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New chaos model rumors on faeit


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I hope this isn't bumped back till summer, I like to use my summers for hiking, climbing and hunting. Last thing I need is something sucking me deeper into the hobby during the nice weather days up here in Oregon.

Who you kidding there, Heinrich!! Are you referring to the 2 week period we sometimes get for summer??!! tongue.png

I don't understand why there seems to be this air of discontent here... If you don't like the codex, play something else!! Will getting all butt hurt about it help GW magically release something you are happy with?? Nope. Not even a chance of it. They don't care about one little forum full of folks hashing it out over a single codex line they produce. You gave them your money when you signed up for this gig, man. I am not pointing fingers here, or taking sides, but it seems to me that instead of educated banter, there's mokey poo flinging monkeying going on around here. Be THANKFUL we are getting new models, be THANKFUL we might get some silly little additions to our mediocre codex. But My dad always said, if you don't like it, try something else. He's the wisest guy I know... besides Martin Short.

End of Line

Humorously, I was so dejected by how the Rumors about the CSM codex was going to be a return to a type of book like Jeske was talking about: Able to effectively play assault, Shooting or mixed, with numerous builds, able to customize your units and your champions like in the HH stuff. It didn't pan out...so I just knew my Tau were going to get Cruddance's "loving caress" like he gave to Tyranids.

Then come to find out it wasn't Cruddance, but the guy who looked like a real-life version of the old Hobbit Cartoon Movie hobbits who wrote a Not-so-great Dark Angels book (from what I'd read), but I was happy it wasn't Cruddance-I wished it was Ward...but yeah.

We all know how that turned out :D

I don't think my joy for my Tau Codex (and Supplement) would have been as high as it is, without the Low counterpoint of how I felt with my Chaos.

Which really, is largely due to me becoming informed here and other places as to how 'bad' chaos is. I pretty much play them as mutable marines, pretty much always take vets and Ubergrit. I've only had one squad swept since the new codex has dropped-and that was by a monstrous creature so yeah.

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I myself am less concerned with 'radical misrepresentation'.  I've always hated how the majority of the legions seemed to enter the Eye full formed, and look and fight and organize and behave and believe exactly the same way 10,000 years later after all that time of warp exposure and living in a realm where the physical laws of reality bend to the whim of mad gods.  The stoic restraint and resistance to the influence of chaos seen in, for instance, the Iron Warriors or certain characterizations of the Night Lords simply should not have been able to survive that much time in the Eye, and while it would make existing legion fans as bitter as long time Necron fans were after their book was released, I myself certainly wouldn't mind seeing some rather dramatic changes in the 40k characterization of those legions in particular.


Likewise, I'd love to hear more about non-rubric, post heresy Thousand Sons created or contracted or corrupted by Ahriman in his efforts to rebuild his Legion, resulting in a Thousand Sons legion where rubric marines would be the rare personal retinues of the Legion's elite, undying, sorcerous commanders, rather than the entirety of it's fighting strength.  Similar adjustments to the characterization of the other cult legions would also please me.  Of course, it would heavily displease existing cult legion players, so I'm not saying this what GW should do, just what I'd personally like them to do.  I'd similarly love to see khornate sorcerers and khornate psychic powers for mortals and daemons, since the idea of a chaos god - beings literally made of magic, who influence the universe through magic, etc - that rejected sorcery altogether always struck me as rather ridiculous.  So I guess I have a rather less than orthodox opinion on chaos fluff in general.

I agree, hence why I've started taking my 15th Company Night Lords in that direction. I really enjoy some of the old artwork that showed true Traitor Legionnaires as corrupted, twisted images of the noble warriors they once were, and I like how the models are coming to reflect this. Traitor Astartes and Renegades should basically look like Imperial Space Marines who don't care about uniform regs and have stripped off their Aquilas. Traitor Legionnaires, the old guard, the original badasses, should look like this:



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I meant new 1k sons recruited by Magnus, not ahriman. Derp.


