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We now have a drop pod


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Yeah, the FW team is going to have to do some pretty radical surgery on the rules for the Kharybdis to make it worth taking, and differentiate it from the Storm Eagle or Land Raider.

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I really just don't understand why they refuse to make regular drop pod rules for Chaos. You know how much the sale on those things would increase if they did? You don't even have to release a new model, all of us conversion fanatics would be more than happy to take knives and green stuff to loyalist drop pods and make them glorious. I know there's the whole "game balance" and "armies need to be distinctly different" arguments, but honestly they threw that out the window when they took our Obliterators and called them centurions.

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The thing is Heinrich, with the shooting capabilities of both the Tau and Eldar in this very heavy shooting edition, loyalist chapters (whom ALL have access) are taking Drop Pods to answer the distance issue. And we can't have the bad guys and the good guys all being the same, can we??!! HELL NO!! So yet again, Chaos seems doomed to become one of those forces with some good stuff, but nothing we really WANTED!!

Stupid sexy gods of chaos...


End of Line

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Yeah if I had any skill at drawing I'd whip up a sketch of a Chaos Marine comforting a wailing tyranid Hormagaunt while saying, "there, there, at least you got to enjoy Drop Pods for a short while. After all, it is better to have had pods and lost them, than to never have had them at all."

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Yeah if I had any skill at drawing I'd whip up a sketch of a Chaos Marine comforting a wailing tyranid Hormagaunt while saying, "there, there, at least you got to enjoy Drop Pods for a short while. After all, it is better to have had pods and lost them, than to never have had them at all."

For maximum "Irony Within!" you would want to make sure the Chaos Marine was from the Steel Brethren ;)

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Yeah when the news about this broke I was overjoyed....but I think it was the anticipation that got to me - now Im not so sure anymore. I really hope FW fixes it by the time it gets its "approved" stamp....this seems like yet ANOTHER missed opportunity to me. For 260pts Im pretty sure any other army would have received something substantially better, or more well thought-out/equipped.

What I feel needs to happen:

  • AV13 MUST happen, they can drop a hullpoint for all I care, Hullpoints mean nothing when the thing gets exploded by a random Plasma shot the moment it drops.
  • 4++ on arrival
  • Chaos weapon upgrades for FREE - the last thing I want to hear is that "for an additional 20pts you can add Daemonic Possession"
  • Since it's part of the Heavy Support slot does that mean you can add a Dirge Caster? Sure as hell hope so, drop/disambark/assault and no overwatch!
  • Ability to transfer more than 1 unit. Two units of 10 Chosen with Plasma etc.
  • As Malisteen Pointed out, massive points drop - Even with a 100point drop it's still  more expensive than 4 regular drop pods.
  • Change Storm Launcher to AP3/4 and Blast - I dont want this thing to be a horde-only killer. 
  • Get rid of the damn "Heat Blast" - its suicidal. On a roll of 1 you take a penetrating hit? Are you serious? Thing suddenly became a Daemon Weapon without any benefits. Really bad.
  • In fact, don't make it a flyer - We already have the Helldrake. Drop it down to 120pts and make it a regular pod with a Capacity of two squads, up to 20 models in total
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Honestly, this would have been more exciting if the model hadn't been hideously expensive both in terms of cash and points. It's not exactly a great set of special rules/weapons that you're getting for the premium in points, either, as others have mentioned. Armour 12 all around is essentially a joke - who in their right mind is going to hold off on disembarking the unit inside for a turn to use the painfully mediocre Heat Blast when the Kharybdis has to survive a turn of enemy shooting to disgorge its cargo?


It's also rather hilarious that it's a Lucius Drop Pod style "assault vehicle" as well. You'd think for 260 points they could actually, y'know, have let your unit assault from its "assault vehicle" on the turn it arrives from deep strike. Even if they'd made it an upgrade in exchange for the Heat Blast (or some such thing) that would have been better than nothing, but no.


