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All the above makes me look forward to ADB's upcoming novel about Abaddon even more. GW really does seem to be trying to dispel all the "Failbaddon" nonsense in the Black Legion supplement fluff, and I suspect more than a few loyalists will also be joining Ferrus Manus and Sanguinius in ADB's take on the Imperium's very own Anti-Christ.
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All the above makes me look forward to ADB's upcoming novel about Abaddon even more. GW really does seem to be trying to dispel all the "Failbaddon" nonsense in the Black Legion supplement fluff, and I suspect more than a few loyalists will also be joining Ferrus Manus and Sanguinius in ADB's take on the Imperium's very own Anti-Christ.


Worrisome though, since it really sounded like without ADB's input, the Black Legion supplement's fluff would have a lot more exciting partial victories where Abaddon loses a large number of concrete current resources in exchange for a smaller number of abstract future goals (and a left-handed prospect to be named later).


Factions need advocates, both in GW crunch generation and BL fluff writing.  Right now CSM ain't doing so hot.

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Yeah, I haven't been hearing good things about them.  Lost their pods, a lot of old stuff that didn't work well was left largely unchanged, everything that can take two weapons loses an attack unless they take two melee weapons, a lot of melee options lacking real delivery method & not really tough enough to hoof it in the current environment, big new models that are sadly redundant with models they already have, etc.


A lot of problems which, as a chaos space marine player, sound very familiar to me, frankly, though it's one thing to never have drop pods, and it's another to have them for an edition or two and then get them taken away because GW would rather give you another short range shooty MC and another infantry speed melee-only MC than make a model for them.


Basically, they're sounding like they got the CSM treatment, not the Eldar, Tau, or SM treatment, and didn't even get a kickass new flier as compensation (their fliers, unlike ours, are super vulnerable to quad guns, and even heavy bolters in numbers will bring them down without much trouble, and they can be grounded on top of everything else).


That said, they did get some heywire stuff, which should be useful to them, and a lot of their existing pieces saw points reductions, so I think it's too late to rule them out.  But while I haven't read their book myself, nor have I played against them yet, I can't say things are sounding good for the nids right now.

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Do they at least get a leadership test to act normally, and a decent leadership to reflect that they're supposed to act on their own?


And did they fix the tunneling rule, so that if a unit is following behind the trygon in its tunnel, they won't teleport back to your board edge if the dice say they arrive before or even on the same turn as the big bug?


And genestealers... man, I remember when genestealers were good.  It's been ages though, and despite being terrible in the last book, to hear they're largely unchanged in this one is just depressing.  Like watching the cult units mindlessly passed forward without any creativity or critical thought or attention what-so-ever.



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I think it's a leadership roll, then you roll on a behavior table.  1-3 and they get the stupids, 4-5 is the base behavior, and 6 is the basic behavior with a plus. 


Shoot the big ones first will continue to be the gold standard for anti-Tyranid tactics.

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Tunneling for the Tervigon is mostly untouched.


When the thing comes in play, if he Scatter on a unit, the unit takes a blast S6 AP2, if there is still models that prevent the Bug to deploy in the area, then he repeat the attacks, if after the secodn attack there is still models that prevent him to deploy, he take a DS mishap.


Also a huge part of their CC biomorph are now CCweapons, meaning that they can't mix all the rules and abilities of their Biomorph into one like they used to.


Just like any other models in the game, they have to choose with wich biomorph they strike.


Also they've lost acces to BRB PSy powers, they can only have Hive Mind Powers, and they roll on the Hive mind powers.


Shadow in the Warp is a -3 on LD for Psykers.


Termagaunts broods generated by Tervigons can't move and assault the same turn they where generated, Tervi has only 1 Psyker lvl and he doesn't share his Biomorphs wth the broods in his vicinity like they did.


No EW in any possible way, no more Ymgarl Genes, just a Ymgarl factor bio-artefact, that a HQ can take and each turn he Must use and change one of 3 options, +1A, +1S +1 to his save.


Whips doesn't affect ennemy Init anymore, it gives a +3 Init to the bearer instead.


Hive guards has their BS reduced to 3 and save to 4.


The big "stars" of the codex are Exocrine and Crone/Harpy.


