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Assaulting into various terrain


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Hello Brothers!

I am fairly new and play with other relatively new players, and recently we have had several questions regarding assaults and cover:

If bikes assault through difficult terrain, do they attack at initiative 1 like infantry?

If Jump Pack units start and end their assault in difficult terrain, do they make 2 terrain tests?

If Jump Pack units assault in ruins or other terrain that is multi-level, how does their movement work? (i.e. assault marines attack pathfinders, pathfinders are 7" away, and on a large wall 3" high) <- we were really thrown off by this, a play by play would be great



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1) Yes bikes still strike at I1 same as infantry unless they have frag grenades, in which case they strike at init, same as infantry.

2) Depends, if the assault squad doesnt use their jump packs (and thus doesnt make use of hammer of wrath and the reroll) they dont need to make any dangerous terrain checks and it'll be a standard charge check. If they use their packs (to gain the above benefits) they make a single check I believe. 

3) the distance needed to successfully charge is whatever the distance that is needed, in your above example, a charge result of 10 would be the minimum roll needed. 

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I should have told you upfront, I am running Raven Guard, so I just my jump pack in both phases

1) Yes bikes still strike at I1 same as infantry unless they have frag grenades, in which case they strike at init, same as infantry.

2) Depends, if the assault squad doesnt use their jump packs (and thus doesnt make use of hammer of wrath and the reroll) they dont need to make any dangerous terrain checks and it'll be a standard charge check. If they use their packs (to gain the above benefits) they make a single check I believe. 

3) the distance needed to successfully charge is whatever the distance that is needed, in your above example, a charge result of 10 would be the minimum roll needed. 

1- I know that is true for assaulting into cover (i.e. they are behind a wall), but what about if they are in area terrain like a forest or ground rubble or something (no line of sight blockage, but they have the 5+ cover save) the rules for this are on p.22, i just don't know that i really get it

2-this makes sense. I also see b/c i was charging into difficult terrain, I should have rolled 3D6.

---With my re-roll, can I re-roll just 1 or 2 dice, or do I have to re-roll them all if I want a new result?

3-I am still unclear on this one, I thought using the jump packs made it not matter that they are higher up than me, as jump packs allow me to move as if nothing was in the way (for instance earlier in the same game I moved 12" over a building and measured a flat 12", not counting the vertical distance it took to clear the building)


Thanks Blindhamster!


edit: all this leads me to this new question, when does a wall of some sort actually provide cover? (I get that area terrain gives it to you for just being in it, but if I am in Ruins (a ruined building with blown up walls) do I have to be behind something, or can I stand in a giant whole in the wall and still get the 4+ with all of my model visible)

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  • 2 weeks later...

#1 If you have to go through terrain to get to the enemy, you roll the 3d6 and you strike at I1 without assault grenades.

#2 With the reroll with jump packs, you would reroll all the dice. If you had fleet (Ultramarines Chapter Tactics) you could reroll any die. So if you rolled a 1 and a 6 and needed 8, you could reroll the 1. Without fleet, you'd have to reroll both dice.


Bonus Question: For cover saves that aren't area terrain, you need to have 25% of the model obscured by the terrain.

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#1 If you have to go through terrain to get to the enemy, you roll the 3d6 and you strike at I1 without assault grenades.

#2 With the reroll with jump packs, you would reroll all the dice. If you had fleet (Ultramarines Chapter Tactics) you could reroll any die. So if you rolled a 1 and a 6 and needed 8, you could reroll the 1. Without fleet, you'd have to reroll both dice.


Bonus Question: For cover saves that aren't area terrain, you need to have 25% of the model obscured by the terrain.

Awesome, thanks! Can you direct me to the page in the rulebook for the "Bonus Question"?


And with the jump packs assaulting, do I get to ignore obstacles like in the movement phase? (such as assault up from the ground to the top of a wall), or do I have to pay the 3" movement to move up a level like other units?

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I have the EBook edition, so page 51 of that under "Determining Cover Saves" in the Saves section of the Shooting Phase chapter.


And as far as I can tell with the jump packs, yes you can ignore the movement tax for going up a level. As it says using the jump pack in moving, charging, etc lets you move over all other models and all terrain freely.

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