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Chaos Space Marine Lord: Helmet or No Helmet?

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I always get puzzled by people hating on helmetless models, after all the model is only a representation of a split second in time, there are plenty of reasons a marine might remove their helm for a while, only to re-don it as required. Models should always be rule of cool...


I've used the Daemon/skull helm you linked in the past, you can always add more to it with horns etc. I liked the mirror with imperial chaplains since it was for a dark apostle.

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Well I think I am going to go with no helmet and the helmet "magnetized" to the model.  I really appreciate everyone's feedback, and I'll post some pics of him in the Hall of Honor when I finish him. Should be within the next week or two. 


I decided to go with the sneering Terminator lord bare head, and I will be using the Daemon helmet from the Chaos Space Marines box somewhere else on the model.


Now I am just trying to decide what I want to do about basing him. Does anyone have any feedback they want to leave on that? 

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I personally prefer helmets as I actually find them to be more grim and intimidating, but that's just down to personal preference. I've taken to using loyalist Sternguard to represent Aspiring Champions, nothing says squad sergeant like a toga does... follow your own interpretation of the rule of cool and all will be well in the world. 

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@ Hellrender, that is my favorite Possessed Helmet, and is on my "Khârn".

I'm a firm believer in "Everybody wears a bucket".  The only 4 models in all my CSMs that don't have helmets, and that's because they're modeled after Delta Squad from Gears of War (chainsaw bayonets included).  AC Fenix, Dom, Cole, Baird and Carmine (Has a helmet-Mk4 of course and is the banner guy).  They're my chosen Kill Team.

I had another squad based off of Noble Team from Halo Reach, but I reclaimed the parts and redistributed them unto the collective Army...after the CSM codex first came out.  It's why I don't listen to rumors any more, they get your hopes up and tend to end in disappointment :(

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For Chaos, it seems to me that we have a lot of helmets, both in our range and outside of it, that can provide a really distinctive, wicked look. Chaos Lord, Possessed, Chaos Terminators, even the godly Aspiring Champion helmets, to name the ones in our kits. And the Defiler's heads make great Daemon Prince masks- my warband's supreme leader has the plain skull with the horns shaved off his head- ends up looking very distinctive and menacing.


Of course, the plastic Daemon Prince head with the big smile is a part of one of my Princes- took the horns off and am going to sculpt flames on his scalp. He'll end up looking like a cross between Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, the Joker, and... uh... Satan, I guess.


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Well, what sounds better?

"Chaoslord Angry McMurderbones strode trough lasgun fire and shrapnell to butcher the carriongod's lackeys"


"Chaoslord Angry McMurderbones got knocked out by grenade shrapnell. He know requires expensive brain surgery and will in all likelyhood never recover completely. He gets then stabbed by his second in command. Even Khorne hates stupidity"


When in doubt, i usualy go for the helmet unless the bareheaded option looks much better :D

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Well, what sounds better?

"Chaoslord Angry McMurderbones strode trough lasgun fire and shrapnell to butcher the carriongod's lackeys"


"Chaoslord Angry McMurderbones got knocked out by grenade shrapnell. He know requires expensive brain surgery and will in all likelyhood never recover completely. He gets then stabbed by his second in command. Even Khorne hates stupidity"

When in doubt, i usualy go for the helmet unless the bareheaded option looks much better biggrin.png

Lord of Slaanesh descending to the beat of the wings growing out of his back. Wind setting all the nerves ablaze with excitement from his freshly flayed skin from the back of his skull. Eyes permanently open after he tore off his own eyelids so he would never miss any detail which could lead to a new experience. Smile on his unmarked face.

Sorry, what were you saying. Think I missed it whistlingW.gif

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In hindsight, Sovlotarth regretted nailing the Eldar Farseers face plate into his own face. While the sensations the act created where indeed exquisite, the damn thing was obscuring his ability to see. He didn't like that, so he yanked it off with a swift, clean pull. And bled to death.


End of Line

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I think the helmet/no helmet decision is a difficult one indeed. I am struggling with such a dilemma at the moment myself wallbash.gif

Game wise, it makes no difference so really it comes down to aesthetics. cool.png

I am inclined to reserve the helmet less look for characters and leave the rank and file with their helmets on.

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Look for red hair??

<--- is an 'ginger'


End of Line

Good reason to go for a helmet then ;) (and I'm not a gingerist but I'm English and being anti-ginger is part of our insulting banter. No harm is ever ment by it but it doesn't always translate well and I find most Americans just don't get it, or sarcasm).
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