Exocrine gets +1 BS if stationary and can dish out 6 S7 AP3 shots or one large blast S7 ap3, its still a 24" weapon(or 36? can't remember)


Crone can VS at S8, ans have 4 missiles that is S5 AP5 with Haywire, and they are twinlinked when shot at a Flyer/FMC.


He also have a Drool cannon(yup no kidding), its a flamer S6 Ap4, no torrent.


Harpy has 2 Venom cannons, the big ones with S9 Ap2.


But even so their profil isn't that impressive, T5 W4 save 4.


Also Swarmlord while beeing fearly unchanged, his Boneswords don't force to reroll succesfull invul saves anymore.

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no, that was the mawloc deal, the tervigon is the one that makes gaunts.  Or did you mean trygon?  Does it get the same attack from below rule?


The tunneling rule I was talking about was the trygon rule that said units arriving from reserve after the trygon is already on the table can arrive from the trygon's point of entry.  It was a thematically cool rule, but in practice worthless and worse than worthless, since you can't control the reserves rolls, and if the units you reserved arrived first, or even in the same turn as the trygon, then they were stuck walking on from your board edge.  Very similar to our problems with the dimensional key.


Honestly, a lot of what's being said about the nid codex is extremely familiar to me as a CSM player.  Iconic units that didn't work in the previous book copied forward with exactly zero thought put into them, no army-wide rules apart from a nerf, not really good at what they're supposed to be good at, lot of slow melee units without real delivery method that aren't even very good when they get there, melee-only units lacking grenades or substitutes, etc.


Except we have the drake, and so far nothing in the nid book is stepping up to be that kind of crutch.  Maybe they'll have some weird combo that jumps out later like daemons got, but the daemon book had tons of weird rules and interactions, access to bunches of psychic lores, and so on.  There was space for something to pop up later that wasn't seen earlier, and from accounts so far that just isn't the case for nids.


I mean, at least our stuff wasn't heavily nerfed going from 4th to 6th?  We didn't lose any units.  Nids lost pods & the doom, almost everything they had got worse, and while a lot of stuff got cheaper, it got worse at the same time (losing re-rolls, losing attacks, losing ballistic skill, losing biomancy, losing buffing abilities, etc etc etc).  I sure hope the nid players do find something, but at the moment it's looking like the already pretty terrible interfaction balance in 6e just got noticeably worse with a new faction as far out of balance on the 'weak' end of the scale as the eldar and tau were on the 'strong' end.


You know, after how the 8th ed fantasy army books went - with an unfortunate hiccup or two early on, but even those not that terrible, I have to say the design work on the 6th ed 40k books have been a colossal disappointment.

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No Parasite either.  GW's removal of anything that doesn't have a kit is about the worse policy ever.  If they can't make a profit off of something by having a named box that they can directly trace to some rules, then nobody will make a profit off of it.  Never mind that kitbashing would probably involve about 75% GW bitz.  Which I guess can make this post somewhat related to Doomrider, what with his lack of model and current deader than disco status.


Normally I'd say screw the filthy xenos, but Genestealers need to be badass.  I mean that's just a basic fact of 40k that Genestealers need to be hard core killing machines.

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Yeah, ymgarls were good, and sort of even kinda had models in the stealer box?  At least head options?  Which could have been expanded on if they took the bother to recut the sprue?


Instead they dropped the unit from the codex altogether.  The way things are now, they might as well have dropped regular stealers as well, a once iconic unit now basically a non-entity in the game.  Shameful.


Makes me glad I traded the last remnants of my nids away last year.

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Well they had a choice.

1) Figure a way to get genestealers to work, and then tweak Ymgarls (or make them upgrades) and make them unique from the regular 'stealers while avoiding the assault from reserve/infiltration/hiding whatever that they seem to be doing this release.


2) Copy/paste the genestealers, ditch the Ymgarls, go get a beer.

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Losing a deploy option is always bad . One can always hope that the stealer supplement will have the ymgis and that somehow normal nids will be able to take them . Or that [although that is beyond optimistic] the supplement is going to be a stand alone and awesome.



Testing the whole dex is fun , beyond fun though , we couldn't stop laughing . When a carnifex brood eats itself , because your opponent killed the closest synaps or you moved too far after fleet , people starts rolling on the floor .