Otherwise, we do seem to have some common ground, at least. ;)


Iron warriors, for instance, I would love to see as horrific, magitech abominations of daemon and machine, with very little human/marine left. Rather than iron warriors who replace the slightest hint of corruption with clean mechanical implants, I would rather see 40k era iron warriors replacing anything that wasn't touched by chaos with monstrous daemonforged augmentations as bizzarre and unnatural as any chaos mutation afflicting the marines of other chaos legions.


Night Lords in 40k I'd prefer to see abandoning the restraint of their primarch after his death, eventually coming to embrace chaos completely, and warping into terrifying, vampric, bat-winged calamities literally feasting on the fear of their victims.


That sort of thing, where the transformation of the chaos legionnaires continued along paths informed by their character at the end of the heresy, rather than freezing forever the moment they hit the Eye. Sadly, neither yhe fluff nor the rules nor the models reflect that sort of post heresy development, yet, but after dark vengeance, I have high hopes for future models, at least, whether they show up sooner or later..

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Totally agree. I am hoping something along the lines of Magnus rebuilding his legion will appear in a Black Library book. I also think both Magnus and Ahriman could end up coming to blows over how they both see the legion. 


Magnus with living yet mutated sorcerer marines. Ahriman with his Rubric marines. I just don't believe Magnus has been sat there doing nothing all this time. He is as part of the great game in the warp, as he is part of the "long war". 

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Personally I want CSM armour to look chaosy but still be practical.  In the current kits there are too many long spikes on shoulder pads and back packs, bunny ears, big hands etc.and I just wonder how an 8' tall guy with a 5' tall spike on his shoulder pad  etc. gets through a door without crawling on his belly unless of course the spikes are made of foam or spring loaded.   I'm ruling out charging straight through the doorway and leaving a looney tunes style hole as this wouldn't be practical or advisable on their own starships or vehilces.


I'm still not convinced that new kits are coming for CSM's this year as there are the other 6th edition 40K codexes that still have to be released and the Warhammer army books and next edition of WFB and possibly even 40K 7th edition and the muted end of fine cast.


Given the number of interesting items (Dwarfs, Imperial Knights, Imperial Guard, Space Wolves, CSM, HH books 3 & 4 + associated FW goodies) said to be coming out this year it could be a good year (unless of course GW screw up like they did last year).

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While i agree that Khorne=No magic, when its a God of Chaos made out of Psychic power thus magic, as always sounded weird.


But even so they could have done something to compensate for this, because nowadays you rarely see someone playing without any Psykers, because of the numbers of different buffs they can give to units.


Now you can always play an allieds Sorceror or something or pretend a lot of things like i did in one of my last games where i tested a lvl2 Sorceror with no marks and modeled by using a conversion of Fabius bile to make my Chaos-chemist, contraption of Apothicary and Alchemist.


But still having some kind of special rules/powers, or even a Weird character that makes sacrifices on the battlefield to claim Khorne's favors and help or any other way to fill in that gap in a Fluff army...

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Well, RPR, I'm glad we have you to raise the level of discourse around here by characturizing those you don't agree with as 'poo flingers'.


No problem malisteen!! I didn't go into my post pointing fingers or calling anyone out, I even stated that. But you did.

And you have yet to call anyone names here?? oh, okay. I got it...


I sincerely apologize to those of you deeply hurt by my "poo flinging" remark. I was unaware of the large fecal throwing membership this site has.  It's just that here on the internet, things like this never happen and the anonymity of posting something for a group of people to read is never abused or used in a passive aggressive way. Except for this one time. Oh, and the above quote...


To paraphrase my original statement: Say something constructive everybody. There is not sense in anybody getting upset over anything they have no control over. And also, Martin Short.


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Hello players!  It's been a long time for me. I heard of these and came to lurk, see what you guys where up to.

These are awesome. When I left, the mood was all kittens and puppies, and I was being flamed by several people for hating the book.  Seemed the last few months, the mood soured once Taudar hit.  

These look like they will de-suck our book!  Man, I am giddy over here with rumors of relentless noise marines, or shredding close combat armed noise marines, and powered up Hellbrutes!

I hope one of these books gets us some demon weapons (besides the mace, and I never play Khorne), but these rumors are a serious step in the correct direction!

