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Icon of Flame and Melee


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I am thinking of starting a Tzeentch CSM army (not necessarily TSons). I've got a quick question regarding the rules for the Icon of Flame. Unfortunately I don't have easy access to a rule book at the moment,


As I understand, the Icon affects all bolt weapons (bolter, bolt pistols, H,bolter, etc), but does not specifically limit it to ranged attacks.


Since bolt pistols count as a cc weapon, do attacks made with a bolt pistol in melee also have the soul blaze special rule?

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It counts as a close combat weapon in close combat. And on page 51, Pistols as Close Combat Weapons: "...If this is done, use the profile given above- the... special rules of the Pistol's shooting profile are ignored."


Icon of Flame adds Soul Blaze to the bolt pistol, which has a shooting profile. Special rules of the shooting profile are ignored in close combat.


Sorry, man.

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The Banner of whatever adds on average 2 bolt shots to each shooting attack made by the unit.


Dont waste the points on the banner and just buy the extra model that will provide the equivalent bolt shots.


Also, why pay for a 6+ invulnerable on your guys, when 4+ cover in ruins in free?

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The Banner of whatever adds on average 2 bolt shots to each shooting attack made by the unit.


Dont waste the points on the banner and just buy the extra model that will provide the equivalent bolt shots.


Also, why pay for a 6+ invulnerable on your guys, when 4+ cover in ruins in free?


until you play against the tau....... actually i am considering this icon for units that already have the mark (tksons/termi's) as it adds an extra little plink that you CANT run away from. Not much yes, but you could then ignore that target during later turns in that hopes of them burning. It also happens at the end of each turn   ie player turn by default. Id like to see you chaos marine shoot something during you opponents turn

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  • 2 weeks later...

If multiple sources could stack soul blaze tokens on a target unit it could have been a useful ability.


I play Tzeentch Daemons quite a bit and their psychic shooting gets soul blaze as one of its side effects, hardly ever does anything. Very rarely it might surprise. Once it did 2 wounds to lysander when he rolled snake eyes for saves (I nearly choked).

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