Demons were random and I hated that . CSM are not random and utterly boring . Nids on the other hand make you laugh what ever you play with or against them . It is like playing against orks in 2ed . Suddenly something explodes , flyer gets killed by a quad. IF GW had added WFB -old-gigant-falling-down kind of rules  , I would have been in heaven .

I mean just imagine it . Crone enters gets quad guned , random falling , fals on a synpas and kills it . carnifex brood out of synaps range starts omnomnoming itself .
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Yeah sorry for the misunderstanding Mali.


Indeed the Trygon has still the same tunneling rule, units that comes after he got there can come from his "tunnel" point, not sure, because i only had a glance today at my FLGS, if it is the turn after the Trygon has come or if it is the same turn also...


Now my FLGS owner told me something interessting.


The way new kits comes out will be changed.


For exemple you had for the Nids 4 boxes, the Army box, and the Carni brood, Crone/Harpy, haruspex/Exocrine, and everything comes out the same day has the Codex.


In the futur it will be changed, if there is lets say 5 new kits, they will not be all acailable on the same day has the Codex.


The first week you will have one or two kits available, then the next week one kit etc.


He said that GW wants to "force" people to go more often to their GW shops by doing so.


because like he told me, when the dex comes out and the kits, people usually buy the kits that they want and the dex, and then if they don't need anything else they don't buy anything for a few weeks or so.


This way if people really wants the new kits, they come the week after, and then maybe grab some glue or some paint etc.


its also made because they are aware that not everyone can buy multiple kits at once, and like this people have more time to do so, after all if you buy for 200$ on one time or 4 times 50$, in the end its the same for GW, but in the eyes of the customer, it is easier to give 50$ at a time, then 200$ in one go.


Now i find it a bit weird, because after all, GW isn't doing any rules for stuff that don't have kits, to avoid the same thing that happened with Chapterhouse etc.


But now they plan on doing this, maybe, we will see more units, even if they don't have kits right away, and see the kits in the following weeks.

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Ahem, Doomrider... let's stay on topic. I think in due time we will have a topic concerning 'nids. In the end ... I was disappointed that a daemon prince, a being made from speed, rush and the ecstasy of racing was soundly beaten by a x generation runt of the White Scars. There is simply no power level maintained across the novels...

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You know, if they wanted me to come in every week, they could just put the effort they're currently putting into trying to 'trick' me into doing so into making their game actually good and fun to play, so that I'd want to go into the store regularly.

But whatever, I guess.

On topic:



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Losing a deploy option is always bad . One can always hope that the stealer supplement will have the ymgis and that somehow normal nids will be able to take them . Or that [although that is beyond optimistic] the supplement is going to be a stand alone and awesome.
Testing the whole dex is fun , beyond fun though , we couldn't stop laughing . When a carnifex brood eats itself , because your opponent killed the closest synaps or you moved too far after fleet , people starts rolling on the floor .
Demons were random and I hated that . CSM are not random and utterly boring . Nids on the other hand make you laugh what ever you play with or against them . It is like playing against orks in 2ed . Suddenly something explodes , flyer gets killed by a quad. IF GW had added WFB -old-gigant-falling-down kind of rules  , I would have been in heaven .
I mean just imagine it . Crone enters gets quad guned , random falling , fals on a synpas and kills it . carnifex brood out of synaps range starts omnomnoming itself .


And your opponent will laugh the loudest when he/she will wipe the floor with your Nids. Seriously, i don't get what GW is thinking lately (the last few years tbh). The miniatures are getting ever more expensive but not necessarily better, the rulebook lost whatever clarity it once posessed and the balance has become even worse than it used to be.


*edit* and to return to Doomrider, the fluff gets ever more boring. Perhaps i am getting older and grumpier but GW/BL seems to go for idiot grimdark nonsense where it isn't necessary (for example, i considered breaking trough the Cadian gate to ravage the "undefended" sectors behind it much more interesting than this convoluted Crimson Path nonsense) while other dark and messy parts i liked become ever brighter (Spacemarines as barely sane psycopaths was apparently not family friendly enough anymore).

Oh and Doomrider was awesome, poor man's Gengis Khan is space isn't.

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