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Slaanesh Themed Cultists


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Does anyone know of any good miniatures that would make good Slaanesh themed Chaos Cultists? The existing GW cultists seem a little too "nurgly" to me with the gas masks and all.

If not full models, how about some good conversion bits?

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I bought myself a box of the witches/sisters of slaughter for that very reason. I intend to use the Sisters' heads ask love those masks.

Add some pistols, perhaps some piercings and tattoos and your have some very Slanneshi cultists.

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Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I love the Dark Elf minis but I've already got plans to use some as Daemonettes so I don't want things on the table to get confusing by using them as cultists as well. As of right now I'm thinking about taking some Dark Eldar Wyches and fixing them up with some laspistols and chaos bits, as well as some head conversions. I like the idea of using Wracks but I think they stand out too much against the male Wyches so I might just buy a single Wrack and use him for my Cultist Champion. If anyone has any more ideas I'm open to them. As I purchase minis and work on them I will add photos to the WIP thread located in my sig.

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Empire flagellants with their bare skin, masks, flails and even the one in stocks. Witch Elves and Dark Eldar have good bits too.

i swear youve been lookin through my bits box, you always seem to know what i have spare

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