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List Tailoring


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Do you list tailor at all for particular armies? If so what have you found works better against what armies?


I personally have found that 2 helldrakes is too much against everything save MEQ armies, against IG or equivelant they can absorb the damage and against mechanised armies.


Against anything save MEQ (who they can struggle with, unless they have plenty of tanks), my Maulerfiends always find a use, especially when tag teaming with Belakor for the invisibility buff.


I have yet to find the combination of units that work best against Tau, Eldar and Taudar (because lets face it Taudar are a faction in themselves nowadays).

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Do you list tailor at all for particular armies?

nope . no one does that here . it creates too much of an arms race and puts the new players at an auto lose position .


I have never felt that 2 helldrakes are too much against geq/eldar/tau. Tau have ton of interceptors and a single helldrake offten doesn't survive entering the board.

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Only against my one friend who always plays the same super optimised list. I know exactly what the core of his army will be and exactly how he will deploy and maneuver every game he plays, so it becomes a game of "how can I beat this specific thing?"


The other friend I regularly play against, tailoring would cripple me since I never know WHAT he's going to bring. Could be SM, could be Orks, maybe Tau, lately Iyanden, but SW or IG could also pop up... With him I just play whatever I feel like, since there is no way I could prepare.


For the occasional LGS game I just bring an all-comers list, since I don't know who will be involved or what they'll have.

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I just try to bring as solid an army as I can bring, without resorting to bringing so many cultists I'd be better served playing IG or punking out and taking plague marines.  I wanted CSMs so I could play a power armor army, not Ork Armored gimps and Turkey Monsters.

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In the past?  Sometimes.  I'd have a 'whatever list' and would only adjust it if the other person was writing a list only after they knew they were playing me.


Now?  Now my lists are all tailored to exactly what I have painted up to my current standard.  Since that's two squads of CSMs with dual plasma,a spineshiver lord, and nothing else, that's all I run.

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I take nothing but plague marines, heldrakes, and chaos bikers. Those are the good units, right?? So why would anyone take anything that wasn't mini-maxed to gods :cuss and built to just win?? That's what chaos is about gents!! Winning!! Winning for the Win god!! AARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


I've always played underdog armies. Building a list just to defeat another army just seems like poor sportsmanship to me. But I build lists that I hope to be both thematic and decent on the table. So the answer for me is, hell no. For the majority of the local players here, it's yes.


Don't they get bored playing the same list and winning all the time...


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Sometimes it's not about playing yarg der best stuf whats the strongest for winning.  Sometimes it's about just wanting my models to freaking work, so that I can play against my opponent instead of against my own bloody codex.  When you field a unit that is bad at its job, or just plain unable to do it, well that isn't very fun, imo.  It's not fun to watch Abaddon and his terminator retinue mishap straight back into my figure case in game after game.  It's not fun to have to bend over backwards to get my possessed into combat, only for them to be lousy in the one game when they finally get there.


I don't think it's fair to rag on people for fielding the models the codex rewards them for fielding with a fun game, and not taking the models the codex punishes them for fielding with nothing but frustration.

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Agreed malisteen. I have lots of models/units that I love playing with if for no other reason than the models themselves are awesome!! And then people at the local tournament say stupid things like "why are you playing _____" and "should you have two of the same ______ in that unit, it's 'better' that way". I know that!! I'm not stupid (debatable)!!


I've been to one 'Ard Boyz. One. And never again. I played against 2 armies in a row, in a sea of over 15 players. Both armies where the same. I mean exactly the same. And there was at least 4 other players playing the same thing. For me it's not about winning, it's about creativity. Now I go to local tournaments infrequently. I play against one friend mostly, and I bring what ever I want. It's more enjoyable for me that way.

