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Debating on Plague Marine loadouts


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Hey guys, So my local GW is running an Event called the Nemesis Escalation League; designed to build and paint a 2000pt army from scratch in 6 months complete with banners, allies/fortifications, large models and a display board at the end. You start with 500pts, and each month it goes up (500, 750,1250,1500,1750, 2000 respectively). The first month is over, and I am currently working on a list for 1250pts, where I'm required to have at least 600pts of troops if I want a full modeling score. So heres my conundrum: which Plague Marine load out should I take?


7 Plague Marines







5 Plague Marines

power fist






Really the only difference is the body count. Personally I love the idea of a themed 7 strong unit, but it puts me way above the requirements, and I can think of a few other ways to spend those points. In either case I want at least 3 units in rhinos, but I'm worried that a 5 man unit might be a little weak. The rhinos are a must because as it stands, I'm already being out manouvered at the 500pt level, and my army just can't keep up. I plan on just charging these guys up the field and getting in close and personal asap, since they have just been getting shot to pieces so far.


so what are your thoughts?? Which build would be worth while? By taking a 5 man unit, I sacrifice the staying power of the unit, but I free up 144pts that could go towards more killy things, but for what its worth, a 7 man unit would stand a higher chance of claiming objectives etc but I take away points that could be used elsewhere...


thanks all,



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To be honest keep them cheap and cheerful. You won't be needing the power fist in most cases as plagues don't excel at close combat. Better to invest the points elsewhere. Mixing plasma and melta is a bad idea in general aswell. Better off in general taking 2 plasmas. If you have to go for cc weapons on the champs power axes are better generally speaking(Still not worth getting imo). If you want to go for rule of the cool take 7 otherwise 5 works out pretty well anyhow due to the plagues good staying power. 


All in all don't invest too much in units that won't be carrying your list. 

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hmmmm good points....I made up a 1250 list with the 5 man unit, and it was a struggle really...i decided to get typhus in the list good and early, but could only afford 3 termies with combi bolters, and the champ with dual LCs, not the greatest unit....I'll try out your suggestions and see how many points I can free up.

[edit] So each unit would cost 200pts with your suggestions (took a power axe, im a little nervous about not having any kind of AP for CC), giving me an extra 15pts. now I gotta find out how best to use them tongue.png Since I added typhus, i'll take some termies and DS for now, and give them a LR at 1750. Any suggestions for a 160pt Terminator squad?


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If you're set on termis you'll probably be better off deepstriking them regardless. Depending on meta full combi-plasmas or combi-meltas with a mix of cc.

You could fit in 4 termis with 4 combis 3 axes and a power maul/power sword for 148pts which could work as a bodyguard for typhus. You could also go for a full squad with axes to be honest

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plague marines are one of those units that you have to find the "sweet spot" for size and loadout. Luckily they are very customizeable, i run my (in a typhus list) squads of 6-7 with 2x the same special weapon with a melta bomb sarge and give him a power axe if i have the extra points and always with VotLW. The squad is in a rhino and used for up in the face objective getting.


plagues are one of those "do it all" kind of units but you pay the premium for it. With the sarge having 3 attack, usually rerolling everything he's not a joke even without the special weapon. Sometimes i add a combi flamer for S&G's. I throw my plagues forward but play reactivly. In this role i find they excell

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I have two units of ten plague marines in rhinos both asp champs have power fists. Should I get rid of them? How do you deal with armour and mc's without them? Also do power axes strike last in combat?



Armour: Melta bomb on the champion, or krak grenades.

MC's - All your models wound the MC on a 4+, you should generally score a wound per 2 models. If you're in an MC rich environment, pick up the fist, but in any other, the other marine is (imo) better.


Of course, rule of cool takes precedence. All of this advice is for optimisation of an army list.

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I have two units of ten plague marines in rhinos both asp champs have power fists. Should I get rid of them? How do you deal with armour and mc's without them? Also do power axes strike last in combat?



Armour: Melta bomb on the champion, or krak grenades.

MC's - All your models wound the MC on a 4+, you should generally score a wound per 2 models. If you're in an MC rich environment, pick up the fist, but in any other, the other marine is (imo) better.


Of course, rule of cool takes precedence. All of this advice is for optimisation of an army list.

And there are many cool Power Fist armed models out there!


Statistically, a Lightning Claw will be your best bet - but these are fewer and far between.

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Statistically, a Lightning Claw will be your best bet - but these are fewer and far between.

A LC is statistically better at killing MC than a powerfist?


Directly comparable against a Marine Sergeant. You'll probably be dead before then anyway against a MC :P

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