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Greetings brothers! New to the forum

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Greetings brothers!

As I mentioned above I'm new here but not new to the hobby. I have been a collector on and off for many years (ever since 2nd edition) due to starting a family and moving home and it's awesome to see how the hobby has evolved. I do miss 2nd edition sometimes but there are a number of things that have reached the shelves since then, namely Drop pods and Land Raiders which are iconic symbols of the angels of death.


I have cycled through several chapters to find my favourite and it has to be the Ultramarines. Though I do think that on a modelling perspective they do lack in flavour and embellishments on basic troops in comparrison to chapters like Dark Angels and Space Wolves, so with my Ultramarines I intend to remedy that.


I have about 2500 points of unpainted models and am going to town dissasembling my army in order to rebuild it into a very unique and visually-impacting force. My aim is to end up with something dynamic and show-worthy, with so many things that have never been done before. I'd like to post a photo blog on here showcasing my Ultras project along with tutorials should anyone request them.


Anyway, enough waffle :) Hi everybody, very happy to be amongst you all.



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