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I sincerely apologize to those of you deeply hurt by my "poo flinging" remark. I was unaware of the large fecal throwing membership this site has.

I will rest easier knowing we have RPR to keep it classy around here.



FallenOne: don't get too excited, it's still just rumors, even if it is the most exciting thing we've had to talk about game-wise in a while.

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There is not sense in anybody getting upset over anything they have no control over.

Tell that to anyone who got robed or had family killed by a drunk driver. Human mind does not work the way you say. In fact most of the time it is busy with worrying about stuff that doesn't exist.




But My dad always said, if you don't like it, try something else.

That is almost like MA "why don't they eat cakes then" :D

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Which really, is largely due to me becoming informed here and other places as to how 'bad' chaos is.  I pretty much play them as mutable marines, pretty much always take vets and Ubergrit.  I've only had one squad swept since the new codex has dropped-and that was by a monstrous creature so yeah.


I have to agree that forums like this really hammered home how bad CSM were, even if it was not obvious from just reading the codex.

However, I really 'feel' how bad the book functions every time I use it. Not that is it weak and that I always lose (funny thing is that I think I have won a lot more than I lost with the new book), but you often run into situations where especially the Champion of Chaos rule sucks the fun out of the game.


When I really had it hammered home was when I had a Dreadknight on my flank (down to two wounds), and a unit of MoK+IoW+ccw+bp CSM in a position to attack it. I then realised that if I attacked it, my champ would challenge and then die, and then my squad would likely be run over. After a bit of thinking, the only thing my CSM could do was retreat. The CSM rules forced my Khorne marines to run away. Had I not had the CoC rule, I would have assaulted with my horde of S5 attacks and probably killed the Dreadknight, but that rule single-handedly made my expensive marked CSM noticeably less worth on the tabletop than even a barebone Tactical squad. A Tactical Squad could at least have tar-pitted it for a few turns.


Or try assaulting a Trygon with Chaos Termies. Were it not for the CoC rule, the Trygon would be dead, but instead it's the Termies that will eat it without doing any damage.


Of course, there are ways around it, like having lots and lots of plasma so you can kill monsters from a distance, but really, is that what CSM are about? Running away for everything that looks scary and shooting it with plasma? I makes it unfun when my CSM are forced to behave much more cowardly than loyalists, especially when they are presented as a faction that favours close combat.


Sadly there is nothing in these rumour that would allow you to not use the CoC rule or somehow removed it, so I can't get excited. Stubborn could at least make CSM slightly more viable in close combat, but I still don't see any other option than just shooting and running away if an MC Character comes along.


Daemon allies maybe? (As always, and then you end up running Daemons as main and CSM as allies, and then you stop using your CSM since the army works so much better and so on...)


However, new models sounds great, so at least there is that. Hopefully with new-style backpacks. I am seriously considering converting all my CSM backpacks into smaller ones. The mk.II/III backpacks from FW look pretty awesome, and of course the DV Chosen backpacks look great too, so something in between would make my day.

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I agree that the new models bit is the most exciting part of this rumor, and it's also the most believable, since we've heard it from multiple sources which don't seem to have been simply echoing each other (not quite perfect alignment on what's getting new kits, and what's being released when, etc).

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Yeah the "Accept any Challenge, no matter the odds" rule really fracks us but good.  I assault more with Firewarriors and crisis suits than I do CSMs-and that's a bad thing.


CoC needs to go, get modified or we need the option to not take a Champion.  Or we can always take em stage diving or running that CoC right in front-and there are no "Look out sirs" done on him, he dies first so that the squad can perform, or takes the Chumpion so a HQ can do work on the squad.


I played a game where an opponent allowed me to use Open Topped Rhinos.  I about want to rip the doors off and make a WYSIWYG ruling on it "And yet-it's open topped, so I'm assaulting"

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Champion of Chaos is an easy fix (that's whats so frustrating about it):


1 - Re-do the Boon Table, the Warhammer Warriors of Chaos one is a good starting point.

2 - Champions not forced to challenge, but only get to roll for a Boon if they do.

3 - Champions get re-rolls to hit in challenges.


