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Iron Warriors


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Here is a selection of my growing 40K Iron Warriors force


Lord with Burning Brand and Daemon sword











Selection of marines, I got 60 more like this




Beastment cultists! Made this years ago for Lost and the Damned army in 3rd ed but never painted




Converted Havoks




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Beautiful. There's something so appealing about simply done Iron Warriors. Yours make me recall the archetypal moments of Storm of Iron.


Funnily enough I was rereading storm of iron when painting these.


There wasnt much need to overcomplicate, I had 70 basic marines to paint so needed a quick scheme that looks good.


I notice a lot of IW painters put chevrons on boltguns, I decided against that thinking it would take to long with the little details getting in the way, but each chainsword and champion has some somewhere on the model so there are plenty scattered around.



I haven't had the chance to game recently but I have plenty of plasmaguns so using the BL supplement could be a fun option.


I have around 50 plastic vampire count ghouls already painted, I am very tempted to rebase them and give a few of them pistols for large cultist swarms!

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Really nice Iron Warriors, I do like them a lot. Is that the Havoc champion head and arm that your CSM champion uses?

it is, any model with bionic bits on the head makes a great champion.


Im working on two more champions, one uses a grey knight head with cabling.

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Squad of five completed Terminators!


Armed with four combi-meltas, heavy flamer, 2 chainfist, 2 poweraxe and a lightning claw for the champion to help him win duels.


Deepstrike in, melta, then cause havok against infantry and vehicles.









With Terminator Lord, they make a fine bodyguard.










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Leadbelcher, ironbreaker, Balthasar gold, lots of Nuln oil and reikland fleshshade for armour shading. Quick to do, easy to replicate. I hate going to town on a unit then not being able to repeat it for other units.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to necro, I created an account just to ask you - what are the helmets you're using for your Terminator lord and for the rest of the Terminators? I really like them and am looking for something along those lines to use for my own Iron Warrior Terminators.

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They look good!


Sorry to necro, I created an account just to ask you - what are the helmets you're using for your Terminator lord and for the rest of the Terminators? I really like them and am looking for something along those lines to use for my own Iron Warrior Terminators.

I think the terminators' helmets are berzerker helmets with the bunny ears cut off. The lord's helmet is the all time favorite Iron Warrior helmet from this upgrade pack.

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