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[Coming Soon] The Progression War


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Alternate stories of the Horus Heresy are overly common, so that recent project of mine is on permanent hiatus. I was thinking of doing up another story instead.


This one would be called The Progression War, and it would be centered around factions within the Imperium who want to see mankind progress rather than stagnate. Among them would be the Recongregationism and Seculos Attendous factions of the Inquisition, previously thought to have had little influence across the galaxy - a mistaken assumption on the part of their enemies. Several Astartes chapters would also join them, as well as some "progressive" Imperial Guard regiments.


It would be about a fight between these radicals who want change for the betterment of humanity, and those stagnating puritans who want to maintain the status quo. Not so much good versus evil in the traditional sense, but rather evolution versus stagnation, if you will.


More tidbits and information will be coming as soon as possible.

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Whilst I recognise the work put into the various alternate Heresies, it is rather becoming very commonplace. It'll be a very nice change to see something new smile.png
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Basically, the Recongregationism and Seculos Attendous factions will gather there forces and make a move against the more stagnant and puritan factions of the Imperium. Their forces will include several DIY Astartes chapters (coincidentally themed after pre-heresy legions), several Imperial Guard regiments, radical Inquisition forces (but nothing to do with Chaos), and some xenos allies (namely Tau).


With multiple events drawing the Imperium's attention away, such as the 13th Black Crusade, the rise of the Necrons, and the encroachment on Terran space by the Tyranid Hive Fleets, they have decided that know is the time to make their move. Change and progress for the better are their goals. They believe they will save mankind from its own destruction, brought about by corrupt rulers who think only of themselves, and who falsely speak for the Emperor.


Will they succeed where many others have failed? Can mankind become strong once again, and return to what the Emperor had envisioned for his people so long ago? This is unknown, but they will certainly die trying, fighting for a better future - for everyone, not just themselves.

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