4 - If the Champion wins the challenge the Chaos side gets an additional +1 to Combat Resolution, If he loses the Chaos side suffers an additional -1 to Combat Resolution.  (Quite fluffy IMHO)


I'd rather see Champions being a non-FoC HQ choice.  3 types - Aspiring, Mighty and Exalted.  Champions attached to squads (with the same unit type as themselves) during deployment.  Any remaining act as the Lord's Bodyguard.

(Cookie for whoever works out where that idea comes from!).


Aspiring Champions would have 4,4,4,4,1,4,2,9 for ~25pts.

Mighty Champions would have 5,4,4,4,1,4,3,10 for ~35pts.

Exalted Champions would have 5,4,4,4,2,5,3,10 for ~45pts.


(To compensate - CSM squads are 1 special weapon and either 1 additional special weapon or a heavy weapon, regardless of squad size.)


Now those are Champions of the Dark Gods!!

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I sincerely apologize to those of you deeply hurt by my "poo flinging" remark. I was unaware of the large fecal throwing membership this site has.

I will rest easier knowing we have RPR to keep it classy around here.

FallenOne: don't get too excited, it's still just rumors, even if it is the most exciting thing we've had to talk about game-wise in a while.

And I can then feel safe to look to malisteen for passive aggressive responses to intended humorous posts. Lighten up pal...

There is not sense in anybody getting upset over anything they have no control over.

Tell that to anyone who got robed or had family killed by a drunk driver. Human mind does not work the way you say. In fact most of the time it is busy with worrying about stuff that doesn't exist.


But My dad always said, if you don't like it, try something else.

That is almost like MA "why don't they eat cakes then" biggrin.png

That logic does work, if you take it out of the context of talking about :cussing minatures!! This forum is certainly not about car accidents and robberies. :)

And I too like eating cakes!!

On Topic:

Open top rhinos could be a good thing for us, as 'getting there' becomes a serious problem against all the shooty, which we lack. Having that extra layer or armor, even though it's weak, could certainly make an assault-centric army a smidgen better.

Until anything solid and full of proof is released I will not be holding my breath along with the rest of you by the sounds of it!!

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Posted · Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, January 28, 2014 - Off topic
Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, January 28, 2014 - Off topic

And I can then feel safe to look to malisteen for passive aggressive responses to intended humorous posts.


Wait, intended what now? Wow, that's... that's just sad, then. Like a puppy born with only one leg, desperately trying to run and play like all the other dogs. Poor little guy wiggles and scrapes himself along, in his best imitation of what the other puppies are doing, but never quite seems to get anywhere, and can't understand what he's doing wrong.




It's ok, RPR. You're hilarious, in your heart at least.  Don't ever let anyone crush your stand-up dreams (and/or dreams of standing up).




Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to powering this small city over here with my whining.



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The most recent rumor info on Faeit says that the models may be early summer along with the supplement (though the rumor does say that the supplement is for the DV warband).


The rumors says that the first half will be coming on Week 4 release of the new Dwarf, so not in February, since there is not 4th Week in that month, so it can be 4th Week of March, then Aprils then May, the rest will be released for July/Augustus, so that in September they are available for the Kaizerslautern campaigne.

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Aren't the new models just suppose to be part of the X new models for different factions , outside of normal wave sells with a new codex and aren't linked to any supplements or new army books ?

That logic does work, if you take it out of the context of talking
about :cussing minatures!! This forum is certainly not about car
accidents and robberies. smile.png

And I too like eating cakes!!

No it does not work . It only works when your ok , something happens to someone else and your high horsing to him that he shouldn't worry about stuff he can't change. losing a job , being ill , problems at home ,people shouldn't worry about those , because there is nothing they can do about it right ? odd they do. And if want a strickte model example , ask someone who spend money for a starting army , if they aren't worried about their upcoming new codex and what happens with their army or ask those that already have one already how do they feel about the next 2 years of 6th ed[specialy if they waited for something through whole of 5th] .

I see you didn't get the MA pun . MA asked once if she isn't bothered that people don't enough bread , asked back "then why aren't they eatin cakes".

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