The ally thing has made GW a lot of money I would suspect. But I'm sick of seeing this added to that to taste the flavor of the month... *yawn*


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I don't tailor list, never have. I build my list how I want / think will do well , and my opponent takes whatever he takes. For one thing I never know what army I'm playing against, everyone I play has more then one army , and also changes what they put in them. I still have 1 guy that will always ask which army I'm bringing (chaos or nids) , despite the fact that I will never tell him. I always say, just make an army, don't worry about what I bring.

and really chaos for the last 2 dex's has only had a couple of army builds that even work reasonably well, so really, how much CAN you tailor a chaos list ?? confused.gif

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Not really. I did in a campaign, where we had an army pool, and we had to pick legal armies from our pool. Models could really die (so you would lose them from your pool), and they could only be used in one battle a turn. Then I selected the units that I thought would be most helpful against my target. We also had vet skills/perks for units that survived, won, and did well. I ended up with a totally overpowered 5 man squad of Dire Avengers by the end of the campaign (It started out as a 10 man squad)... We are talking about stat buffs, additional USRs, and getting extra equipment such as power weapons... If Bladestorm didn't finish you off... Then the power weapons would.

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Did you get to keep Boon Roll results from each game (on the survivors of course)?


Yeah, so squads got tougher but smaller. In fact, the boon results were applied at the end of a mission. That one Dire Avenger squad survived over 20 missions, so it got all of the normal boons (eventually, because they were random, tough luck if you rolled something you already had, or something that didn't apply to your model), and started getting the EPIC BOONS (Boons designed for HQs). Some of the stuff out there got pretty scary. Normally, it was tough stuff that got tougher. I'm just glad the Necrons didn't last long enough to have a T9 3++ Night Bringer.

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hellios, you know what would be cool in a campaign like that ? Say you could replace no more the 20% of the squads orginal size  and still keep the gained experience/buffs ! Then for a heavily damaged squad, you would have to choose , get the squad back up to full strength , OR keep the boons . maybe I'll do a campaign like that sometime.

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Those who list tailor should be drug behind the game shop and beaten with socks filled with dice...



But, that's my general answer to anyone who tailors/cheats/MTG players/Deathstars/or anything else that is worth beating with socks full of dice.


I keep a wool sock filled with d30s on hand just in case...

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Ahhh, the lock in the sock concept, I know it well . I used to carry one in my mis-spent yoot. I see your from Virginia too thumbsup.gif . Probably not a coincidence that we both know what a lock in a sock is laugh.png

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Ahhh, the lock in the sock concept, I know it well . I used to carry one in my mis-spent yoot. I see your from Virginia too thumbsup.gif . Probably not a coincidence that we both know what a lock in a sock is laugh.png

In the 40K community we call this the Dreadsock, because real men put the old metal dreads into the socks.

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Well, I prefer dice, because I am a gamer... And you want a light weight bludgeon since it is for educational purposes, and not for correctional/self defense.

A cube of d6s in a sock are good for first time offenses, the sock full of d30s is for repeat offenders...


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  • 4 weeks later...

List tailoring can be fun when both sides are tailoring to fight each other, especially when you have one regular opponent who you often feud with.  It's like roleplaying the bitter grudges forming between your commanders, and their attempts to shape their forces to take down their rivals.


And even if you don't tailor to specific forces, I don't think any of you can really pretend that you don't make adjustments for your meta.  Don't pretend like you include a bunch of lascannons and meltaguns if nobody in your area runs vehicles, or spam flamers if no one you know runs light armored hordes or whatever.


I think list tailoring gets an excessively bad wrap.  It's fine, so long as both players are making their list at the same time and with the same knowledge.  If you're making you're list before you know who or what you're playing, then it's fair to ask the same of whoever you end up playing against.  But if you're arranging a game with a specific opponent, and you both are writing lists based on that fact, then that's fine, too.

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Part of me feels that list tailoring is fine against the git with the min/maxed taudar list. The One in mind I think the only way I could win is with heavy list tailoring. He always takes the same last but it's broken as hell
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