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New chaos model rumors on faeit


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Rumors of new chaos model wave in the not too distant future, to include CSM/Chosen dual kit replacing current CSM box.


Take with considerable salt, nat nepeats anything anyone tells him, and has published several false CSM rumors in recent months.


Still, nice if true, though since my CSMs are the only units I have fully painted, it would be a while before I was looking to replace them. I wonder if I could sell my current CSMs for enough money to buy new ones if these rumors prove true?

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Actually I am already selling all my basic CSM, vintage and 3,5th edition onward and I am moving toward the new plastic with the Helldrake, Fiends and Raptors. I like the idea of ornate and less ornate models in the kit for Chaos should be a mishmash of a number of power armor marks and weapon types. In the end we are the faction of the baroque and the arcane so everything goes. In the end my top concern is that the kit would have a wealth of tiny bitz like tokes, runes, sigils, totems to properly portray the wide range of items that the CSM use. Hell even some xenos looking weapons could be fine. 

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Agreed, while this would be a welcome box, I've got my salt-shaker on automatic when it comes to any Chaos Space Marine rumours.


And even if it turns out to be real, you just KNOW it's going to be a repackaging of those six Chosen dudes from the DV box...


Not bitter about it or anything,



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I hope there is truth to this. Though I've already made two squads of CSM using the Bolter Chosen, they are pretty static in their posing...


What other kits are needed for CSM?


Multipart CSM/Chosen kit

Multipart Cultists kit

Multipart Havocs kit

Multipart Helbrute kit

Plastic Oblit/Mutilator kit


I'm not listing Cult units as those are all needing a serious reworking. I am just counting basic CSM units. Maybe a reworking of the Terminators? That would be nice.

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Yup. Csms/chosen, cultists, havoks, bikes, helbrute, oblit/mut dual kit, and all four cult units.


We could also do with plastic clamshells for basically all of our power armored character options, plus new versions of special characters.


Much as possesed and termies could benefit from an update, I think they're still recent enough and decent enough to leave off the list.

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Chaos has needed Chosen models for as long as I can remember. It's pretty sad that they have been a unit for as long as I can remember in the hobby, an have never been properly represented with a kit of their own, or just an option in a kit in general.  The models from the Starter Box are okay, but you would expect more from GW when CSM are there 2nd highest seller behind space marines.

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A few, certainly.  Cool models are an upfront attraction.  Subpar rules don't make themselves felt until months later, when you finally realize that all the unfun, uphill slogs are your book's fault, and not just part of a regular learning curve for starting a new game.


Of course, if price points continue along the track they've been on for years (and no reason to think they shouldn't - GW still thinks they can fix their revenue problems with a new website and a weekly magazine), then there can't be that many new chaos players, because the cost of entry will still be just too high.

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That would be cool to have a new kit...but I kind of have enough guys.  I'd be more interested in a Open topped, dedicated transport rhino, (10 man capacity, or 8 man capacity and Fast) for 45-50 points, as that would go a long way to fixing problematic elements in our book.

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I'd be happy to see any new Chaos releases on the level with the DV set. That said, I'm from the Show-Me state, so I'll believe it when I see it.


My personal wishlist entry is a Bike-Mounted Chaos Lord box that in addition to a bike and a lord (in as many separate parts as practical) has both a couple of fancy looking power weapons, and one each of a suspiciously fancy looking axe and mace.

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A few, certainly.  Cool models are an upfront attraction.  Subpar rules don't make themselves felt until months later, when you finally realize that all the unfun, uphill slogs are your book's fault, and not just part of a regular learning curve for starting a new game.


Of course, if price points continue along the track they've been on for years (and no reason to think they shouldn't - GW still thinks they can fix their revenue problems with a new website and a weekly magazine), then there can't be that many new chaos players, because the cost of entry will still be just too high.

But the hobby is suppose to be about cool models and forging stuff here and there and not rules. If the models look awesome , and GW models are always the best in the world , there should be many new chaos players .

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I just got 2 boxes of the old kit, and would sell/trade it off in a heartbeat if this was true!! The kits they put out for both the SM Tactical squad and the Sternguard kits are :cussing beautiful!! I can only hope we get that kind of love too!! But you know how GW works... So my hopes are from from up. Let's just say my interest is piqued.


End of Line

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I hope that the mutations will be somehow separated from the main armor in the forms of shoulder pads, hands, legs and so on, in such a way that one would be able to mix and match the appearance across the squad. Though my wish is that GW will be done with the plastic and unreal horns that adorn the CSM helmets. I am all in for vestigal and organic horns like the ones in Dark Vengeance but I would really be delighted to see the big and impracitcal crests gone. 


My personal wish would be:


- bitz for all the combiweapons

- autocannon or missile launcher over the heavy bolter for the heavy weapon of choice

- flamer, plasma, melta and who knows, maybe volkite weapons?

- more bare heads like the on from the Chosen Champion, twisted yet determined and regal, 

- arcane trinkets and talismans, fetishes and baubles to adorn the marines

- power axe instead of the power sword,

- an elaborate standard pole and all the banners though hopefully not so big as are the current ones,

- mutated armor elements in the form of separate pieces so you can localize the mutations on a single area or none,

- organic matter in form of organic pipes, vents, cables, weapons,

- sneering daemonic visages for weapons and armor pieces like mouths, eyes and scales

- some sort of close combat weapons but not the basic chainsword for all models, it gets boring, maces, flails, daggers, clubs, those are the true thing...


And ofc. a veritable Tzeentchian crest helm that would not be a pain to place properly... THAT IS A MUST!

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