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New chaos model rumors on faeit


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GW has released later waves of models that aren't tied in to a new book.  It is a pretty easy way to generate a bit of interest in a faction which might be flagging due to the length of time between books.


If the supplement is about the Chaos bods from Dark Vengenance it would imply that these models are going to be relased seperately.  Which might make sense given the rumours of a new boxed game featuring blood angel & orks coming out in Autumn.  Personally I'm hoping that isn't true as although I like the chosen and cultist, I think the chaos lord is utter pants with his antenae like horns (I know I could snip them off, but I'd still know they used to be there and they reperesent everything I hate about the current chaos space marine range).  What I really want is a multi part plastic kits of chosen. havocs, CSM & dreadnought (or whatever GW is calling them now) so I can kit bash my way to damnation.


I not that fussed whether GW release another chaos supplement as it won't correct the problems with the CSM codex.

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a) new rumours: my guess is that it's just the DV models reworked so they can sell those models independently and make room for the new BA/Orks-starterbox. IF there will be a long war supplement, it is to compliment sales of these, not to repair the bad design of C:CSM - GW doesn't care about rules anymore.


b) champion of chaos: one solution is to keep your champions at the back of your squads so when you assault, he does not become engaged, thus not able to challenge/be challenged. It's a bit tricky and not always possible, but the only way to circumvent this *masterpiece* of game design.


c) arguments against CSM negativity: please refrain if your argument would in essence be "if you just ignore it, it isn't a problem"

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When I really had it hammered home was when I had a Dreadknight on my flank (down to two wounds), and a unit of MoK+IoW+ccw+bp CSM in a position to attack it. I then realised that if I attacked it, my champ would challenge and then die, and then my squad would likely be run over. After a bit of thinking, the only thing my CSM could do was retreat. The CSM rules forced my Khorne marines to run away. Had I not had the CoC rule, I would have assaulted with my horde of S5 attacks and probably killed the Dreadknight, but that rule single-handedly made my expensive marked CSM noticeably less worth on the tabletop than even a barebone Tactical squad. A Tactical Squad could at least have tar-pitted it for a few turns.

In my knowledge, Dreadknights are not Characters, might be wrong though...

cool.png champion of chaos: one solution is to keep your champions at the back of your squads so when you assault, he does not become engaged, thus not able to challenge/be challenged. It's a bit tricky and not always possible, but the only way to circumvent this *masterpiece* of game design.

I though that the distance or the BtB contact din't matter in this case..., that if the unit is engaged, you can throw or accept a challenge..., was this Faqed?

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This has nothing to do with CSM negativity, so let's not discuss it here.


I always thought that it was too difficult to produce multipart kits with the new organic look of the DV models and that was why we never got any updated "tactical" marines. Any thoughts on that?

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-Page #134 in the rulebook says Nemesis Dreadknight are Mc(ch).


-Page #64 of the rulebook says that characters that are unengaged can't accept challenges. There is a difference between locked in combat and engaged, units are locked, models are engaged...or unengaged, as per page #23.

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This has nothing to do with CSM negativity, so let's not discuss it here.


I always thought that it was too difficult to produce multipart kits with the new organic look of the DV models and that was why we never got any updated "tactical" marines. Any thoughts on that?


My thoughts after working with the chosen as conversion fodder is that that shouldn't be a significant problem.  My thoughts in general are that we saw several kits released around the time of the chaos book, and the month before, and the month after, and that GW model releases have been frequent for some time now, so the idea that they might run out of time or resources to produce even more stuff in that same period of time, particularly when it comes to re-releasing existing kits, seems plausible enough that there's no reason to go in search of hidden causes.

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There have been enough 'evil scifi knights' type torsos and shoulder pads put out on the market, I'm pretty sure that GW could put out a new Tactical/Chosen if they wanted to.  The organic/mutated look isn't that difficult to work with.

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