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New Member / Long time BA Fan


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Hello everyone!  Been searching the wide known space known as the internet trying to find some fellow BA love and support community!  I have been a fan of BA and have been collecting them for around 12 years!  I have read a small amount throughout the forum to grab ideas and see what the trends are for this army, and I must say I am impressed!


First thing I will say is I am a bit stubborn when it comes to conforming to the meta.  There are things that I like and that I will want to auto include since they are what I enjoy looking at and playing with!  I just started getting involved in some local monthly tournaments, and I recently played in one with a good friend (team tourney).  We did surprisingly well since we never played together in a tournament before (we were fighting for 3rd), and I had not played in over a year!  Our army was Necrons / Blood Angels.


I have watched and seen some regular players at these tournaments and got an idea of what armies are being spammed and whats OP.  Definitely Eldar / Tau / Necrons / Demons.


I know this is probably no surprise to other BA players, but I absolutely love Frag Cannon Furioso's in drop pods.  I don't know why but it always scares my opponent, and I get away with blowing holes in their lines, and taking attention off my front line advancing up the field.  Now Those can be expensive, and usually left out there will get destroyed very quickly.  I have two in my arsenal, but find their point values being so high in drop pods hinders my ability to maximize the effectiveness of the remainder of my army!  Whats the best solution so I can at least retain what I love to play, but still be viable in competitive play?





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Im an old school I like to be in your face player.  I also like everything in the BA book as well!  The stormraven is alright it has its moments where it looks sweet and others where its just a big box floating above the field of battle.


I am HUGE fan of Death Company, but I have found in competitive play with many objectives, lacking scoring plus their crazy high cost is not the best. (sad day) hopefully they get cheaper (my wish).


I like the use and fluff of our ASM.  So I do incorporate them, especially with meltas and separate them in combat squads.  I do take 1 regular tact squad full with rhino and melta / missile L.  Primarily for combat squads and holding objectives.  I am a fan and do use scouts with snipers I feel they do have a place in any marine army with good cover saves and the ability to almost wound any big profile target especially with rending.


Sanguinary Priests for keeping marines alive is a must I know.


This is where it gets tricky for me.  How and what do I take to maximize effectiveness in fast attack and heavy support.  These two areas are unknown to me.  I like that our vindicators are fast (but expensive compared to blue marines).  I like Baal Preds but feel they are only good if you take multiple.  Tips?

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I have had alot of success in 6th ed with Blood Angels, although as the edition gets older, it has gotten progressively harder.


As the core of my army I almost always take 2 fragioso in pods + 2 msu assault squads in pods with 3 melta (melta suicide squads).


This allows you to put 2 pods down on the first turn. Usually the dreadnaughts.


I also usualy run mephiston and corbulo. Mephiston will usually run straight at the enemy force while the dreads drop down for some frag cannon fun. Its really tough to deal with 2 armour 13 dreads and mephiston in a single turn.


Corbulos job is to sit back on a quad gun and protect a missile laucher dev squad behind an ageis defense line. A librarian with divination goes really well with them to if you can afford it.


Multi melta attack bikes are also a great buy as they just add to the early threat list of mephiston and dreads.


You will need more troops as well since the melta suicide squads will die. Either a full 10 man assault squad with jump packs. Or a 10man tactical squad in rhino held in reserve to try pick up objectives late game.


On a side note frag cannon dreads are great vs eldar as they are toughness 3. The number of times ive insta gibbed a farseer with a frag cannon is just silly!

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Great information so far thank you!


I personally have found that Mephiston is the reliable choice for our go to HQ.  I usually run Reclusiarch since he's better than our Captain.  Now knowing the true threat of Mephiston I will be going with him.  I like to see my furioso frag cannon combo is a good way to go, everyone at my store was surprised by this and I have been running it in my lists for a long time.  I also will be including an aegis quad gun back line with a tactical squad (combat squad) with rhino to split up if needed.  I so far have 15 assault marines 1 10 man squad 2 melta and another 5 man with melta.  I just wasn't sure if I should march up them up the field through cover with priests to survive, or deep strike them, or pod them in to (suicide) pop something.  

I have been reading and see that attack bikes with multimeltas are a good choice and not too expensive.


I think I will definitely include more drop pods for the mere fact I want my furioso's to come in at the same time.


Its so hard to throw away what makes BA who they are just to make them competitive.

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Addendum -> 


I know thats a weird first comment from a BA mod!


BA have a GREAT number of units that work really well- but our core struggles a little bit to manage the heavier stuff.  

What works well as pure BA against most other armies, comes short against Tau thanks to their blasted Interceptor and linked overwatching insanity.  DA's mobility (for example) and access to power units like Black Knights , while having a core of similar Troops doesnt take too much away from our playstyle, or even our look/feel/theme of our army. 


Great BA units: 


Jumpy Troops  (with priest support)

5man ASM razorback squads (thanks to Fast rule and the jump pack discount)

Mephiston (because Mephiston)

Fraggy Pod Dreads

Snippy Dreads (mounted in Ravens)


Baal Preds.

3x Attk Bike - w/ 3 Multi-meltas

Vanguard Veterans (pricey though -and fold with Tau about)


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Sweet, thanks for all the information!


I have thought about including DA as an ally, for fluff reasons and I wanted to incorporate the speed of the ravenwing part of their book.  I want to stay true and go full BA for now just because that is what I enjoy the most.  I have a tournament coming up little over a week away the point value is 1750.  I posted a list in the list section.  Im just unsure as to what is our go to answer in the fast attack section.  I am definitely sold on the attack bikes with multimeltas, and if that is all I would need then great!  But every time I look at my list I just want to throw something out and put something else in haha.

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