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Bases for slaanesh


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I am currently working on a biker slaanesh army led by Doomrider, but the problem is I can not decide on how to base then.  I was thinking maybe a highway, but that to simple.  Then, I was thinking maybe a Daemon world cover in cocaine would be a good idea.  Another Idea was to base the army on a fleshy Daemon world, similar to the corpus brothers lore.  Thoughts, and thanks for reading.  


P.s. My color scheme is a quarter purple and white with gold trim, and ice blue for details.  

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I don't know if they make bike bases but since you are playing Slaanesh and they are the arch enemy of Eldar use some Micro Art Studios bases. They have some eldar looking bases that look pretty sweet.

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I've been doing mine on grey ash type so it won't distract from any colours.


This. I'm doing a similar base for my Angels of Ecstacy.


I try and use a color triad for the main details of the models (Emperor's children pink, bleached bone, and lothern blue) and a contrasting color for details I really want to stand out (in this case a custom mixed bright green) then I'll put them on a grey (any neutral color will work) base because it gives them more depth without distracting from the model itself.

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