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Nova Slayers update! Got some more stuff done.

Cpt. Tiberious

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Got some more painting done.


First up, and Tactical Squad.


These guys took me an very unreasonable time to complete, not because of the painting, but because I just couldn't get the free time lol.

My first tactical squad for my DIY chapter is finally done, save for the bases, and I snapped some pics. Enjoy...


Combat Squad 1

IMG 0551


IMG 0554

Some details shots

IMG 0553

IMG 0555

IMG 0562

IMG 0563

Combat Squad 2

IMG 0556

Close ups and details

IMG 0557

IMG 0558

IMG 0559

IMG 0560


The whole squad

IMG 0561

Up next, my Captain repaint.
This guy has already been showcased, but I did a repaint. He looks almost Identical when compared to the older pics of him, but I think he looks better. More highlighting and details mostly.

IMG 0564

IMG 0565

IMG 0566

IMG 0567

IMG 0568


Old paintjob

IMG 0398

IMG 0396

Finally, a very simple Chaplain.
This guy is a converted Veteran from the Mk.1 veteran box set, the one wielding the power axe. Lopped off the axe head and pinned a banner topper. I opted to paint the faceplate bone instead of converting the head (metal model and no dremel lol), but I may do that later on. A few brush strokes later, he's done.



IMG 0459

IMG 0460

IMG 0461

Sorry for the picture quality. Taken with my phone with a very shoddy attempt at making an impromptu lightbox lol. Comments and Critiques are welcome as always.
Take care everyone.






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Thanks for the kudos everyone, much appreciated! Workin on some more stuff now. Got some scout snipers, a dread, a squad of metal vets., and some devs. Not a fan of the whole WIP thing so when I get stuff finished I'll post pics here.


Brother Rylanor: Thanks. The black bases are just placeholders right now. Got some clear acrylic bases coming in to finish em off. I plan on doin that for the whole army. On the subject of the chappy, go right ahead. I just figured it'd look cool so I went for it, and it came out good. Just need to convert that head lol.


Deathspectersgt7: Indeed I did, again, much appreciated for the design. Hope I have done it justice. The pads are a bit small, but you literally cannot tell unless you scrutinize them. When they are painted up they look fine though.


Hope I can get off my butt and paint some more stuff to keep this thread alive this time lol.


Till next time everyone. Take it easy.

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I have a small update for you guys. Got my clear bases in the mail yesterday and mounted my finished marines on em. I gotta say, they look great.

IMG 0580

IMG 0582

The captain...

IMG 0581

Got 50 bases, exact same dimensions as standard infantry bases, for $18 before shipping.
I would have some finished scouts to post, but unfortunately the clear coat frosted horribly and ruined my work. Will try to update soon.
Take care.
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Gratitude gentlemen. My freehand is alright when it's a one off piece, like the captain's loincloth, the above battle-brother's squad honor cloth, and the tactical arrow on the shin of the marine in MK.VI armor. When it comes to rank and file uniformity I'm crap, at least in my mind anyway lol.


That's why I opted for cast shoulder pads instead of painting chapter markings freehand. The tactical arrows on the shoulder pads were done with GW transfers that were sealed with brush on Army Painter Anti-shine, then they were painted over with white paint.


As always, Thanks a bunch.

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This army is one of my faves on the forum, easily. I love your tightly controlled color palette, and simple scheme. I mentioned before that your gray is really unique and warm. Your clean technique, freehand and brush control really sell it the scheme. I'm impressed with pretty much everything about them.


I want to see those clear bases on a green board, and something else too just to see how the clear works. 


I also want to see some vehicles painted in this scheme, man. Keep it up! 

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JeffTibbetts: Wow, thanks a lot man. I didn't think that such a simple scheme would garner praise like that. I had been painting off and on for a couple years, but my buds and I never really got to the point of playing. But I picked the brush back up around the middle of last year when we were finally able to make a go of it. Now we have a regular group and a shop to play at that isn't far away so I've been trying to get my skills back and get into the hobby the right way. Havin lots of fun so guess I'm doin something right lol


As far as the bases are concerned, they are perfectly clear save for the edges which display some very slight ridges. This is due to the laser cutter that they use to produce them but they aren't scorched at all. I'll try and post some pic of them on various surfaces to show you what they look like.


Got some tanks in the pipe now. You guys got a peek at the tail end of my razorback. Just finished up its extra armor and she's primed and ready for paint. Just finished assembling a predator as well. Lastly, I've got my dread to paint up


Thank for the comments and kudos everyone, I'll post more when I get it done.

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I have to concur with the other opinions already mentioned, you've got a cool name, a nice and simple but well executed color scheme, just the right contrast of base colors and contrast colors really bring it together. I also think the Chapter Symbol works really well too.

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