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New chaos model rumors on faeit


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I hear you, I have thirty berzerkers sitting sad on the shelf, hell I even went trough all the trouble to find the old Juggylord kit to have a nice touch of vintage to my army, but... my chainaxes are silent. Some bloody hand to hand action is much needed for the CSM, too bad I get my fix of that with Daemons. I think a Drop Pod would solve most of out problems with mobility, but so can be done even with a cheap, 40 points vehicle that is fast and allows to get either in assault or rapid fire range asap. 


Thinking of the kit I am worried that it will be a 5 man unit rather than a 10 man squad. 

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If there's new chaos kits,then GW will probably release them around the same time as the spacewolves codex. Then they can release a thousand sons and 13th company supplement at the same time
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I would think that since the ugly as sin Oblits where recently put to FC, that we won't be seeing those as a possible future kit, although it would be great if they did. Those models as ugly as sin. Ugly. As. Sin.


I do like the arcane look they gave the DV stuff, its almost baroque in it's styling. I actually cut myself on a Heldrake wing spike!! Hell yeah!!


There is a lot of stuff I'd love to see in a new troop kit, but I am not one to get too excited until I know it's really happening. Then I freak the :cuss out.


End of Line

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Chaos has needed Chosen models for as long as I can remember. It's pretty sad that they have been a unit for as long as I can remember in the hobby, an have never been properly represented with a kit of their own, or just an option in a kit in general.  The models from the Starter Box are okay, but you would expect more from GW when CSM are there 2nd highest seller behind space marines.

I have always felt chosen should be kitbashed. I really doubt Chosen will ever have their own box.


I hope this rumor is true though.

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Am hoping for truth in this. Kits desperately required:


All characters getting a rework (Abbaddon, Khârn, etc...)

Generic lord

Bikes (those choppers are hideous)

Dreadnaught model (pointless, I've not seen a single dread on the table since 6th dropped but it's unfair loyalists have at least 4)

New land raider

New rhino


Oblits and muts

All cult marines (plagues are 2/3 the size of a loyalist tactical!)

Perhaps cult mutation sprues?


Hell just do the damn lot and give me a drop pod

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maybe there will be new models and new rules in the new WD. Imagine a WE hellbrute , it may not be a riptide , but am sure some WE player would buy a few or rubric Alfa Legion marines or Black Legion plague marins . They could do dual or triple legion kits and people would buy them too , for conversions and to play .

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I wouldn't sell the old Plastic CSMs you guys have if you're looking to replace them with the Rumored New Hotness.


Cut the horns off, and trim down the backpacks (and remove any mutations or stuff like that) and the Old Plastic CSMs are *gasp* wearing Mark V armor and all of a sudden...you got the starting core for a heresy army.


Strip them in some simple Green/purple power/equilivent, add in some studs in the greaves and pauldrons and you are on your way to having a Legion army, bolster an existing one, or making a "poorly outfitted" Loyalist army.



Something to consider folks.

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Getting new models is nice, but I really would like Legion supplements and useful dataslates more than anything else.


Bring me an Iron Warriors supplement, GW!


This is the crux of the matter - release all the new plastic you want, but with the same uninspiring codex I don't see it having a big effect.


NL, IW and AL supplements NOW!

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I wouldn't sell the old Plastic CSMs you guys have if you're looking to replace them with the Rumored New Hotness.


Cut the horns off, and trim down the backpacks (and remove any mutations or stuff like that) and the Old Plastic CSMs are *gasp* wearing Mark V armor and all of a sudden...you got the starting core for a heresy army.


Strip them in some simple Green/purple power/equilivent, add in some studs in the greaves and pauldrons and you are on your way to having a Legion army, bolster an existing one, or making a "poorly outfitted" Loyalist army.



Something to consider folks.


It's more than that, it's also the terrible bow-legged posing, lousy packs, awful and unclear detailing on parts of the trim (especially around the ankles) and so on.


That and I have about zero point nil interest in collecting a heresy army.

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via an anonymous source on Faeit 212


Time for another info packed message.




The icons are similar in design to the current plastic ones with one

icon of each type being included. God specific pieces include a number

of shoulder pads bearing a gods Mark and around 4 heads for each God.

There is one unhelmeted head for each God excluding tzeentch which I

think is meant to be due to the rubric fluff. It looks like you can add

the finecast (noise marines and thousand sons) upgrade sprues to each

unit to get a roughly full squad of marked marines.




The cultist and hellbrute models have been completed to my limited

knowledge however I can't confirm seeing them. Release wise I have been

told they are due but not so soon, they are meant to have been held off

for another wave release alongside 2 more kits as yet un announced to

me. An astute reader can most likely guess what these will be with

finecast going the way of the dodo.




Chosen are in the 24 pounds Mark with havoc being similar in price.

The lord is alas around the same price as the space marine captain/







Oh unit sizes are as follows




Chosen/ chaos space Marines. 10 model box set




Havoc 5 model box set

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http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/the-long-war-supplement-veteran-skill.htmlthis supplement allowing our marines to buy certain USRs if you pay the VOTLW tax could make things interesting?


havocs with tank hunter

if you can get them into combat against astartes, stacking mark of khorne with shred and preferred enemy could give buckets of re-rolls to the melee marines

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Too good to be true, I think. Also, with GWs habit of screwing things up when it comes to CSM I wouldnt be surprised if those USR would cost rediculous amount of points for the units that would actually benefit from them (like those 4-6 pts per model marks for Warp Talons, terminators and bikers).

