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Decisions, decisions...


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A few of you know that I've been on a little roll when it comes to modeling and painting. To the point that I'd like to end up with a small Slaanesh force.


So far I have Raptors (in progress), 2x Noise Marine squads (to do), Daemonette squad & Herald (to do) and a winged Lord (started).


Now...I have about £40 to add something on and I want to do something a bit bigger and slightly modified, so I have the following in mind but cannot totally decided:


»Forgefiend/ Maulerfiend kit. Added flayed flesh and trophies. More built round the Mauler look as I don't like the upright pose.


»Spawn. But...I don't like the spawn kit as its a bit "let's get a rat ogre and add tenticles" so substitute ideas would be needed.


»Obligatory Obliterators. This is one kit I hate but like the concept. Also no way Slaanesh looking.


Other ideas are greatly received but not the turkey. Don't fancy one this close to Xmas really :thanks:

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I would vote for obliterators. They are great to have for fire support.


The GW minis aren't great and I regret buying them in finecast. I ended up trying to copy Dan the Daemon and make heavy weapons teams on a single base. It is a cool look and I like to imagine them as elite Havocs.


Lately I have been thinking of redoing my obliterators. Looking at armenneus valthex from the astral claws I was thinking of techmarines with conversion beamers as obliterators. Strapped to a techmarines back or harnessed to them somehow these techmarines go about unleashing death with new warp forged weapons capable of destruction in a variety of ways.


An idea I want to try out and thought to pass along :)

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One option to the GW obliterators (which look horrible IMO) are Hitech miniatures' "Terrorizer"  minis, which are clearly sculpted as "counts-as oblits."  I was very pleased with the three I got - they came quite promptly, and were extremely clean for resin minis.  (Almost no clean up required before priming.) 


I also dislike the GW spawn, and if I ever do some up will probably use WFB Crypt Horrors (a Vampire Counts' Special Unit) as my "counts-as spawn" - I like how they look, and the fluff from "Angel Exterminatus" now supports the idea that these could be examples of Fabius Bile's original "terata" experiments.


One problem with either of these though, is that they're kind of bulky and thus not very "Slaanesh looking" - but the same could be said of GW's oblits, or any CSM in TDA really.  Since my oblits roll with the MoN that wasn't a problem for me, but YMMV.

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One option to the GW obliterators (which look horrible IMO) are Hitech miniatures' "Terrorizer"  minis, which are clearly sculpted as "counts-as oblits."  I was very pleased with the three I got - they came quite promptly, and were extremely clean for resin minis.  (Almost no clean up required before priming.)


I'm glad to hear these models are high quality. I've been keeping my eye on the Terrorizer Box #3 for a while. That's where I'd put my money in this case.


I too despise the obliterator models but cannot ignore their value.  I am currently making my own using the new centurions and using sonic weapons and speakers to simulate the myriad gun options they can fire.  My two cents...


I'd love to see how this conversion works out. I hope you post pictures.

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