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Mr Mee's commission bucket. (Pic heavy)

Mike Mee

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  • 4 months later...

Hello! I've been away for a while but Hello all, but I have recently finished some Raven Guard for a client at the studio, hope you enjoy them looking at them.




Stay tuned, next is a Ravenwing Thunder Hawk Gunship!!!


P.s, I forgot to drill the holes in the Bolters..........

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the comments, I was quite an enjoyable project to do & building it wasn't as much of a chore as I had initially thought. Next up, some white marines that I am presuming are Death Guard(brass etch bits and the colour scheme) but using all the current Games Workshop range. First up, some Stern Guard and a Drop Pod!




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Very nice work Mike Mee. You have a really clean and precise painting style. It's very different to my approach, which is always interesting to see. Do you have examples of work where you have really gone 'all out'?

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I should hope so!


Well done mr Mee!


Very nice work Mike Mee. You have a really clean and precise painting style. It's very different to my approach, which is always interesting to see. Do you have examples of work where you have really gone 'all out'?


Lovely work on those Death Guard, but...they're so pristine :mellow:

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Thank you I have some Bikes next, again they are quite clean for Death Guard. Enjoy :-)



Just so you know, I have no idea why the 2nd lot of bikes have jump packs ;-)

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Last but not least, the fast stuff for the army! Attack Bike and a Land Speeder.



Who know whats next ;-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I'm not too sure if I can post Imperial Guard stuff or Astro Millamerr here, so someone slap my wrist if I can't.


Without futher adue, here is a Forge World Bombard I finished not too long back. I have to say, weathering is fun :-)





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  • 1 month later...

Seconded needs blending in, very nicely painted and weathered but for me the decals look too fresh to have been through what the rest of the tank has endured. could do with dirtying them up a little.


Nice, the weathering is great but you can see the decal outlines too easily, they need to be blended into the armour. 


I seem to always mess up decals, apart from those rare occasions where they look perfect! Something I need to practice on me thinks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I have been a bit quite recently, thats because this has been happening this month...


Still a bit to go, but I should have some close up's when the entire project is completed :-)

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Hello all again! Here are some more models of the Sanguinary Guard I painted as part of a large Blood Angel army. More of them to follow of course but for now here is a quick work in progress shot of them, hope you enjoy.


Also Golem painting studio has started putting some video's out, check us out :-)

Mike Mee
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello one and all again! Not long ago I was working through a very large Blood Angel commission, which is now completed, Horay!!!!

This is a going to be a lot of pic's, so I'm going to show you guys and gals all of the infantry models first :-)











Hope you enjoyed looking and I will be posting the tanks next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks pretty good all around.  However, the gold seems kinda washed out and lacking depth, especially on large surfaces like the Sanguinary Guard. 


I have to admit I am not very good at painting metalics, gold is a nightmare for me! I'll have to have some lessons on painting gold and improve some how. I have all the tanks and some bikes to show now, hope you like em.











Next up is ALL of the characters ;-)

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