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Mousemuffins "Troop Landers"


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I'm starting a long term project: A Drop Pod Assault Army. I was looking for ways to get the Drop Pods in an efficient manner and stumbled across this:



Has anyone had any experience with this company or Mousemuffins work? IMO they don't look half bad and they appear to be at a reasonable price (3 for $60.00 AUD / $63.60 USD). The last question is if you think it will mesh well with a GW army.

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I'm certain that there was a review of these a couple of years ago but cannot find it - or remember what it said.


However, this might help?



This would be even better.



I can't seem to find it on the store for sale though. Am I missing it?

The real question is how they scale vs the GW models, because although it won't bother some people, I'd wager at that price they're smaller and WAAC players may give you the 'modelling for advantage' spiel.


FTR: They have the dimensions they have of the "Troop Lander" in the OP listed in the link. How does it compare to the GW Drop Pod?

Sweet got an answer to the question of the second version of the Troop Lander.




CNC Miniature Scenery The troop landers will be available in a couple of weeks. There are still some bits that need fine tuning and instructions to be made.

They will also be available with and without the extra interior details for different prices.

Edit: expected price of $26, with interior $34. Guessing AUD.
  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, those prices are in AUD, since they ARE an Australian company.


Mousemuffins has been busy with designing new stuff and they are slowly switching all their stuff across to be lasercut (instead of CNC routed).

Which will still make it cheaper than GW Drop Pods after changing it to USD depending on shipping. The price difference between this vs GW drop pods must be absurd for you Australians though.

I have a WoodPod from the first post at home, it scales with conventional drop pods just fine and you can stick a storm bolter from a Rhino kit on the flat spot on top.


It assembles mostly OK with some minor gappage that requires greenstuff. I suppose if you prime it and paint it right, it will look OK. Mine isn't painted. Obviously it doesn't open up like the GW pod does, so you get screwed on disembark distance when it comes down.


It's an OK budget model, obviously you'll get thrown out on your ear from any GW shop for fielding it, ditto GW tourneys. I personally prefer the GW pod for the opening action, though as we all know it's a pain in the ole arse to assemble.


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