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Chaos Space Marine Lord: Helmet or No Helmet?

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My mother is a green card carrying English woman (in america), so I know all about the ginger insults!! ;)


I've got quite a few SW's with red hair and or beards because of it. ...soulless Space Wolves...


For me the helmet/no helmet decision lies solely on the head. When I see a head from a kit and it speaks to me, then it gets used whether or not it's covered or bare. For instance, the half bare, mutated head from the Raptor kit. I saw it, loved it, and knew it was destined to be the head of a very important character in my army. That train of thought, above all others is the path I follow when choosing a head for particular models/


End of Line

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i myself go un-helmeted heads on my character models - lords and sorcerors, the exception is my warpsmith, who has the helmet from the chaos vehicle accessory sprue which i think works best for him. however, for me it is a way of distinguishing my aspiring champions from the hierarchy of my iron warriors warband. the champs wear their helmets as they could be replaced and shall remain faceless, whereas the characters have earned the right to watch the galaxy burn without the interference of any cover on their faces. 

really, its also because it represents only a snap shot in time. in reality i'd imagine that if they was intense fighting or void combat involved, their helmets would be close by. i think it is a way to convey the madness in them too. rule of cool and all that. 

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Look for red hair??

<--- is an 'ginger'

End of Line

Good reason to go for a helmet then msn-wink.gif (and I'm not a gingerist but I'm English and being anti-ginger is part of our insulting banter. No harm is ever ment by it but it doesn't always translate well and I find most Americans just don't get it, or sarcasm).

No, we understand sarcasm, just not how dry your humor is. thanks.gif

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Look for red hair??

<--- is an 'ginger'

End of Line

Good reason to go for a helmet then msn-wink.gif (and I'm not a gingerist but I'm English and being anti-ginger is part of our insulting banter. No harm is ever ment by it but it doesn't always translate well and I find most Americans just don't get it, or sarcasm).
No, we understand sarcasm, just not how dry your humor is. thanks.gif

No idea what you're on about.

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Look for red hair??

<--- is an 'ginger'

End of Line

Good reason to go for a helmet then msn-wink.gif (and I'm not a gingerist but I'm English and being anti-ginger is part of our insulting banter. No harm is ever ment by it but it doesn't always translate well and I find most Americans just don't get it, or sarcasm).

Maybe no harm is meant... But it is still racism.... Replace all the ginger stuff with black... and see if that gets you into any trouble.

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Helmets are for pansies that are afraid of getting shot in the face.


That being said, a helmet that is -permanently- worn as a result of it being half melted onto your head and the fact you have horns growing through it is a totally different matter. ( IE. Not a pansy)

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Look for red hair??

<--- is an 'ginger'

End of Line

Good reason to go for a helmet then msn-wink.gif (and I'm not a gingerist but I'm English and being anti-ginger is part of our insulting banter. No harm is ever ment by it but it doesn't always translate well and I find most Americans just don't get it, or sarcasm).
No, we understand sarcasm, just not how dry your humor is. thanks.gif

No idea what you're on about.

I was saying that Americans(me)get sarcasm very well. As a matter of fact I'm one of the most sarcastic people on the planet. We just don't get English(UK, British, etc)humor because of how dry it is. Nothing was meant by it at all. I could care less about your Ginger comments, because I understand you were joking and it is all in good fun. People are just too sensitive at times IMO.

On topic

I went with a converted helmet and I am almost in the painting stage for my Lord. I'll post some pics here and in the Hall of Honor when I finish him. Should be in a week or two.

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Helmets are for pansies that are afraid of getting shot in the face.


That being said, a helmet that is -permanently- worn as a result of it being half melted onto your head and the fact you have horns growing through it is a totally different matter. ( IE. Not a pansy)



I prefer no helmets on characters as I stated earlier. However, this is a great way of looking at things from a Chaos perspective.

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Look for red hair??

<--- is an 'ginger'

End of Line

Good reason to go for a helmet then msn-wink.gif (and I'm not a gingerist but I'm English and being anti-ginger is part of our insulting banter. No harm is ever ment by it but it doesn't always translate well and I find most Americans just don't get it, or sarcasm).
No, we understand sarcasm, just not how dry your humor is. thanks.gif
No idea what you're on about.
I was saying that Americans(me)get sarcasm very well. As a matter of fact I'm one of the most sarcastic people on the planet. We just don't get English(UK, British, etc)humor because of how dry it is. Nothing was meant by it at all. I could care less about your Ginger comments, because I understand you were joking and it is all in good fun. People are just too sensitive at times IMO.

On topic

I went with a converted helmet and I am almost in the painting stage for my Lord. I'll post some pics here and in the Hall of Honor when I finish him. Should be in a week or two.

And you missed my sarcasm in my comment too ;)

But yes, back on topic asap. Any champions in my Slaanesh force will have to have polished helmets or none at all. But that will depend on the level of mutation or augmentation. My Night Lords however will likely be fully helmed due to optics they likely use and terror markings.

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I knew you where all being sarcastic, because I always am and I expect nothing more or less from the lot of you!!


LOL@ Prot


End of Line

You've know me on here long enough too ;)


So how is the helmet vote going? I know of a large common house full of helmets but it depends how many you'd want really.

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I knew you where all being sarcastic, because I always am and I expect nothing more or less from the lot of you!!

LOL@ Prot

End of Line

You've know me on here long enough too msn-wink.gif

So how is the helmet vote going? I know of a large common house full of helmets but it depends how many you'd want really.

If you are directing that at me, I already posted that I went with a Converted Helmet, and that I would be posting some picks here in a few weeks on here and in the Hall of Honor.

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Just a question, cause creating a new topic about a lord seems a bit redundant.


How does a Khorne lord with Chainsfist or powerfist & lightning claw work nowadays, and should he have a  helmet or not, hes already showing muscle with his upper arm and stomach so far.

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Just a question, cause creating a new topic about a lord seems a bit redundant.


How does a Khorne lord with Chainsfist or powerfist & lightning claw work nowadays, and should he have a  helmet or not, hes already showing muscle with his upper arm and stomach so far.


Khârn wears a helmet, and I don't think anybody is going to call him a coward for it.


LC+PF seems pretty accepted as the way to go with melee Lords, though anybody correct me if they have better ideas. I personally never use CF, but it's mainly because of the extra points and that I have lots of anti-armour elsewhere in my lists.

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Chainfist is more like rule of cool, and i can always count it as a powerfist with an ornament on it. Chainswords are kind of a Khorne fasion statement.

I just don't know why you would want to sacrifice your high initiative on a lord by using a power fist or chainfist, when you can give him the Axe of Blind Fury and it be WAY more effective and fluffy.

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I just don't know why you would want to sacrifice your high initiative on a lord by using a power fist or chainfist, when you can give him the Axe of Blind Fury and it be WAY more effective and fluffy.


Because they don't want to be blind with fury?


PF+LC combination gives you a choice of initiative based on what you're fighting. You get extra attacks because they're both specialist weapons, but you can hit AP3 at I for MEQ, or wind up the big fist for vehicles, walkers, or TDA.

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