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Modelling Black Legion Artefacts


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So I am working on a few HQ choices for a list using the BL supplement, and I am having quite the time trying to figure out how to appropriately model some of the BL artefacts. I am a firm believer in WYSIWYG, and I'd like them to be as fluffy as possible. I am particularly struggling with the HoD, so any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!
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A very ornate power fist is a good suggestion, has anyone done this yet to be able to share pictures? For the Spineshiver blade you could use a sword from the bloodletters kit and make a wickedily nasty looking hilt. The Last Memory is described as a shard, for this a good bit would be the prisim from the Dark elder archon model.

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Last memory shard could simply be a talisman or collar.


or if you are confidend in your modeling skills, you can makes a bit like WoW Warlocks Soul-shards, an Hovering Shard that floats above the bearers head or something.




For the Spineshiver blade i think that the DE Archont blade is perfect.




Plus you also gt a Shard with the model.


Wich can be good for Last memories or Eye of Eternity.

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Its kinda Both.


Its a Potent and destructive weapon and its power is to literaly discharge Warp energy and melt anything that it touches.


Abbadon used that power to gain acces to the inner parts of the Blackstone Fortresses, by litteraly melting its protections and walls.


it permits you to exchange all your Attacks for ONE single attack that has the following profil; Sx2, AP1, ID, Armorbane,Fleshbane, cost 50pts.

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Last memory shard could simply be a talisman or collar.


or if you are confidend in your modeling skills, you can makes a bit like WoW Warlocks Soul-shards, an Hovering Shard that floats above the bearers head or something.




For the Spineshiver blade i think that the DE Archont blade is perfect.




Plus you also gt a Shard with the model.


Wich can be good for Last memories or Eye of Eternity.

I have this model and while I think it would be a good idea, the hands are far too small for power armour and it would need a lot of conversion work to pull off.
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I think I'm going to find one of those archons for the spineshiver and last memory, and I'll probobly use the archon for a basis of a sorcerer equipped with the last memory. If the scale is truly that off he will make a lovely addition to a DP of Slannesh's base. I'll look into the lizard man hand of the gods, but it just doesn't look 40k/chaosey enough somehow. At least from that angle.
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for HoD you could use a Lightning claw (using the name as the basis for your model) . But if you use the stats as the basis for your model (2X str, ap1 , ID, armorbane, fleshbane, one attack) I think it should be a huge, nasty looking, 2 handed hammer or mace or morning star ! Sure you could use a s/m thunder hammer, but WHFB has many old (and maybe current, idk) chaos warrior bits that would look better and more chaosy IMO .
hell, since you a BL player and it's for a good cause, PM me your (actual house) address and I will mail you one of my old whfb chaos warrior maces and hammers if I can find any left in my bits box . Comes w weapon in hand and shoulder armor, could use as is (hammer/mace heads were ridiculously huge to be one handed and on the size models they were on, but just right size for what ur doing) (I used a couple as "power fist" since they looked like they were slow and hvy but would hit hard as hell, on my non-PM, "PM's" in my BL army) or you could use just the weapon and hand/arm and pin to csm shoulder (personally I think the old chaos warrior shoulders look good on csm's as csm's would ornament their shoulder armor with faces, spikes, skulls, etc.), or if you don't like it, just toss it. I moving so, a lot of stuff is getting tossed or put on ebay, so I really don't mind sinding them to you if I have any left.

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