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MC and tank shock


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  Here's the deal:


  We have a LR . In it is Belial and Co.  In front of it is a MC .  We have a unit of DW terminators arriving via DWA.  


  Belial has a teleport homer. So they will not scatter.  The DW deep strike directly behind the MC , so that the center model is 2.5" away and the 2 nearest terminators are 1.00001" away from the MC.


 The left one is touching the 1" mark from the left side of MC, the right one touches the right side.


 Now LR tank shocks and declares to move exactly as many inches to touch the MC, then stops .


MC now has the option of moving aside (since they are fearless most of the time) or performing a DoG.


   Here's the question:   MC has to move away from LR ,while keeping a 1" gap between them (say so in the book) , and cannot move within 1" of the terminators , and cannot move to the side (as 2 termies are blocking it's base from each side ) - does it get destroyed unless it stops the LR? 



  I know i might have explained it better...




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I read the rules as saying that if the model can't legitimately get out of the way without going within 1" of another model, it can either DoG or be crunched and removed from play.


If it's a FMC though, it can simply move over the terminators to avoid the trap.


I actually tried this in a tournament once with an MC surrounded by guardsmen being tank shocked by a Leman Russ, but was told I couldn't by the judges, although they couldn't tell me why it doesn't work.

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Doesn't work. The Monstrous Creature simply moves the shortest distance to not be within 1" and it's fine; this includes going to the back of the raider where there's now a gap. Congratulations! You just gave the darn thing a free ~8" move!


You would have to completely surround your transport and simul-move other units to fill in gaps to make this work. Since that is, of course, absolutely impossible because you only move one at a time, the tactic will never work unless you are in a MUCH smaller transport and all of your units are starting the turn 1" away from the Monstrous Creature already.



If it's a FMC though, it can simply move over the terminators to avoid the trap.

No it cannot. There are no rules that support this.

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By moving in any other direction? The shortest route is any route that takes it 1" away from enemy models.


[edit] If you move into just base contact, the Monstrous Creature doesn't have to move at all, because it's not "under" the tank, it's next to it, allowing it to get free punches in that assault phase because you made a terribly stupid move.

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