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Chaos Space Marine Lord: Helmet or No Helmet?

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I am going to begin my conversion of my Lord for my Word Bearers army today. Having received all the bits that I needed, and the figures(FINALLY GW WAS BEHIND)I was going to break ground so to speak on him. I was just honestly wondering what my Brothers of the B&C thought about from a painting and modeling stand point, what was more aesthetically pleasing to the eye? A Lord with or with out a helmet? I have four different heads I am choosing and I wanted you all to let me know what your pick was and why. If you all have any suggestions, they will MUCH APPRECIATED.

Once I have decided, I will post pics in the WIP forum and the HALL OF HONOUR.

I am going to convert the lord from the Chaos Lord Warhammer Fantasy Model.

Fantasy Lord: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440108a&prodId=prod1870064a

Demon Helmet: http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/product_info.php/chaos-space-marine-head-p-2003

This was my first choice, I just think it will look good with the conversion I am about to start and fits the overall feel of the Fantasy Lords Armor that I am planning on converting.

Chaos Terminator Lord Helmet with Trophy: http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/product_info.php/chaos-terminator-lord-head-p-2055

I really like this because I think the archaic design of the helmet flows with the Fantasy Armor as well.

Chaos Terminator Lord bare head: http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/product_info.php/chaos-terminator-lord-bare-head-p-2059

I like the sneer, and if I went with this route, I was going to paint tattoos of the word all over his head.

Khorne Berzerker "Vampire Head": http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/product_info.php/khorne-berserker-bare-head-p-69

Who doesn't like a Vampire Lord? teehee.gif

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Great choices there Brother Al.


Personally I prefer helmets on my models, although I can appreciate that a bare head sets the figure apart as an epic model. Unfortunately if I were to paint the bare heads you've selected, they would look more like a bulldog licking wee of a thistle. If that's the look you're going for, or your painting skills are better than mine (which they probably are), then go for the bare head with sneer.


I really like the fantasy lord armour by the way. I bet you could get away with that counting as either power armour or terminator armour.


I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on this.


Best regards



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Why limit yourself to the chaos range?


Most of the new space marine kits have descent heads. Personally for WB I'd go helm less.








That's if you're looking for hairless heads.

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Why limit yourself to the chaos range?


Most of the new space marine kits have descent heads. Personally for WB I'd go helm less.








That's if you're looking for hairless heads.

Thanks, I looked into them previously, and honestly I really don't like the Regular marine heads.  Especially the one with the Bionic eye.  I like the Mohawk head, but I don't think it feels like Chaos IMO.


@Gumo9 I was planning on using it as Counts as Power Armor, I'm going to green stuff it in certain areas to give it that feel. Thanks for your input, it's much appreciated.

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Magnetise a helmeted and a helmetless variant. Not to blow my own trumpet but I magnetised my Captain's head for a helmeted and helmetless version, the helmet being able to mag-seal (literally msn-wink.gif ) onto his bike with the help of another magnet, pics are in my log in the banner in my signature on page 7. It's very easy and much more fun to be able to change your leader's appearance depending on your preference for that game (plus it can serve as a wound counter).

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I think the best Chaos Lords have helms. A helmet makes the model faceless and sends a very clear message of intimidation. Yet Chaos Marines have a far wider variety of helmets to choose from than their loyalist counterparts, meaning they're never left looking 'boring'. A Chaos helm can have just as much character as a bare head.

Out of those four heads, I would pick the skull helm. It looks awesome and surprisingly few people use it. It's also very easy to cut away that arrow on the forehead, if you want a more 'natural' look. The only suspicion I could muster is that, perhaps, it'll make that model look disproportioned without the horns. That's pure speculation though.

The Terminator helm I like, but it's so awesome everyone uses it. Something more unusual yet along the same lines I would prefer. This or this would be my choice.

The bare Terminator head is nice. It'd probably fit wonderfully with the miniature's pose. I'd avoid the 'Zerker head at all costs. It's strangely shaped by today's standards and the detail isn't great. A Lord deserves more.

Those are just my preferences though, etc. Any of the heads will look awesome. happy.png

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I think the best Chaos Lords have helms. A helmet makes the model faceless and sends a very clear message of intimidation. Yet Chaos Marines have a far wider variety of helmets to choose from than their loyalist counterparts, meaning they're never left looking 'boring'. A Chaos helm can have just as much character as a bare head.

Out of those four heads, I would pick the skull helm. It looks awesome and surprisingly few people use it. It's also very easy to cut away that arrow on the forehead, if you want a more 'natural' look. The only suspicion I could muster is that, perhaps, it'll make that model look disproportioned without the horns. That's pure speculation though.

The Terminator helm I like, but it's so awesome everyone uses it. Something more unusual yet along the same lines I would prefer. This or this would be my choice.

The bare Terminator head is nice. It'd probably fit wonderfully with the miniature's pose. I'd avoid the 'Zerker head at all costs. It's strangely shaped by today's standards and the detail isn't great. A Lord deserves more.

Those are just my preferences though, etc. Any of the heads will look awesome. happy.png

By "Skull Helm" do you mean the Daemon helm?

And I definitely see what you mean by the Berzerker Head being a bad sculpt. Thanks for the info.