Now, with all this said, the good news is that Forge World often does respond to feedback regarding their experimental rules, to a greater or lesser degree, so it may well be that the Kharybdis substantially improves by the time we see the final draft of the rules.

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I really just don't understand why they refuse to make regular drop pod rules for Chaos. You know how much the sale on those things would increase if they did? You don't even have to release a new model, all of us conversion fanatics would be more than happy to take knives and green stuff to loyalist drop pods and make them glorious. I know there's the whole "game balance" and "armies need to be distinctly different" arguments, but honestly they threw that out the window when they took our Obliterators and called them centurions.


Allready on it.



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A heavy support choice?  260 Points!?  Go to bed Forgeworld, you're drunk.


OF COURSE you wouldn't be able to have it dedicated, and OF COURSE you can't assault out of it: That would be stepping into the dangerous territory of giving Space Marines of Chaos who favor assault a ADVANTAGE.

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A turn 2 assault is quite a bit much nicer than the previous dreadclaw 3d turn assault. The points are way off though, and I would love to get a smaller version of it for a nice little price...I would take the old dreadclaw for the 60 points if it was a dedicated transport...

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Come in as a flyer turn 1, turn 2 land and disembark troops (with assaults allowed)... :D


Also... how is this a heavy support choice.. burny thing is meh, missile/rocket things are also so/so... and it costs a lot of points, and anyone who takes one is going to be using it as a transport...Storm Ravens and the Ceastus assault rams can put out some scary shooting.

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Come in as a flyer turn 1, turn 2 land and disembark troops (with assaults allowed)... biggrin.png

If you mean come in as a zooming flyer, I don't think that's kosher. The Drop Pod Assault rules seem to specify that this guy is always going to come in as a flyer in hover mode.

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We are very much the Liquid Snake Space Marines.  "We got all the FLAWED, Recessive wargear/rules/models!  Black Templars got what should have been OUR Special Rule-not Accept any challenge, no matter the odds!"

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Not at the price of it.

No kidding that seems like an extreme amount to pay for a Drop Pod on steroids...

No steroids here - that would make a serious improvement.

Instead, we got weight gain 3000 and laxatives. Pfffft.

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Not at the price of it.

No kidding that seems like an extreme amount to pay for a Drop Pod on steroids...

No steroids here - that would make a serious improvement.

Instead, we got weight gain 3000 and laxatives. Pfffft.

Hey what's wrong with Weight Gain 3000 and Laxatives?! Beefcake!!! BEEFCAKE!!!!!!!!

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Not at the price of it.

No kidding that seems like an extreme amount to pay for a Drop Pod on steroids...

No steroids here - that would make a serious improvement.

Instead, we got weight gain 3000 and laxatives. Pfffft.

Hey what's wrong with Weight Gain 3000 and Laxatives?! Beefcake!!! BEEFCAKE!!!!!!!!

I think he's suggesting a patty, not cake :)

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This may be reaching a bit, but if the Kharybdis comes in turn 1, it gets a 5+ Jink save (as a Skimmer, for moving). If you can cast Invisibilty on it with Ahrimn or a Chaos Sorceror, then it becomes an AV 12 Vehicle with 5 HPs and a 2+ cover save, giving it a strong chance of surviving until turn 2, when it can deliver its 10 Terminators/20 Posessed SM/20 Khorne Bezerkers into enemy battle-lines.
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This may be reaching a bit, but if the Kharybdis comes in turn 1, it gets a 5+ Jink save (as a Skimmer, for moving). If you can cast Invisibilty on it with Ahrimn or a Chaos Sorceror, then it becomes an AV 12 Vehicle with 5 HPs and a 2+ cover save, giving it a strong chance of surviving until turn 2, when it can deliver its 10 Terminators/20 Posessed SM/20 Khorne Bezerkers into enemy battle-lines.


That's a lot of crap to go right though man-a lot of lucky dice rolls.  Not to mention a weighty amount of points too.

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