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Misfortune and flyiers


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One simple question I guess :)


I have one question regarding the Misfortune; as this is meladiction, from my point of view it does not need to roll on hit (auto hits enemy unit in range), therefore the effect is applied on every enemy model, even flyiers?


Moreover , if applied on flyer does the enemy needs to reroll all jink saves? Does it mean that you can potentionally cancel out holo-fields, jink, etc?


Thank you,


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This is (sort of) addressed in the main rulebook FAQ:



Q: How do maelstroms, novas and beams – or indeed any weapon that doesn’t need to roll To Hit or hits automatically – interact with Zooming Flyers and Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures? (p13)

A: Only Snap Shots can hit Zooming Flyers and Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures. Therefore, any attacks that use blast markers, templates, create a line of/area of effect or otherwise don’t roll to hit cannot target them. This includes weapons such as the Necron Doom Scythe’s death ray or the Deathstrike missile of the Imperial Guard, and psychic powers that follow the rule for maelstroms, beams, and novas.


As usual with GW, this answer leaves us with more questions. The FAQ tells us that attacks that don't roll to hit cannot target them but then goes on to list psychic powers but only maelstroms, beams and novas.


If it's allowed then you would reroll all successful saving throws. That would include Jink saves. Holo-fields do not give a save as such but improve an existing save but this would still need to be re-rolled if passed. Unless you mean Eldar Titan Holo-Fields, which are not a saving throw at all and would not be affected.

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Yes, I was refering to those Titan ones, sorry not Eldar player my self, therefore not so precise in the terminology. 


Anyways, is there any list/clear specification of what a saving throw is?


Armour saves, cover saves, invulnerable saves. Certain other things, such as Eldar Titan Holo-fields and Feel No Pain, act in some ways like a saving throw but are not classed as saving throws.

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