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We now have a drop pod


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To be fair, unless you're looking at riptide spam, 20 chaos marines wherever you want them on the first turn of the game is somewhat impressive.  Just not nearly as impressive as this thing's points cost (and that of the marines, for that matter) would imply.


Also seeing that you can cram 20 Marines in it, replacing them with 10Marines +1 Dread or 2 Dread would have been interesting.

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But SW are getting 20+models through pods on their first turn for less points and less cash then FW models and they don't seem to be dominating the enviroment.

Probably mostly because you hardly see pure SW anymore as they have no flyers.

There are ally flyers , there are formations with flyers. And in a world of buffmanders and skyfire/interceptor stuff falling  out of tau, strongholds etc a Flyer hardly makes an army . If you said that we don't see them because of lack of ignore cover stuff , helldrakes and ++2 then yeah I could agree with that.

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But SW are getting 20+models through pods on their first turn for less points and less cash then FW models and they don't seem to be dominating the enviroment.

Probably mostly because you hardly see pure SW anymore as they have no flyers.

There are ally flyers , there are formations with flyers. And in a world of buffmanders and skyfire/interceptor stuff falling  out of tau, strongholds etc a Flyer hardly makes an army . If you said that we don't see them because of lack of ignore cover stuff , helldrakes and ++2 then yeah I could agree with that.

I was referring to pure SW as you only mentioned them, not with allies/formations and the like.


They might not be as dominant as they used to be in 5th, but compared to other marine armies they can very much still compete - perhaps the other reason why noone sees them is because theres just too few people still playing them....I won't be surprised if a large amount of guys who used to run SW/BA shifted over to Tau or Eldar. A WAAC player will always be a WAAC player. 


Even so, and even if Drop Pods arent as effective as it used to be it sure as hell gives Chaos more options because lets face it....what else do we have.

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But SW are getting 20+models through pods on their first turn for less points and less cash then FW models and they don't seem to be dominating the enviroment.

I never said it would dominate anything. I said it was somewhat impressive, but nowhere near worth the cost. Loyalist pod drops can be impressive, too, but for much, much cheaper.

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So has anybody else sent some feedback to FW regarding the Assault Claw? Or are most people content with how crap it is....


Yes, both in emails and on the Forge World Facebook page, people have been pointing out the shortfalls of the Kharybdis.

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So has anybody else sent some feedback to FW regarding the Assault Claw? Or are most people content with how crap it is....


Yes, both in emails and on the Forge World Facebook page, people have been pointing out the shortfalls of the Kharybdis.

Nice, Ive emailed them but I didnt consider their FB page. Might as well post the email on there as well.

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I have received an email reply.  Nothing exciting, just a plain old "thanks for sending feedback, we have passed it onto our rules writers" sort of thing.  I don't know whether it's true or not, but it isn't an auto-reply, so somebody at least is reading these letters and not just deleting them when the realize they aren't about orders.

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I have received an email reply.  Nothing exciting, just a plain old "thanks for sending feedback, we have passed it onto our rules writers" sort of thing.  I don't know whether it's true or not, but it isn't an auto-reply, so somebody at least is reading these letters and not just deleting them when the realize they aren't about orders.

Yea I also received a reply, the first part is obviously automated/copy paste "thanks for sending feedback". But the rest of the response was clearly from a person as they advised me to try out the rules to test the validity of my statements.


My response to that will possibly be that I intend to try it out soon, but Ive played the game long enough to know when something is way too expensive for what you get. By now I know that paying 7x the price of a SM drop for a single Drop Prod with the same survivability, which can also pen itself when rolling a 1, is WAY overpriced no matter whether I try it or not. 


Its so blatantly not worth it's points that I doubt THEY even play tested it beforehand.

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Nobody cares about plain old analysis, they only want anecdotes. So play games with it, particularly games where you try to use it as apparantly intended, dropping into the middle of the enemy, heat blasting, and deploying/assaulting in the following turn, using big units like 16+ CSMs, berzerkers,or assault-armed noise marines, or 8+ terminators. Be sure your opponent knows that if they surround and kill it, the unit inside is dead.


Also try running it with a dreadnought, to see how paying upwards of 400 points for a dread does for you.

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FW do read emails that you send in in regards to rules. When IA Apoc came out recently I asked about what rules to use for my Chaos Land Raider Proteus, and also why the Relic Predator for CSM have to pay 50 pts for lascannon sponsons when they only cost 40 in codex SM/DA/CSM.

The answer for the first was to continue to use the experimental rules, and the second was for consistency with the HH rules (which I thought was pretty silly, as the book is for w40k, not for w30k).

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