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Nurgle Plague Tower question


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Hi all, first post here.  I am looking for the rules for the Nurgle Plague Tower, I'd like to scratch build one for my Death Guard army, but the pdf has been pulled down from the GW website.  Does anyone know where I can track it down?  I really just want to build a super-heavy for friendly games, and the Daemons and Titans from the last Apoc book don't really fit my army, I really want something with treads or wheels.  Thanks!

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If I remember correctly the new rules for the plague tower are in the Pandorax supplement.


Edit: My apologies, it appears there's a plague reaper(?) in that supplement, but no tower.


You could try googling around for it, or perhaps a fellow fan of Pappa Nurvle could email you it (I might have it on my PC at home but can't be sure and won't be home for a good while).

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