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Bringing back the old veteran skills upgrade would go a long way to fixing the codex. Especially if, over costed units like possessed got them for free. But it seems a bit too good to be true.
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As information of new Chaos

Marines has unfolded, word has come up that a new supplement will come

alongside them. We dont have a name for it, but it has something to do

with the Long War or Crusade, and will contain new rules for models with

the Veteran of the Long War special rules.



This information

comes from the same source giving us some insight into the new sprues

for the two box sets we will be seeing; Chaos Space Marines/ Chosen and

Havocs. Both of these box sets have some more details here as well.


If you have missed these articles, here is a good set of links to catch up with them.



via an anonymous source on Faeit 212

New Supplement

There is a supplement due for release.

The long war/long crusade

The name itself is a bit of an unknown to me but that's the general gist of it.


Contains fluff on what the legions have been doing for the last 10,000 years.



any model with the veteran of the long war rule may purchase additional

specialist skills represented by the universal rules. The skills vary

in price with fear being one of the cheapest skills. Certain units may

not take certain skills I.e havocs may not take fleet.


New Box Sets

I had a much more detailed look at the new kits today. The lord is armed with a bolt pistol and mace\maul\club thingy.



plastic autocannon on the standard squad sprue is suitable long and

dangerous looking. It has the option of being belt or box mag fed. One

of the chaos torso is basically a giant mutated demonic face with a

piece that glues in in between the torso and legs to represent a big ole



The chosen/ regular marine kit has 4 sprues. Two core

marine sprues that build 5 complete marines each with either bolter of

ccw and bolt pistol. It should be noted that not all ccw are

chainblades. The arms are the new style wrist and hand on the gun.

There's then the command/ chosen sprue which contains power, special,

heavy and combi weapons. This sprue also includes torso and head options

along with lots of add on pieces. The final sprue contains all your god

bits and icons and is smaller than the other sprues



via an anonymous source on Faeit 212

Got more info on the supplement, veteran skill upgrades are a flat unit cost.

Confirmed skills so far are, fear,infiltrate,tank hunter, relentless,outflank?, stubborn, preferred enemy, shred and fleet.


Fear was around 5 points a squad with infiltrate being the most expensive skill available.



an unrelated note expect a fair amount of metal models to disappear

from sale within the next two ish months as gw is melting down metal

stock again and selling it off.



thomas freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at

5:16 PMMax  unit upgrade cost is 20 points, I will take answer a few

questions on  the models/rules if natfka has no issue with it.The next

full set of  info will be sent in three ish days after I return from a


thomas freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:26 PM@Marz1.Skills are permament.

2 The supplement can be used with ANY chaos supplement not just the BL supplement. Future supplements may have restrictions on what skills may be taken however


freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:32 PMBasically  each skill has a list of

units underneath it . Any unit on the list may  take the skill. Certain

units are not on the list due to whatever  reason. The example I was

given was havoc can't take the fleet skill.


All skills cost the same no matter what unit takes them

  thomas freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:44 PM@ Syeti and Archon


Sadly the reason the skills are costed is due to gw's reluctance to admit they cocked up in rules development of the chaos dex


   NatfkaJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:43 PMCan you take more than one upgrade?

  •    thomas freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:45 PMYup, there's a limit of three skills I think per squad however


      thomas freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:51 PMTo  answer your original

    question the legions are mentioned in fluff only.  The supplement is

    really just Comdex chaos space marines +1



  • thomas freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:49 PMStubborn was one of the cheaper skills I think, at around 8 or ten points.


  • thomas

    freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 6:14 PMTerminator's can't take infiltrate,

    plague marines can I believe. Shred is for melee weapons only


  • daboarderJanuary 22, 2014 at 6:14 PMcan mutilators get fleet?


      Tyler HendersonJanuary 22, 2014 at 6:19 PMCan HQ's with VotLW take any of the USR upgrades?

  thomas freegardJanuary 22, 2014 at 6:21 PMYep, hq's can take the skills, they have access to every skill I think


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1KSons for fluffnuts: All is dust.

1KSons for competitive players: On a shelf covered in dust.


I still want new models for my 1Ksons I hate the half plastic/metal models... (half failcast now?)


They could be like Master Chief at the end of Halo 3.


"Wake me, if you need me." *enters cryo sleep*


If the rumors aren't BS...and we can get Open Topped Rhino rules (again, 40 points, can only take a combi weapon and dirge castor 10 man capacity or 8 man capacity and Fast vehicle) it would be glorious.


Khorne beserkers with Chainaxes and shred would be expensive...but that would go a long way to wiping a unit.

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It comes from the same source as the model rumors, so it seems either both are true or neither. I'm not sure if supplement is the right word, it seems to relate to the new way GW is trying to do things, with releases and rules for factions apart from whatever is getting a newcodex in the month.


As for too good to be true, we're talking about a paid rules download, on top of our lousy codex and whatever lousy supplement you might use, for the privilege of taking our allready painfully points efficient units, and giving them an already inefficient upgrade (extremely so, in the case of units like chosen, terminators, raptors, etc) for special rules they should have had for free, just for the chance to buy yet another ability on top for even more points. Even if these abilities are cheap (rumor putting them between 5 pts/squad cheapest for fear and 20 pts per squad most expensive for infiltrate, so not awful prices in a vacuum), you're still talking about 170 points for 10 infiltrating CSMs, before weapon upgrades, marks, or other options.


Or 220 points for ten infiltrating chosen, again before other options. Note the fallen formation gives you that same infiltrating chosen unit, but with better rules (atsknf > votlw), for 180 points plus extras, and even they are considered too expensive for what they offer to be called good.


Our uniits are broken in a way that making them more expensive, even for good additional special rules at fair prices, simply cannot fix.



Anyway, I've been posting in nat's comment sections as 'roderick', if anyone else is over there.

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