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BA Scoring Units


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With shooting becoming ever more brutal, it's unlikely that scoring units that start on the table turn 1 are still around to control objectives on turn 5. Especially if you want to use them aggresively like jumpers.


I find myself now having a couple of small units that are decicated to scoring. They hide until turn 4 (reserves, then LOS blocking terrain).


Which BA units are best suited to this role ? I'm tending towards 5x ASM w/ Flamer in a Heavy Flamer Razor.

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Erm. Well scouts would be better at hiding then scoring. They can also outflank to contest your opponent's stuff.


My tactical squads do my scoring for me. The can take midfield objectives while still being effective.


The assault squads are off killing.

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The problem with having scoring PA units that start on the board and you expect to do something other than score, is that there's an increasing amount of things that can delete them from the table.


Heldrakes, Riptides (with Buffy) and Mawlocs all are AP2/3 with ignores cover. You also get no points for 'holding' an objective until turn 5


Outflanking Scouts have potential though

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I don't known that I would use a 5-man assault squad to hold an objective in your backfield, regardless of their load out. I'm not saying that they can't, just that I would not make that their primary mission. Their weapons don't have the range to mount an effective defense in place. Any of our other troops choices would be better. I would use ASM squads to contest/chase the enemy off your opponent's objectives.
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Sniper Scouts with camo cloaks are good back field objective holders if all the fighting is done away from them.  I find most people ignore them in my games as I have more threatening units in their face that they need to deal with.  Against a fast army though, you'll probably lose them if they are unsupported.

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With the recent increase in monstrous creatures I find that they have a decent damage output as well, at least compared to our other scoring units. Wounding T6 and T8 on 4+ from across the board is something our assault and tac squads cannot do. 


Don't expect any miracles but every shooting phase they can knock a wound or two off an MC which can be really helpful over the course of a game. 

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I don't known that I would use a 5-man assault squad to hold an objective in your backfield, regardless of their load out. I'm not saying that they can't, just that I would not make that their primary mission. Their weapons don't have the range to mount an effective defense in place. Any of our other troops choices would be better. I would use ASM squads to contest/chase the enemy off your opponent's objectives.


You don't have to hold an objective until turn 5. It makes no difference if your there for the previous four turns. 5 man ASM squads in Razors are perfect for driving onto empty or lightly contested objectives turn 4.


ASM squads unless taken en mass aren't very good at chasing opponents off objectives in their deployment zone. It's much better to use something more killey such as Mephiston, Furiosos or Corbulo/Terminators. Or just plan shoot them off the objective,

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In my army 10 man tactical squad in rhino is near compulsory, they are there for scoring. cool.png

As others have said scouts are also nice. The idea of inquisitor will be tested in next game, it looks really good. yes.gif

As for assult squads, they sometimes do it, but only if army is based on them (at least 4 units, because I'm using them agressively and near the enemy some of them will be killed for sure sweat.gif )

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I started fielding a 10man unit of scouts recently, they are quite decent. Use them with an imperial bastion to give them something to hide in or behind, and combat squad them for objective games. They can also outflank which is very nice.

Other than that, I very often field 5 ASM with special weapon and drop pod, then either pod them somewhere in cover of sit them in the raven for late game objective grabbing.

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