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I like to put bare heads on my HQ's and main models. To me it gives them that little extra bit of character. If I do not use a bare head, I will go out of the range and find something from the Chaos Warriors. Of course this has been said already... I was going to suggest the bare heads from the new Marine Sternguard kit, but forte already got them up there. I like the grimaces and darker looks on most of the faces and will be using them on my WB's in the near future.


I magnetize arms and weapons, but I have never magnetized a head before!! Sounds like a fun project too me!!\


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I like to put bare heads on my HQ's and main models. To me it gives them that little extra bit of character. If I do not use a bare head, I will go out of the range and find something from the Chaos Warriors. Of course this has been said already... I was going to suggest the bare heads from the new Marine Sternguard kit, but forte already got them up there. I like the grimaces and darker looks on most of the faces and will be using them on my WB's in the near future.

I magnetize arms and weapons, but I have never magnetized a head before!! Sounds like a fun project too me!!\

End of Line

After looking at the Bare headed sergeant on games workshop's website, I might reconsider and go with it. The Bitz pic that was posted definitely did not do it justice, so I am glad I gave it a second look. The service studs would be easy enough to file off and I really like the facial expression. I'm really torn between that head and the Daemon Helm that I listed above as the my #1 choice. I was also considering a bare head, and having the helmet on the model elsewhere since I have never been a fan of magnets and having parts on my minis spinning when I move them. It is a pretty static pose on the model after all, and I think it would look nice. What do you guys think?

Sorry Brother Forte, I guess I owe you an apology. whistlingW.gif

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I personally hate the idea of no helmet. Why would someone wiht tons of war experience think it's ok to ditch his survivability? Why lose targeting systems, life support, and basic protection for a cooler look?

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I have used a few heads from the flagellant box. I think the Termie lords head is from that box, with the hair shaved off.

My Dark Apostle has a flagellant head, and so does my Sorcerer.

Personally I like bare heads in that they make the model stand out, and it makes the model feel like a character, not just "The Bad Guy". I'm really into the background, and for me my WB are not just 'bad guys', they have proper goals and motivations for their actions, which is reasonable from their point of view at least.


It depend a bit on what you are after. What I must warn against though is that if you use a bare head, beware that many, especially those that come in SM/CSM boxes are huge! They are often the same size as the helmeted heads, which looks really really odd considering they have no helmet. For example, the vampire head is one of those horrible heads, same with the bare head in the basic CSM box. When you notice how big they really are, they are ruined forever.


Anyway, here are some of the Flagellant heads on my HQ models. They could be pretty cool too imo.







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I have used a few heads from the flagellant box. I think the Termie lords head is from that box, with the hair shaved off.

My Dark Apostle has a flagellant head, and so does my Sorcerer.

Personally I like bare heads in that they make the model stand out, and it makes the model feel like a character, not just "The Bad Guy".

I went with a Flagellant head for my Warsmith. I wanted to get across that he was bonkers, which is a lot harder to do if you can't see his face:


It's true that I do wish I had magnetised it so I could put a MkIII helmet on him too, but "crazy old man" comes across better with his helmet off.

Like Rune Priest Ridcully says, it makes sense to wear the helmet. But I feel that creating a proper impression is at least as important as creating a proper recreation.

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Ask your self this, what protects your face more, a helmet, or air? Which would make it oh so easy for scout, or eldar ranger, to sniper to kill him? Which would render him vulnerable to shrapnell from an explosion. Helmets were invented for a reason, use them.

Have you looked at any of the heresy era ones?


Energy field, the dark gods protection, all of these mean your helmet is not required. Since Eldar rangers are supposed to be stupidly accurate... Helmets don't do that much against them... they will pop you through the eye lenses.


I personally hate the idea of no helmet. Why would someone wiht tons of war experience think it's ok to ditch his survivability? Why lose targeting systems, life support, and basic protection for a cooler look?

Have you seen 40K? I will line my men up in a big line and run at the orks to fight them in CC... Because bombing them from orbit is too much work. Also, as I mentioned earlier... energy fields and the like. Also... space marines were given the ability to spit acid... It gets unpleasant if you do that while wearing a helmet. Also... you know... they could put their helmet back on... if they need life support. Space Wolves don't wear their helmets as much because it stops them from using their sense of smell.


King Leonidas took his helmet off, and put his shield down, sometimes you just have to die well.

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Well zyl- and RPRidcully, I don't know about you two but MY chaos lord is so bad ass he doesn't need a helmet.


I would think that a Sigil or Aura or some other fiddly little thing could generate a field strong enough to protect the bearer. Plus armored futuristic men enhanced by science and cells of a superior humanoid fighting space goblins and elves is very realistic, that's why I play this game. It's realism...


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@Brother Alecium. No need to apologize. Pics on bit sites often fall short on doing parts justice.


Someone mentioned Horus Heresy helms and I can recommend looking at them. Mk2 and Mk3 are more bulky and menacing and the Mk4 is just saucy (personal opinion).

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I learnt the hard way that bare heads are actually really useful when it comes to presenting characters. For my traitor IG, I started out by having all models wearing gas masks, but after about a year or so, I simply gave up. I used to be of the mind that wearing power armour but no helmet just looks stupid, but shouting aggressive leaders and priests (which is something strongly associated with the WB) simply can't be done if they are wearing their helmets.

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