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Making a modelling idea work on the table.


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Thinking about picking up the plastic Space Marine Librarian and converting him to a Chaos Sorcerer. I have the caped backpiece from the Space Marine Commander already, and since the psychic hood would then be out of the way I figure I'll just give him a suitable chaos marine head. The staff and that daemon skull shoulder plate just scream Chaos to me. If possible I will try to fit a Dark Eldar Prisoner along with him on the base, because it will be a Slaaneshi sorcerer and what better to represent a spell familiar/spoils of war? 


Anyway, since I obviously won't sit him on a bike I figure I'll just footslog him. Granted, I could give him wings from the Possessed sprue, have quite a few of those lying around. Admittedly, running him with a squad of raptors might be the most advisable option. But let's entertain the idea of a footslogging sorcerer for a while. How would you use him?


Suppose I run him like this: 


Chaos Sorcerer: Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of Corruption, Lv3, Spell Familiar.


A powerful sorcerer indeed. Though Slaaneshi for fluff reasons, the lore of Slaanesh isn't half bad and if nothing else the Primaris is decent. Rolling twice guarantees that I get either Hysterical Frenzy (great for boosting assault units) or Ecstatic Seizures, which should be nothing short of devastating against a blob of Ork Boyz. He'll most likely serve as my warlord what with the points levels I usually play at (usually around 1000 points), so I probably won't be able to cram in any Noise Marines and thus Symphony of Pain will likely be traded for the Primaris. The rest of the rolls will likely be Telepathy or Biomancy as per standard. 


But then, to what should I attach him...


One idea is having him lead this unit: 


9 Chaos Space Marines: Close combat weapons instead of boltguns, Mark of Slaanesh, Flamer, Lightning Claw, Rhino.


Hysterical Frenzy would serve this unit well. The flamer is a decent and cheap assault weapon, and the champion has a Lightning Claw to deal with challenges and make the most of his heightened initiative. What grates me about this unit is that it's low threat range (with a Sorcerer that has reliable access to 24'' powers), loses one weapon upgrade for not being the full 10 and of course can't assault out of the Rhino.


Another option is thus: 


9 Chaos Space Marines: Mark of Slaanesh, Plasma Gun, Lightning Claw, Rhino. 


The ranged option. Might consider trading the Lightning Claw for a Combi-plasma for added ranged punch, but the Mark of Slaanesh feels wasted here, and I'd prefer running them Slaaneshi if I could.



How would you do it? There must be a way!

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Truthfully, even saying you can't cram in noise marines a slaaneshi sorcerer throwing out symphony of pain is pretty neat. A Malediction that also buffs sonic attacks..

Something to think on.

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