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So since I love older marks of power armor and don't field all that much MK7 in my force I've decided my imperial fists will join you merry band of lunatics in the 31st millennium..... I blame you all! (Note this does not mean I'm quoting actual 40k I'm just working my power armor models into a HH force, but in 40k I will still use the newer toys of the 41st millennium)


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I think depth charge should be the captain

Prime should be the first mate ( or vice versa)


Heathens should most definitely be the boatswain


Jasp can be the forge lord


What other old timey positions were on ships?

Dibs on the mad, raving, horrifically scarred by deliberately induced nightmares Astropath!


Wait, that would suck. Uh, erm . . . The dibs was called on behalf of Wade! It was his dibs!


Looking forward to seeing some more Fists coming.

any chance for a closer look on the executioner predator? i wanna make one myself.


i'd have voted heathens captain, but whatever...


who's the ship doctor? Labourious?


What's this? Mutiny?! Off the plank for you!





P.S. I would've made him captain too. I could've settled with the drunk first mate tbh


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