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Chaos Space Marine List


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Started running this list for a local event shortly after NOVA Open ended and have been tweeking it ever since.

Figured I would post it for people to talk about way for CSM to be competitive, since there is very little of that going around :P


For NOVA I placed in the top 25 and used a Daemon/CSM army list, split about 60/40 points wise and I wanted something more casual for the local event so I could take a bit of a breather. . . Well, in the first game I got my ass handed too me by Andrew Gonyo and decided that I needed to NOT run x6 Mutilators and some Forgefiends :P

We were allowed to alter our lists after the first two games and I decided to change mine to something slightly more. . . Good.

I came up with something similar to the following list and it has been tweeked a few times to what it currently is.


Chaos Lord -

   Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Black Mace, Gift of Mutation, Melta Bombs


Chaos Sorcerer

   Bike, ML3, Spell Familiar


Herald of Khorne

  Juggernaught, Lesser Gift (Axe of Khorne 100% of the time)


Cultists x10

Cultists x10

Horrors x10

Horrors x10


Chaos Bikers x8

  Mark of Nurgle, x2 Meltaguns, Champ w/Power Axe


Flesh Hounds of Khorne x16


Heldrake x1



Heldrake x1



Maulerfiend x1

Maulerfiend x1


Now, I know what you are thinking. . . This list should get stomped by Tau/Eldar/SM/Daemons or any mix of those, but I went on to win every game following that first loss in the event. The list was slightly different as I had a Prince instead of the Sorcerer and the Chaos Lord had a Mark of Khorne and rode a Juggy with the Axe.


In the Playoffs for that event I played against a Daemon army, a Space Marine army, and a Necron/Tau army and won all three games and collected my prize.

I have been in two RTTs since and tweeked it a bit more to the current version and am 5-2 overall. I also won a smaller event and went 3-0 beating a Daemon army, Tau/Eldar, and a SM/Inquisition army.


Basically the list threatens with the Hounds and Bikes and the Maulerfiends support their flanks, the idea is to crush anyones ground force and worry about the flyers when they eventually come down to drop off troops and such.


Let me know what you think and if it can be imporved as I am thinking about keeping something like this for NOVA this year when it comes around 8 or so months from now.


Thanks a ton.



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Started running this list for a local event shortly after NOVA Open ended and have been tweeking it ever since.

Figured I would post it for people to talk about way for CSM to be competitive, since there is very little of that going around tongue.png

Glad to see you're doing well with the list!

Thing is, and what has been done to death is talk is on making CSM 'competitive', and all those talks boil down to: Biker Lord, other character on bike, Bikes, cultist troops, heldrakes. which is the core of your army, so there is nothing new here :)

How did the maulerfiends perform for you? With only 2x AV 12 vehicles on the field T1, I cant imagine them doing too well.

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Yeah, this is similar in spirit to how I run my CSM list.  I found that Tau are generally not a problem because they're too busy choking to death on Maulers, Spawn, etc., but instead the problem becomes Tyranids and Orks!  I do love me a fast assault CSM army though.

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Started running this list for a local event shortly after NOVA Open ended and have been tweeking it ever since.

Figured I would post it for people to talk about way for CSM to be competitive, since there is very little of that going around tongue.png

Glad to see you're doing well with the list!

Thing is, and what has been done to death is talk is on making CSM 'competitive', and all those talks boil down to: Biker Lord, other character on bike, Bikes, cultist troops, heldrakes. which is the core of your army, so there is nothing new here smile.png

How did the maulerfiends perform for you? With only 2x AV 12 vehicles on the field T1, I cant imagine them doing too well.

My Maulers are actually pretty clutch for me most games, especially vs other Daemon armies and Serpent Spam. Serpent Spam has very little that can easily bring them down so it opens up a ton more for my Hounds/Bikers to make it close.

Also when I won the event I was only running a single drake at the the time. Dropping the Prince and adding a Sorcerer + 2nd Drake is what I ran in the recent tourney.

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My Maulers are actually pretty clutch for me most games, especially vs other Daemon armies and Serpent Spam. Serpent Spam has very little that can easily bring them down so it opens up a ton more for my Hounds/Bikers to make it close.


Also when I won the event I was only running a single drake at the the time. Dropping the Prince and adding a Sorcerer + 2nd Drake is what I ran in the recent tourney.

Unusual, I would have thought serpent spam would be a weakness for this army - no long range firepower to take them down meaning they can happily fire their shields every turn, and serpent shield gets 5-6 hits at S7 - enough to hurt the fiends, or ravage your scoring!


How did you beat them? Use the fiend's speed to run them down?

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My Maulers are actually pretty clutch for me most games, especially vs other Daemon armies and Serpent Spam. Serpent Spam has very little that can easily bring them down so it opens up a ton more for my Hounds/Bikers to make it close.


Also when I won the event I was only running a single drake at the the time. Dropping the Prince and adding a Sorcerer + 2nd Drake is what I ran in the recent tourney.

Unusual, I would have thought serpent spam would be a weakness for this army - no long range firepower to take them down meaning they can happily fire their shields every turn, and serpent shield gets 5-6 hits at S7 - enough to hurt the fiends, or ravage your scoring!


How did you beat them? Use the fiend's speed to run them down?


My last game in the RTT was against Serpent Spam (5 Serpents and 1 of the torrent flamer heavy) and basically I just charged them.

Bikes meltaguned one down, Maulerfiends killed two, and Heldrake vector strikes killed the last one. One of the Maulerfiends also chased down and killed a three man unit of Elder Jetbikers. They were really helpful vs him, very few games do they not leave their mark.


The Serpents shooting is all str6 and str7 so really he does not have a lot that can take them out with a single units worth of shooting. They need to dedicate two or three Serpents worth of shooting at one to realitically bring it down. They also struggle knowing that if my Dogs/Bikers/Maulers get to his line intact he will lose very quickly, so they tend to ignore my troops (I keep them in reserve every game anyhow).

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My last game in the RTT was against Serpent Spam (5 Serpents and 1 of

the torrent flamer heavy) and basically I just charged them.

Bikes meltaguned one down, Maulerfiends killed two, and Heldrake

vector strikes killed the last one. One of the Maulerfiends also chased

down and killed a three man unit of Elder Jetbikers. They were really

helpful vs him, very few games do they not leave their mark.

you went first?

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Yes, I won the roll and chose to go first,I rolled up Invisibility from Telepathy on my first roll and then rolled on Biomancy and got Endurance, so wanted to buff everything before he had a chance to go.

I almost always choose to go second, but this time with what I rolled and the person I was playing I decided to go first. 

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Awesome . Did he play 3 minimax dire 2 fire drugs 1 warrior inside the serpents ?


Dont remember. I just focused on popping them and then let the Drakes/Bikers finish them off.

At the end he had no scoring units and the only VP he got was for Linebreaker (the only point I had given up in my three games). I had two objectives, Linebreaker, First Blood, and Relic as the secondary.


He had a few that were min now that I think about it and two that were 10 man.


I have to admit, that when I am using Daemons as my primary my wins come much "easier" than with CSM as my primary, but there is something about people being shocked when I finish in one of the top spots with my CSM. 

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