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Painting *special* Slanneshi Daemonettes.


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Flicking through my old White Dwarf collection a few months ago I saw some rather odd looking Daemonettes. Excited that I had overlooked something from FW I found that no, these Daemonettes were not new, but rather quite old.

Long story short I finally managed to get my hands on some Out Of Production Juan Diaz Daemonettes! biggrin.png

I am scared witless of stuffing something up so painting tips would be great. Bare flesh is far removed from Power Armour (and I know the B&C is soley power armour but that might come at some point).

They came already base painted.

Advice greatly appreciated.

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I've not painted mine yet, but pinning their arms was a pain. I'd suggest pinning every loose arm though. It sucks to knock one off the table and have to glue it back later on. I used thin broad rod. A couple times I punched through an arm, but was able to sand the brass down smooth and repair the breech with greenstuff.


And as for removing the paint, I use Simple Green. Safe on plastic and metals.

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