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The Sabbath of Sensation


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Writing some fluff for a custom warband, trying out a colour scheme and so on.


Sabbath of Sensation


The Sabbath of Sensation seeks to bring the universe to the light of Slaanesh, and despises the moral strictures of the hated corpe-god's imperium, which they seek to overthrow.





Notable characters:


Patricius Phosphorus

Chaos Sorcerer

Aliases: The Lightbringer, The Morningstar


A Slaaneshi sorcerer, Phospohorus once served as an advisor to the Angels of Ecstacy, but left along with a small number of its warriors as a result of factional infighting within the warband. The newly formed Sabbath of Sensation has since grown in size by attracting other Slaaneshi renegades and possibly maintains the ability to implant gene-seed.


Following visions, the Lightbringer led his warband to Nod XII, where he and his forces managed to massacre a Lyanden expedtionary force. Offering the souls of the Eldar to the Dark Princess and desecrating their Shadowhunter, refitting the Eldar space vessel to a cathedral dedicated to She Who Thirsts, he gained the favour of Slaanesh. During the drunken revelry that followed this glorious victory, scores of the handmaidens of Slaanesh emerged to partake in the feasting and debauchery. Among them was Onoskelis, a Herald of Slaanesh, who has followed the warband ever since.




Herald of Slaanesh


The Lightbringer's consort, second(?) in command of the Sabbath of Sensation and often seen at the Morningstar's side. How a handmaiden of Slaanesh could remain in the materium for so long, none could say, though the Sabbath of Sensation has a reputation for taking Eldar slaves whenever the opportunity arises, the fates of which is better left undescribed.


A powerful psyker herself, the Herald known as Onoskelis has been observed bringing forth others of her foul kind when the Sabbath takes to the field of battle, enhancing that warband's combat ability with her summoned daemons.




Aliases: The Pleasure Engine


A Havoc heavy weapons specialist, Sandalphon threw in with the Morningstar during the strife which saw the Angels of Ecstacy split in two. Mortally wounded during the hard fighting, he was rewarded for his loyalty by being interred in a dreadnought, Sandalphon still serves his master fervently with fist, reaper autocannon and heavy flamer.



The Sabbath of Sensation has no homeworld, but maintains a Strike Cruiser, the Lust Infernal.


Combat doctrine

The Sabbath of Sensation rely on psychic ability, infantry, the pleasure engine, predator tanks and summoned daemons to achieve their goals.



Denial of freedom is the ultimate sin!

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Nice. Hadn't even thought of putting more detail into a force than minis and paint. Interesting to see the models of the characters added by their descriptions when they are ready.
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Thank you, I always wanted a custom warband with a proper backstory, and finally I feel I'm on the right track. I tried to make them a bit unique - they are led by a Sorcerer, which is rather rare outside of Tzeentch warbands (and Tzeentch warbands aren't common by themselves). They are Slaaneshi, but use stuff like regular infantry, dreadnoughts and predator tanks, where the go-to option had been noise marines and raptors/bikes. Really, it's just to make everything fit with the rules, if I run a sorcerer as my warlord there won't be noise marines on the table anyway. I'll probably write something up for aspiring champions and the like as I go. 


As far as  I understand it, daemons can't remain in the Materium for too long, making the circumstances surrounding the herald a mystery. Better keep that vague for now, simply imply that it might have something to do with ritually sacrificing captured Eldar without explicitly stating that's the case (don't want to break the walls of the universe!). 


Anyway, I realise I should perhaps have posted this in the fan fiction section. Would anybody mind if I posted the same thread there?

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Daemons would usually have to possess a body to stay in the material world unless there was something holding it there.


As for standard infantry...personally they represent new converts and those who haven't undergone surgical improvement.

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I would like to point out that not all Slaaneshi devotees, let alone Emperor's Children became or are Noise Marines. Even during the Heresy, it was a small sect of the EC who became Noise Marines. The others devoted their passions/interests into other obsessions. Angel Exterminatus, Reflection Crak'd, and even Fulgrim supports this, as well as the original IA article.


Rasc, once you get this more fleshed out, lol, I'll give you some more feedback. Feel free to PM me if you want to bounce ideas back and forth.

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