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List Tailoring


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Ahhh, the lock in the sock concept, I know it well . I used to carry one in my mis-spent yoot. I see your from Virginia too thumbsup.gif . Probably not a coincidence that we both know what a lock in a sock is laugh.png

In the 40K community we call this the Dreadsock, because real men put the old metal dreads into the socks.

To much effort, dont you guys have the hardcover rules book or something, GW doesnt make those heavier for fun you know.

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Ah, so that's why it always feels wrong to use the softcover mini-rulebooks from Dark Vengeance. Less beatdown potential.


Dreadsock: For when you absolutely, positively have to beat the Lijah-Cuu out of someone.

*This post is not to be construed to approve of violence towards other players


*Blood for the Blood God!


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Tau codex[ally broadside formation], Eldar codex[main] , dark eldar codex[ally], stronghold[2void bunkers] , escalation[Raver T.], printed FAQ for all 5, printed Tau formation  and a  rule book . Looks more like a potato sack is needed then a sock.

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As has been stated earlier i believe it all comes down to eqaulity in preperation. I almost always bring all comers lists, only tailoing to army specific if a buddy "calls me out" for a grudge match and that is usaully when he requests a certian type of army for me to create (ie a stress test against a type, mech, inf spam, termi, ect..) I have found other players, usually the add youth which i avoid playing unless my usuall sespects cancel or there are no other matchups, ask what i play before writing thier list. I just take it in stride with a slight grinding of teeth and do my best in game to punish such transgressions. Usually those who tailor on site are doing so to compensate  for lack of skill (not universal but in my experience) so i just think of it as an uphill battle from the start that a good player can overcome through smart play. Meh.....                               

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Here's the army I would want to list tailor against. I cannot remember the exact details of the list (as my codex's are well out of reach due to technical issues) but when I cannot give the exact info I'll say what they do:


Tau Commander with 2+ save and all the gear to buff his crisis suit buddies with re-rolls and coverstripping.

Crisis suits with a variety of weaponry (mostly plasma I think)

A Riptide with its most ideal config.

3 Broadsides with missiles a plenty.

2 min units of firewarriors

2 Tetras

Farseer on Bike

More Jetbikes

Wraithknight with pie blast (I think)

2 Serpents with Aspect Warriors - I believe 1 Fire Dragons and 1 Dire Avengers squad. Scatter lasers of course.


He's Kosher with people tailoring against his list.


I'm thinking along the lines of a rip and tear list. Ideas? Either way I think being able to take out the Tetra's on Turn 1 would spoil his day as he wouldn't have markerlights then.

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Personally I'm all for list tailoring... In such that ill make a list based roughly on the army I'm facing- not necessarily against the exact units the enemy will field. I for one think that tourney TaC lists gives rise to cheese such as screamerstar, trip-tide, etc because those units can take all comers. But I play pick-up games at the shop and or weekend battle bonanzas against close friends (so as malisteen put it- its furthering the grudge against battle hardened generals) pretty much everyone I know either has huge collections and plays varied/fun lists, or is considered a douche or poor-sport for running trip-tide spam flavor of the week 'net-lists' every game. I think its way more fun to guess what your opponent will field and try to counter it than to play against the 'net-lists'
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It is not very fun to play a triple whirlwinds vs orks . Tailoring can work only if both players have vast collections and both armies have more then one build . If one army requires 2 different styles of tailoring and the other is always countered by the same thing , it does not end with a lot of fun .

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