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Ok i am designing a space marine chapter/warband decended from the Luna wolves. i Have some ideas of where i want this to go fluff wise but i need help working out what is feasible and what would allow it to be effective and have normal troop selections.

General fluff is:

  • Terran born 1000 man company commander of the Luna wolves during great crusade.
  • Highly loyal and honorable.
  • Some point  in Great crusade he is honored by either Custodian guard or Emperor with a Custodian spear.
  • Highly loyal to Horus.


  • Horus Heresy breaks out, not present at Istvann, rejoins Legion afterwards (was off on a seperate mission).
  • Continues to follow Horus out of loyalty. (is it posssibe to have it that he is kept in the dark about the events in the Istaan system?)
  • Locks away his gifted spear out of shame takes a powerfist as main weapon.
  • Unlike many of the traitors, he and his company continue to fight with honor, do not fall into the depraved acts of the rest of the traitors.


  • After Horuses death, does not follow rest of traitors into EoT, but flees to the eastern fringes of the galaxy.
  • Finds a lost forge world  held by aliens and purges them taking the world as a homeworld.
  • Companies remaining techmarine(s) and pirate Tech priests start reactivating/converting parts of the planets forges to produce ammunition/wargear/wechiles needed by the force.
  • Company changes force colours to a bleached bone colour and takes the luna wolf background with a gauntleted fist for their Chapter Symbol. Chapter starts focusing on fighting alien threats to the imperium as an act of repentance.
  • The forgeworld becomes a pirate world, Luna Fists permits pirates to use the world on condition they dont strike imperial vessels or worlds.
  • At somepoint a deserted Space marine ship of a fleet based chapter (containing armory and manufactoiums) drifts into the local system, Luna Fists Claims it.


Force Struture and Armorments:


I want the force to be between 350 and 1000 maines in size. Their gear will be a mix of Heresy and modern era ( ill model this combining loyalist and chaos sprues and removing any symbols related to chaos). Potential allies would a pirate force (use converted imperial guard).


Here is some  images of what i have built so far for it and its company symbols. The are no decals on them yet ordering the paper to print them soon.




My 2 tactical squads:


My chapter emblem (detailed), photoshoped over the Luna wolves one from the wiki:


My chapter Emblem for the decal template:




Edit: edited typos as indicated by Demus Ragnok

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What is the point of that guy having a fancy spear weapon if he's not going to use it and it's not mentioned later in the story?


I'm a big fan of having elements of traitor legions remain loyal (or even doing some Alpharius type shenanigans) but why, narratively, would you want this chapter to not know about what Horus was really doing?


One thing that I would suggest (and I am considering this possibility for my chapter as well) is using Imperial Guard rules on the tabletop to represent non-Astartes, non-Imperial allies they might have.

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What is the point of that guy having a fancy spear weapon if he's not going to use it and it's not mentioned later in the story?


I'm a big fan of having elements of traitor legions remain loyal (or even doing some Alpharius type shenanigans) but why, narratively, would you want this chapter to not know about what Horus was really doing?

The spear will come into play later, i am curently building the commander with the spear (using a grey knight nemesis force spear). The putting away of the spear during the HH is a sign of the commanders guilt  due to choosing his primarch over the emperor. I plan to have him take into out  again to weild when he feels he has regained his honor. I'll write up a battle and story for it (what do you think of Abby sending a BL force to crush the  "traitors" to the legion [Luna wolves]?).


Good point on the Istvann. Perhaps i could tweak it so that they they were told an alternative set of events (perhaps that emperor betrays the legions at Istvann) only to learn the truth after they have already fought  for Horus against the imperium.


Edit: edited typos as indicated by Demus Ragnok

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Sorta the we "accidently" betrayed the Emperor (they did fight for Horus in HH) but we are Reeeeeaaaaally sorry. The deserve the Traitor Label for siding against the Emperor in the Horus Heresy however their actions since (defending the galaric eastern borders of the Imperium from the Xeno threat) show that they loyal.

However their location in the far galatic east in pirate invested space means they have minimal contact with other imperial forces leading to them being very low key, however there have been sightings of a mysterious bone white armored Space marine force defending imperial settlements in neighbouring systems.

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Luna Wolves. Horus' legion was the Luna Wolves, not lunar.

