely arise out of it (as this one did).

Anyway, thanks Seahawk for a good discussion(and as we've seen) we both love those, don't we.

BTW, great looking Titan you have there. You mentioned "you call it finshed" - If you want, I can offer some very solid advice on washing that thing so it will not only look realistic, but also bring out the colors you already used.

I did this for very solid cash back in the day.

I don't want to be pushy or anything - the model looks very good as it is .


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 There's a difference.


  The tanke CAN move throught other models while TS.  It can also move within one inch of a MC.   A MC CANNOT move or be moved through a tank - it has to "be moved away" by the shortest distance possible.


 In other  words - if the tank clips the MC from one side-the MC has to be moved "back" - as in away from the tank, as that is the shortest distance possible . 

It can "move through the tank" if that tank is performing a Tank Shock in exactly the same manner that the tank can move through the target.  As in, it doesn't.  The unit simply lets the Tank move through, as if it was not there.  Let's be clear about that.  Once it passes it's moral test, that unit is not there. Neither one is moving within 1" of the other.  If the tank ends up on a model that passed it's moral test, you move the model out of the way.  You are just rearranging things so they all sit on the table.


It can be done, but you would have to start with the tank very close to the target (less than 2" plus the width of the tareget's base) and not only sorround the MC but also be behind and on both sides of the tank.  That way there is no where that is 1" away fom the tank and also 1" away from all other enemy models.

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 There's a difference.


  The tanke CAN move throught other models while TS.  It can also move within one inch of a MC.   A MC CANNOT move or be moved through a tank - it has to "be moved away" by the shortest distance possible.


 In other  words - if the tank clips the MC from one side-the MC has to be moved "back" - as in away from the tank, as that is the shortest distance possible . 

It can "move through the tank" if that tank is performing a Tank Shock in exactly the same manner that the tank can move through the target.  As in, it doesn't.  The unit simply lets the Tank move through, as if it was not there.  Let's be clear about that.  Once it passes it's moral test, that unit is not there. Neither one is moving within 1" of the other.  If the tank ends up on a model that passed it's moral test, you move the model out of the way.  You are just rearranging things so they all sit on the table.


     I could argue it further -but I came to a conclusion earlier so what's the point?

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