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Storm Talon Usage

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So I am a fan of the storm talon.  I like them as models, but I have no interest in playing codex space marines.  Would anyone think they would have an issue with a storm talon that has been converted (chaos symbols, WYSIWYG, and spikey for flavor) and used as a hell blade.  It's hardly over-powered, they both have the same role.  As I absolutely abhor the hell turkey and I avoid overused models, I find the hell blade fits my style and need but I have always liked storm ravens better.  What does everyone think?

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I would have NO problem with it, A ) I'm kool cool.png , B ) I think the helturkey model is stupid looking

Just convert it up some , some GS, some kit bash . Since it's a GW model, it would even be a legal model in tourneys. IMO anyone that had a problem with that is just being a prick for the sake of being a prick.

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