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This is just one more nail in the coffin. I loved the idea of the Doomrider for as long as I've played this game, he was a vestige of that old GW craziness that made the game and the universe really fun. As far as the BL fluff goes it's the same there, an ever increasing trend of bright shiny future Marines winning all the time. I remember bits of fluff and short stories from the 'Galaxy in Flames' anthology that were truly fitting for the grim-dark setting of 40k. There was one story where a bunch of Imperial resistance fighters sabotage the shield generators of the Ork hulk they are trapped on thinking that Space Marines are coming to save them, only to realize that the Space Marines are in fact Iron Warriors who promptly turn all the resistance fighters into spawn by way of a reward. THAT is the grim-dark setting people remember. Thats the stuff that made the universe hopeless. You can put your life and everything you love on the line to achieve victory only to find you've actually hastened your own defeat.


There have been some good chaos novels in the past, Storm of Iron, AD-B's fantastic Night Lords trilogy, the Gildar Rift, the Dark Apostle arc, and the Treacheries of the Space Marines anthology, but far too few to really fit the universe thats been created. I get that the Imperium is a mighty edifice that cannot be conquered overnight, but I'm sick and tired of ancient Chaos Astartes getting brought down by what basically amount to neophytes in comparison. 


I understand renegades and recent converts being on par with most Space Marines, however when they have someone like the Doomrider, or Lucius, or anyone alive during the heresy or elevated to near daemonhood being bested by Imperial Space Marines it blows my mind. Experience and skill doesn't just cap off at a certain point, as the decades and millennia slide on by all the knowledge these guys had from the GREAT CRUSADE continues to be built upon. They aren't hidebound by religious dogma about weapon maintenance or combat tactics, when they first walked the stars they learned how to fix their own :cuss because it wasn't sacrilegious to do so. Basically the average traitor legionnaire who has survived to the 41st millennium is the equivalent in experience of a Space Marine Captain. I get that for game balance purposes every squad of Traitor Astartes can't be made up of BS5/WS5/3W/I5 Space Marines, but for :cusss sake, in the fluff they should be TERRIFYING. let Orks and Nids and traitor Guard be the cannon fodder for loyalist SMs, but on the insanely rare occasion real traitor marines show up they should absolutely WRECK everything they come into contact with.


This is also why I content myself with writing my own fluff for my Night Lords, because they are a tiny group of men in the great wide breadth of the galaxy, who will in all reality never again see the gates of terra or bring down the Imperium, but on the very, very, very rare occasions where they stand and fight, THEY MURDER EVERYTHING.

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I understand renegades and recent converts being on par with most Space Marines, however when they have someone like the Doomrider, or Lucius, or anyone alive during the heresy or elevated to near daemonhood being bested by Imperial Space Marines it blows my mind. Experience and skill doesn't just cap off at a certain point, as the decades and millennia slide on by all the knowledge these guys had from the GREAT CRUSADE continues to be built upon. They aren't hidebound by religious dogma about weapon maintenance or combat tactics, when they first walked the stars they learned how to fix their own :cuss because it wasn't sacrilegious to do so. Basically the average traitor legionnaire who has survived to the 41st millennium is the equivalent in experience of a Space Marine Captain. I get that for game balance purposes every squad of Traitor Astartes can't be made up of BS5/WS5/3W/I5 Space Marines, but for :cusss sake, in the fluff they should be TERRIFYING. let Orks and Nids and traitor Guard be the cannon fodder for loyalist SMs, but on the insanely rare occasion real traitor marines show up they should absolutely WRECK everything they come into contact with.


This is also why I content myself with writing my own fluff for my Night Lords, because they are a tiny group of men in the great wide breadth of the galaxy, who will in all reality never again see the gates of terra or bring down the Imperium, but on the very, very, very rare occasions where they stand and fight, THEY MURDER EVERYTHING.


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Basically the average traitor legionnaire who has survived to the 41st millennium is the equivalent in experience of a Space Marine Captain.

Agree on all accounts, my thoughts are the same in the comments I posted in the re-doing Chaos thread on here


Chaos Legionaries should be to regular marines as the Thunder Warrior in 'The Outcast Dead'was to the Legionaries.


A particularly cool piece of fluff had a chaos marine laughing at "thin blooded" 40k marines, telling them that their 30k predecessors were real marines and were a tough fight.


Sealing away doomrider is a tragedy. He was the 41st Millenium's Green Knight/

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BL are just another arm of the GW marketing machine. Unfortunately when GW became a public company they were no longer beholden to their gaming customers now they have to satisfy their shareholders. Shareholders want only one thing profits the bigger the better so they can get bigger and bigger dividends. This means that GW can no longer work on things that are cool they can only work on what is profitable and their biggest sellers would be space marines by far. That is why they get so much new technology every new codex despite there being no new technology for ten thousand years.


It is galling being a CSM player not only do we not get access to all of this new ancient technology, the one thing in my opinion that made CSM cool and different,the ability to summon demons from the warp to do your bidding has been taken away from us because GW saw a new way to make a few bucks. I remember when the new demon codex came out I asked a GW employee if I could still use my plague bearers with my CSM he said only in apocalypse games. I wasn't prepared to buy another few thousand points to play apocalypse to use the demons I could use in the last codex. I find it interesting that there are not more CSM novels as the bad guys are always more interesting than the good guys and finding a great story for Chaos in the last ten thousand years should be very easy to do. Okay rant over.


One final thing Doomrider would be best buddies with Tony Montana. "Say hello to my little fren".

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