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Kronic Painting Studio's - Commission Painting


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Sup fellas! my name is James and I'm a part time commission painter. I'm making this thread today to show off my work and to get some feedback. This will be my first post, on BAC and it will defiantly not be my last!

I will be uploading, most of the better work I have done, as I don't want the thread to get hammered with to many photo's on first page at least, so people have to wait for it to load forever! biggrin.png

I will try and update this thread, once or twice a week with new photo's from recently completed commissions, or just stuff of my own. All my WIP and stuff can be found at my facebook / website.



I hope you all enjoy!






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Just out of curiosity where did the head for the Dark Angels Sergeant come from? I really like it and maybe I am just coming up with a blank, but I do not recognize it.

It's the standard DV Sgt head.


They look good, kronicpainting/James. It's a little hard to tell from the images how you are doing the highlights, zenithial with an airbrush or brush blending? The shading looks nice, but some of the images are dark enough that it is hard to tell if it is simply from the shadowing of the model itself or your paint work.


Keep it up!

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Sup fellas. Cheers for the comments. Yeah as Bryan Blaire said Dark Veng set. 
Bryan, for the dark angels I did zenithial. I think they came out ok. It's a technique I do not like that much just me tho.


The fellas over at cool mini or not were giving me some tips on how to take photo's properly as it effecting how people do see the minis. I have a DSLR and all that but it's just getting all the settings right. 


For the IF Captain "not 100% sure what he is called some games day model 2009 I think" The shading on the shoulder pads and all that were done with an airbrush.

And any tips on how to improve photo quality would be awesome. 






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You might want to clean up the casting defects on your minis a little better before you paint them.  There is a piece of flash on the IF captain's shoulder pad rim that you missed and a mold line running right down the center of it.  Some of your base edges need touched up as well before you post pics of them.  There are several spelling errors on your web page that you might want to correct.  All of these little things add up when you are trying to attract business.


I would suggest taking the time to fill out your profile here on the B&C.  It's obvious that you want people to visit your FB page and website, why not show some consideration here first?  

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May want to repaint the Juggernaut too. Khorne's colours are red, black and brass. Being a daemon of Khorne would make it one of those colours.


Also, with the description on your site look at the following:

>remove the fact that you've been at it for a year. That is a tiny amount amount of time to be painting (25+ years here).

>change the wording about how you paint. Most people going for commission stuff want quality, not just speed. I'm sure you don't do everything by airbrush. None of the others do.

>last and one of the biggest... Grammar and spelling. If you can't start a sentence with capital letters then why should anyone be willing to part with their money and models and put trust in you to do a better job than you can.


I've only looked at the mobile site which doesn't show any special graphics or anything really eye catching to make me think ":cuss yeah...this is the one I want to do my army." Look at other companies and see how they promote themselves to get ideas.


Sorry I had to be blunt on it but where business is concerned (which commission painting is) you need more than an airbrush, a few pics and a name. Good luck though and keep exploring ways to improve your site and painting.

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Sorry but just thought of a few other things to do too.


>get a logo and make sure it and your web sit address are on all your pictures.

>look into watermarking your pictures.

>make sure your pictures are labelled correctly so they show up on Google searches.

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Frater, I understand completely. You have made valid point's and I agree with all of them besides some of the repainting stuff. Allot of these models are painted at different times of when I started painting the Khorne fello being one of the first thing's I painted when I came back to this hobby about 2 years ago now, 2nd I don't actually have any of these models any more as they were for commission's and or models for my own army that I later put on ebay. 

I have been meaning to update and put more work into my website, which I will be over the next few weeks. Allot of my most recent work has not been 40k related in anyway, not even close to 40k. The last 3 armies I've painted have been Warmachine, and the one before that WoC fantasy. 






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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys. Just an update of my most recent work. Cannot post most of my stuff as it is mainly form board games, and Warhammer Fantasy. But correct me if I'm wrong if this cannot be used in a daemon's army or something. If cannot be please let me know and I will remove it. I'm going off this from the rules section of the site.

"The Bolter & Chainsword is dedicated to the Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and Inquisition forces of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. This means the website is strictly Power Armor only (with a few exceptions for the =][=, Adeptus Mechanicus, Daemons and the News forum).Questions and posts dealing with NON POWER ARMOR armies can be made at many of the army specific or "

I hope you enjoy.



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Daemons are perfectly acceptable in B&C. This one is particularly handsome! :)


For this very high skill level of yours, the only comment I'd make is possibly use some gloss varnish over the open wounds to give a slimy/liquid feel... The work of the spine is really great! :tu:

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Hello again guys! I'm here to bring you all some more of my most recent work! Please like and follow me on Facebook to see my WIP and a range of all the models I paint!
I hope you enjoy and please leave what you think.













KronicPainting Studios

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  • 2 months later...
Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, June 17, 2014 - Xenos!!!
Hidden by Captain Semper, June 17, 2014 - Xenos!!!

Hi guy's! just wanted to update some of my post's with some commission's I've done over the month's. I've had some health issues haven't been able to update my thread.
Please let me know what you think of them! 










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  • 3 weeks later...


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