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Quick question about bikes


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Quick question gents. I know bikes are a good platform for meltas for sons of Sanguinius. But is it more efficient, points wise and damage output, to just use all attack bikes, or include an attack bike with a squad of regular bikes?


I ask because I've got my eye on those FW outrider models, but the price tag is a smidge high. If a squad of straight attack bikes will serve better then I will forego the hit to my wallet.

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I can't speak from experience, but the idea of having triple melta attack-bikes riding with a Sanguinary Priest for FNP appeals to me--could make for a very durable unit. I think most people would probably advocate Bike squad with 2x Melta and an MM attack-bike, however.

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So the 3x Attack Bikes with multi melta would run you 235pts. That could potentially be a beastly unit. 


For just a few more points you could get a 4 or 5 bike/1 MM Attack Bike squad with the 2 melta upgrades....


Any input from the crowd on which you think is best?



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Regular bikers are awful in our codex, way too expensive and lack the gravgun option.

Attackbikes are good, specially with a priest, but since a priest is so expensive (and takes up an elite slot) you have to ask yourself if those points are better spent on more models/units. 


That said if you want to include a priest that isn't corbulo then one on a bike is one of the least bad ways to do it.

With the high mobility of both the bikers and the priest you can easily juggle wounds on different models and make sure that the priest is in a good position to provide his buff. When the attackbikes are down to 1-2 models you can also relocate the priest to buff another unit. Much harder to do that on foot or with only a jump pack. 

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Regular bikers are awful in our codex, way too expensive and lack the gravgun option.


I didn't think we got the gravgun anywhere in our codex??? Or was that a generalized, if we got it they would be on par with other SM bikes?

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Triple attack bike rocks in my opinion! Strong, and hardy. You dont need a priest WITH them either. Nearby is fine -or without. 

T5 and 2W mean they stick around a lnog time.  I usually rock 2xMM, 1HB - 140.  Very effective harassment unit

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I feel that for us, Bike Squadrons (and Terminators for that matter) need a full squad, support (i.e Priest, Librarian) and need a list built around them. If you want to do that, go for the Outrider models but Attack Bikes are apparently* infinitely more efficient.



* I say apparently because bikes in any guise never seem to work well for me, but that's the theory anyway.

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Well I was just considering bikes in my new list but need your suggestions.


3 bikers with two melta guns, with an attached mm attack bike runs for 160 points.



I was planning on running two of these, and while not essential to my army, do give a lot of worry to an opponent.



However their high toughness and cover save is easily negated by a riptide with some pathfinders, who would blow them out of the water.


I think the wave spam would hurt them too as the shield ignores cover and uses high strength shots. I could add a priest to alleviate some of this stuff, but it gets expensive and I don't have another elite slot open.

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However their high toughness and cover save is easily negated by a riptide with some pathfinders, who would blow them out of the water.


I think the wave spam would hurt them too as the shield ignores cover and uses high strength shots. I could add a priest to alleviate some of this stuff, but it gets expensive and I don't have another elite slot open.

Attack bikes dont get instant death'd from the riptide, and we still get armour vs the serpent shield. Also if the opponent is firing the shield at your bikes, then they leave their serpents vulnerable.


I always field 2x2 multimelta attack bikes in my 1500pt lists, and they are usually the stars of the show. I have more to upgrade to 2x3 bikes. 300pts for 6 fast, tough, multimeltas is very good. They can also be used as a roadblock in a pinch.

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3 x MM Attack bikes have worked for me time and again. Tough, fast and effective. Yeah, definitely recommended.

I usually follow behind with a JP priest who is hiding in a unit of JP infantry, so the bikes provide firepower and a mobile cover save for the JP infantry, who can leapfrog the bikes when needed and engage threats in CC...and everyone benefits from the FNP. Sometimes Mephiston tags along too devil.gif

Blood Angels have no access whatsoever to grav weaponry (unless you want to ally with codex marines.)

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Drop pod / deep strike units close to the Riptides. Shoot them point blank or any other shooty.

Keep his units busy and ya harnessing bikes should be left alone with the immediate threat.

Don't bother giving them priests unless you really are putting alot of guys in there.   T5 and cover save of flat out should keep them alive to get up there.

Co ordinate with ya honour guard so when they arrive and are hopefully in combat 6 away from the HG they will get furious charge and feel no pain.


I find bikes expensive myself.  I use land speeders shooting 3 with 2 HBs for 18 shots at S5 amusing at 36 range

always keeping them on the fringe of enemys range.

Good harassment unit that can hit all but marine flyers who are AV12 also.

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lack means "don't have"

What? Say it ain't so...


It seems my sarcasm didn't translate very well in the above post...


Thanks for the input though gents. Looks like I'm getting some attack bikes in the near future.






I find bikes expensive myself.  I use land speeders shooting 3 with 2 HBs for 18 shots at S5 amusing at 36 range

always keeping them on the fringe of enemys range.

Good harassment unit that can hit all but marine flyers who are AV12 also.


I've always thought that bikes are the best melta platform when compared to speeders, which are better HB/Assault Cannon platforms. The extended range serves to keep the 'weaker' speeders out of harms way. Ideally. 

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