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Blood Angels Allies Idea


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I'm normally down on the idea of allies, being a IG purist, but BA have always been a close second as my favorite army and I'm considering buying a few models to work as allies. I wanted them to be a nice combination of choppy and scoring so, naturally, I thought of Sanguinary Guard and the good Commander Dante. However, I've never liked the Dante model or the standard BA color scheme (in case I expand this into an army latter.) This was the allied contingent I came up with to assist my IG, and maybe launch a new army all together. What do you guys think?



Commander Dante



Sanguinary Priest - Jump Pack



Sanguinary Guard - Axe x2, Sword x2, and Powerfist


Sanguinary Guard - Axe/Infernus x2, Sword x2, and Powerfist


Total Points: 740


It's a lot of points for only a few models but they'll likely be supported by a squad of Stormtroopers and Marbo (an Astropath helping me to get them all turn 2), so they're not operating alone. The remaining 1,000 points or so of the IG army will be mainly gunline, counting on the Sanguinary Guard to score backfield objectives.

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When you say backfield objectives you are talking about the one on the opponents table half, right? 


Sanguinary guard are lovely models but a single plasma cannon can wipe them off the board if you deep strike. Not having them on the board on turn 2 might actually be a good idea! If they arrive in a later turn you have a chance to remove threat or the opponent will have a harder time counter reserving them with a unit of his own. 

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