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Where would you put Slaanesh in the D&D alignment system?


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Bit of a silly thread perhaps, but where would s/he be? Thinking about the two axes system with nine alignments here. The good alignments can safely be ruled out, and I think it's very difficult, with the possible exception of a well-made case for Chaotic Neutral, to take any of the neutral alignments as well. 


The Evil alignments however... 


Chaotic Evil springs to mind, what with the focus on personal freedom which tends to be a chaotic trait. But Chaos in D&D doesn't mean the same thing as Chaos in Warhammer, and Neutral Evil is generally regarded as the selfish alignment which also fits Slaanesh very well. Heck, I suppose the case could even be made for Lawful Evil, what with the focus on perfection and considering the EC command structure (though I suppose that could be seen as a weak argument what with that particular rigidity being done and away with post heresy). 

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I've got an Ogryn slaying knife! It's got a +9 against Ogryns!

*cough* On a more serious note, I would guess neutral evil. Slaanesh themed cults commit evil and depraved acts solely for the "experience" of the sensations, which is inherently selfish and unprovoked. I don't think the balance between order and chaos is of much importance to them.

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  • 2 months later...

Chaotic Evil absolutely, chaos is always chaos and 40k chaos is as chaotic (if not more chaotic) as chaos always is. Why else would it be called chaos? But wether its good, neutral or evil chaos is up to debate since the concept of good and evil is a matter of an opinion. :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Neutral Evil. The desire to put yourself ahead of everyone else is the path of the neutral evil person. A neutral evil person will use or break the rules in order to get where he wants to go, He will crave wealth, power and satisfaction, and once he reaches his goals, he will errect obstacles to prevent anyone from ever taking what is his away.


Chaotic evil is the domain of Khorne. Might makes right and the strongest rule. That is not the way of slaanesh, A slaanesh devotee could just as well undermine his oppoenents using political guile. A neutral person is able to walk within the laws of society that a chaotic person is not.


And lets face it, we are all neutral evil in the end.

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