And it was Istvann. And it would be hard for them to miss what happened there.

Yeah thanks for that was spelling htem as best as i remembered them off the top of my head, note to self: stop trusting head.

On the topic of missing Istvann 3 and 5, it should be noted that the Ultramarines didnt learn of it until 7 years after the fact due to their location and the interference of the Word bearers and World eaters legions. The Luna wolves company that became the luna fists could of been stationed in the galatic east (near where they would later flee to)and only have heard of Istvann when recalled by Horus to join the was in the Galatic North West. From here perhaps i can make it that they either do not learn about Istvann until after they have fought several battles against the loyalists or that when they were recalled they could of be told a fictional version of the events of Istvann, such as that the Emperor has turned on several of his legions however they survived and destroyed their assailents, only to learn the truth of the events after several battles against the loyalists .

Ok for battle style for the force i was thinking of something as follows:
  • Avoids battles and styles of fighting that would result in high chapter casualties. Due to having limited/ no ability to recover losses. (still deciding if they have access to the tech and specialists [apothecaries] needed to develop geneseed organs and implant them in recruits)
  • Heavy emphasis of ambushes, blitzkriegs and bombarding them from a distance.
  • Makes heavy use of Pirates in both ground and fleet battles as allies (would use converted imperial guard).
  • Makes use of Imperial-tech reverse engineered versions of captured xeno-tech. (not sure about this one)
  • Specializes in fighting xeno races.
  • Perhaps makes use of tanks and vehicles from the imperial guard codex which would be produced on their pirate forgeworld homeworld.


A forge world from before the age of strife. At the time prior to the luna fists claiming it, it was occupied by xenos. Since claiming it, the Luna Fists have reserved a continent for themselves and built a chapter fortress with great forges beneath and around it, as well has defensive fortifications and weapons to protect it from assault for land, sky and orbit. The rest of the planet is now occupied by many pirate forces (the strongest of which form a council which administrates much of the world. The pirates have an agreement with the chapter concerning their use of the world: 1. They must answer any calls to arms made by the chapter, 2. They must not strike Imperial worlds and Vessels, 3. And person or persons found in worship or league with chaos will be killed.

Many of the planets forges and manufactorium have been reactivated by the chapters techmarine and rogue Tech priests allowing for the production of arms, munitions and vehicles for both the chapter and the pirates. Due to the fact that the world is visited by pirates, rogue traders and alien traders (that have been allowed by the chapter) it receives news and rumor from throughout the region and beyond allowing for the chapter to learn of threats and enemies it must face.

Edit: fixed spelling and grammar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Parts have arrived and i have constructed the chaptermaster/commander of this chapter/warband.

He is wearing artificer armor and carrying the Custodian spear, i have used a grey knight's Nemesis Force halberd to model it and attached some purity seals to show its sanctity as a holy relic.  I have also used green stuff in his waist, neck and under his feet to give him extra height  for a more commanding presence. When he is painted he will have ornate black armor, the black to show his shame and repentance.

Here are some images:










And an image of it next to a normal marine to show how i have made it taller:





I have also ordered blank water transfer paper and created a transfer sheet template based off the emblem i posted earlier. I will be printing transfers for my men when the paper arrives.

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Ok here more some more pics of the army including the commander.

Force commander in black "repentance" artificer armor wielding an altered custodian spear and a storm bolter. Note the purity seals on the Custodian spear showing it is a sacred chapter relic:





On this knee is the depiction of a wolf's head (taken from space wolves transfer sheet) as reference to his past service in the Luna Wolves legion.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Very Nice concept so far. 1 question however.. If the Chapter purges Aliens/Xenos at the eastern fringes to repent for their Primarch's wrong doings, what are they doing conducting trades with aliens or even allowing them to be within close proximity of their planet :O?

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Reformed heretics makes sense, but I would definitely use a different naming convention.  ANd as for the CHapter - it can sort of slide back into the Imperium easily enough during/after thr Age of Apostasy.  It might even have been at the side of Sebastien Thor on one of his crusades?  That would legitimise them - perhaps they earned gruding respect from the Imperial Fists and somehow started submitting Geneseed to the vaults of the Admech as a tithe.  Who knows how many chapters could have had their records gone missing over time.  Perhaps an Inquisitor or Ad Mech adept is suspicious about the genetic material and is pursuing their own investigations?

