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Too scared to complete....

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I have painted around 10 minis so far. Started good and getting better. I have tried all styles and suggestions I find and apreciate all who share their technique. My latest issue is fright. My wife has taught me how to dry brush to add that extra to what I thought was lacking in my finished products. I do not over use it ...in most cases.


I have a hellbrute that I was going to paint as a goof. Based him in black and then mixed a gray to dry brush to practice with. I ended up DBing the whole model....and it looks killer. Problem is it is monochromatic. I had intended to dry brush flesh parts and leave armor black and add gold trim. I got carried away and now I have a half finished model I do not want to screw up. frustrating. What do you gusy do in situatuions like this? 

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Thanks guys, I will post pics later tonight or tomorrow. I am happy with the look, it looks like it climbed out of hades and is covered in an ashy gray. I have a 3 pack of chaos marines I wanted to do black with slight gray highlights and gold trim and I was wanting the brute to match. Again he looks great but will not match my other Chaos guys. I left him be for now taking Fortes advice of fresh eyes. Got a new pack of 10 space wolves in the mail today to mess with while I think about it. I may just make him the lead and paint my others to match him.

I find if I keep going when I'm at a point where I'm unsure on how something is looking that I end up ruining it and losing interest. Then I'll start something else and never return. It's partly why so many people have so many unfinished models. Looking at others models often helps too so have a look over the WIP and Hall of Honours threads. Hope something kicks in for you.

You could use wet layers of a coloured ink to shade the grey dry brushing into something different, like a purple or blue hue.  Then you could slightly change the dry brushing highlight by mixing in a matching lighter solid purple or blue colour to go from the grey to a slightly coloured tint.  You could wet blend too (think water colours, watch some of the water colour artists paint, fascinating stuff).


If you do think it's too monochrome but don't want to alter it - have a look on google for anything related to Iron Hands, Alpha Legion, Legion of the Damned, or any other black armoured legion.  You can get some good ideas on how to break it up based on what you like.  From painting silver highlights for metal areas, or brass highlights, to picking out all the details like pipes, lenses and eyes in bright bold colours.  It's surprising how much a model pops when just a few of the key parts are painted (faces, bones and insignia).

Looks like you're off to a good start.


You could darken the armour plates by using washes and keeping it within the trim.


It's more picking your details you want a different colour and painting your metal areas more than anything.

I do have a killer purple I can thin and then trim in gold, let the drybrushing give light and dark spots on the armor.....


Another question....I have been using hobby craft paint up until now, is there a HUGE difference in those and say Citadel or other high end hobby paints?

There is a massive difference. GW and Vallejo are made with miniature painting in mind so they are finely pigmented.


Do you prime models first?


Also, have you looked at any 'how to' articles? They can be really helpful at all levels of painting and there are load (of various quality admittedly) on YouTube.

Good to hear, just did not want to jump and it be similar to what I am using, it does look like it is easier to work with in youtube videos.  Really pouring over how tos as my main army is going to be Space Wolves and I want to finish my Dark vengance set to get a hang for painting before I really start on my focus. I have one marine I call Steve who is currently my test marine. He gets washes,dry brushing,  flats, glosses and metal like gold with different base colors. Steve will have an honorary role in my army when all is done. I also like to check the wip and finished threads as there is so much talent on here.

Aye for sure !


I've read quite a few posts where people have some awesome mini's painted up and given their secrets to the people asking.  I've made a small collection if different paint schemes from people, always made sure to keep the URL though so I can view what it was.  Great way to accumulate some good methods and try them out when you need them :)





Two useful sites. Some of the stuff on Massive Voodoo is pretty advanced but they also have articles on brush care, working area, wet pallets (worth using) and loads. Plus they have some stupidly tallented painters and I'm talking Golden Daemon winners and Cool Mini or Not 9+ raters. Very inspirational and shows how far you can take it if you want too.

Lookig at your pictures the drybrushing looks great - could use with a glaze type effect to add colour to parts - e.g glaze the face in a thinned pink with green/purple shades applied to deepest crevices.  The armour plates, depending on your chapter, could be plain dark grey (in which case glaze with a black filter), dark blue (use a dark blue filter) or even very dark red.  Then judicious use of highlighs in teh correct colour and your golden!


Recommend that you use Steve for all this work though!


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