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Psykers and Fortifications


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Can Psykers cast Blessings/Maledictions when inside a fortification with firing points?


I know that they can cast Witchfire (since it counts as a shooting attack and they can shoot out of a firing point), but can they cast a blessing on a unit that is not inside the building with them or cast a malediction on an enemy unit that is with range/LOS from one of their building firing points?

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Kind of torn on this one. The rules seem to contradict themselves (quel surprise!). Page 78:



A Transport might have a number of Fire Points defined in its entry. A Fire Point is a hatch or gun slit from which one or more passengers inside the vehicle can fire shooting weapons (or use witchfire/psychic shooting attacks).


Which seems to contradict the section that Gentlemanloser quoted above. And further down that same page we have (emphasis mine):



Ranges and line of sight are measured from the Fire Point itself.


If you can measure LOS from a transport's fire point then there should be no reason why you are not able to use other psychic abilities that require LOS and yet you are forbidden from doing so.

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The usual mess of GW rules writing. For some reason a Psyker can stand in a tall building with a massive window that 8 models can fire out of and be unable to draw LOS to a friendly unit to buff them but can somehow draw LOS to enemy units to blast them? Makes no sense but I guess we should be used to that by now.

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