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Very Nice concept so far. 1 question however.. If the Chapter purges Aliens/Xenos at the eastern fringes to repent for their Primarch's wrong doings, what are they doing conducting trades with aliens or even allowing them to be within close proximity of their planet ohmy.png?

I dont believe i have mentioned trading with xenos.... For the record the pirates would be for the most part either Human rogue traders or various human scum that have left/fled the immediate bounds of Imperial space. I have mentioned them reverse engineering captured xeno technology so i guess i could see them/pirates trading with more benign alien races for supplies/technology however if it happened i would see it as more of a pragmatic circumstance, such as "These aliens are not an immediate threat to Mankind/Imperium compared to these other more imminent xenos threats" I could see the chapter perhaps temporarily teaming up with either Tau or Craftworld Eldar in Order to face a more imminent threat such Tyranids, Ork Waaaaghs, Dark Elder raids and Necrons. As they are already outside Imperial creed, i could see them actin g with some similarities to radical Ordo Xenos inquisitors who are whiling to use Xenos and Xenotech against other xenos.

Reformed heretics makes sense, but I would definitely use a different naming convention. ANd as for the CHapter - it can sort of slide back into the Imperium easily enough during/after thr Age of Apostasy. It might even have been at the side of Sebastien Thor on one of his crusades? That would legitimise them - perhaps they earned gruding respect from the Imperial Fists and somehow started submitting Geneseed to the vaults of the Admech as a tithe. Who knows how many chapters could have had their records gone missing over time. Perhaps an Inquisitor or Ad Mech adept is suspicious about the genetic material and is pursuing their own investigations?

I dont think a chapter could withstand that much scrutiny for as long a period of time for AoA to ToE(41stM), what would you say to them coming into contact with an Imperial crusade aiming to reclaim this lost region of space for the Imperium and kill and Xenos within or perhaps as the Imperium becomes more turbulent as the 41st M progresses they have increased their actions and range of operations so they are coming increasingly more and more in contact with imperial forces. Also i may of already mentioned this, but perhaps they are using The imperial fist iconography in their chapter symbols in order to deflect attempts to learn their past e.g. make themselves appear to be a lost founding descended from the Imperial Fists.

Also i have now started working on my Pirate ally force for the army. I have bought a IG platoon box set + an extra squad + a Lord Commisar + a Shadowsword. I am assembling the troops currently and converting them to by pirate-like. The colour scheme will br red cloth and black armor and white skull masks (wait till you see which kits i have used for the kitbash).

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Maybe Dark Elf Corsairs + Executioners?  And Empire milita?

hahaha yeah i am using imperial guard with dark elf executioner heads (the skull like ones), with torches and braziers for an empire sprue and accessories from dark eldar sprue. I also have the heads with the topknots from the chaos marauder sprue.


I have assembled a platoon box + 1 squad worth of imperial guardsmen they are still w8ing on the executioner heads to arrive. I have also assembled the baneblade sister tank, the shadowsword, which i will name "The Cutlass".


I will be uploading pics of my pirate ally force when they are fully assembled or painted  (do the forums allow me to do this if they are an allied force to my IA chapter?).

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Actually Baneblades can only be used as the Lord of war in armies with IG as their primary detachment. Space marine  lord of war is  Thunderhawk which unlike the BB variants is only from forgeworld, resin and prohibitively big and expensive.

This escalation rule makes me sad and unable to play my IA army.  In the absence of a GW plastic TH kit they should have allowed the Baneblade tanks as a SM LoW.

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You could use them as Chaos Space Marines and your guardsmen as Cultists so you could use a Lord of Skulls. And a squad of Berserkers! Or, since they're Loyalists (dealing with pirates might be seen as a tad questionable) you could use your Luna Fists as Allies in non-Apocalypse games. Your IG only need to have 1 HQ (who I think might need to be Warlord) and 2 Troops. While it's not ideal, Warlord isn't that great either, and you could bring a Baneblade! You already have Guardsmen.
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Nah i'll stay true to my IA and only field my super heavy in Apoc matches which will allow me to field my Shadow-sword, "Cutlass", with my full force of Luna Fists and Pirates.

I wouldnt betray the fluffiness of my IA in order to field them in ordinary matches.

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